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Prisoner 1291378

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Posts posted by Prisoner 1291378

  1. The future mom says that she doesn't just want support, she wants to be a family. She ABSOLUTELY wants to be in a relationship. And texts it often - along with ultrasound pics and little baby Buffalo Bills clothes and play toy pics. She is a Redskins fan but says she will change for the sake of a family. lol. She is unmarried in her early 30s. Her clock is out of control.


    B word be crazy. Start practicing your "Not the father" dance for when you go on Maury.



  2. 3 problems here:


    So, i'm the only guy in my neighborhood who parks his car in the garage, leaving my driveway as the only open driveway on the block.  Children have been riding their bikes and big wheels and stuff in my driveway without a problem till last week when one ran into my garage door, leaving black scuff marks.  What will get them off?  paint thinner?  soap and water? a powerwasher? 

    2)  i'm conflicted because i'd never allow my children to be so irresponsible in someone else's driveway.  why are some parents so stupid?

    3)  I didn't grow up in a neighborhood, but my wife did...  her excuse as to why i get so angry at these children is that i don't know what its like to be a kid in a neighborhood...  my answer is always no, i don't, however i do know that its not right to run over flowers and hit houses more than once (i.e. not accidentally)  and i also know its not right as a parent to encourage that behavior (i.e. drinking scotch all day and allowing your child to run the neighborhood freely).  She gets very angry at me.  Should i


    a)  ignore her

    b) argue back and clean the garage in spite of her, like right before she forces me to go grocery shopping?

    c) use my stud finder to locate empty space behind my kitchen drywall that she painted and take a hammer to it, then wonder in amazement why she's so pissed?


    1) The same stuff you use to remove the blood stains from the kid the next time he hits your garage will work.

    2) No parental supervision

    3) try a first, and if that doesn't work, then c

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