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Prisoner 1291378

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    Cell BLock C

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Probation (1/8)



  1. I am currently spending time in the gray walled hotel.
  2. I've been in the can so long, I don't remember my real name.
  3. There's actually only one mod, SDS. The rest are just all his alter egos on the board.
  4. I find the Cleveland "Browns" name highly offensive. If you make the Washington change their name to Washington Native Americans, then I hope you also make Cleveland change theirs to Cleveland Persons Of Color.
  5. Who says it needs to be a false fire alarm.
  6. B word be crazy. Start practicing your "Not the father" dance for when you go on Maury. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDZ4fjZq-H4
  7. That's like me. Except replace limousine with prisoner transport van.
  8. I had pudding instead of jello with lunch.
  9. got to get me a facebook account now if the Warden say it okay
  10. Shut up or I'll knife you.
  11. I can't make it to the games, that's why I don't have season tickets.
  12. I won't be able to make the game.
  13. 1) The same stuff you use to remove the blood stains from the kid the next time he hits your garage will work. 2) No parental supervision 3) try a first, and if that doesn't work, then c
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