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Everything posted by BringMetheHeadofLeonLett

  1. Why is it always the guy who has to go to jail over the dumpster sex? I just hope he was wearing a relatively new condom.
  2. Wow! You must be important. So, is this thread about decent places to take the wife out to dinner, or places to watch a football game? Sorry, my pea-brain is easily confused, though certainly intrested.
  3. Yeah, Jacksonville. At least Raiders fans give a damn.
  4. Tim Gram. I have a question. It's kind of embarassing to admit, but... I have dish-pan hands. What's your secret?? Oh, and if you wouldn't mind, while you're putting through the Coles request, could you ask around for any classic car collectors at OBD who'd like to invest in a fantastic opportunity. See, I've found this beautiful E-type roadster(it's pristine), and I'm just a bit short of up-front funds. What I propose is for someone to invest 80% of the initial cost in our 50-50 split, and I'll take care of the difficult stuff, like garaging, maintaining the vehicle, and taking it out for drives... daily. In twenty years it'll be worth a fortune! Thank you in advance.
  5. Looking back on the history of the NFL and its championship teams, and the history of the Buffalo Bills and its fans, I have a couple thoughts related to the topic. IMO, Bills fans, and I am a huge one, are so scarred by those Super Bowls that we can never accept anything less than a bullet-proof team. NE was a bullet-proof team last year... Another trait most of us share is an obsession with the offensive line, thanks to those Dallas games. I realize we need a very good O-line to make it where we want to go, but historically having the world's best O-line is only a key to success, not THE key. I think we ran into the best O-line possibly ever assembled, and have let that come to dominate the way we think about football. Talented, fundamentally sound teams create the 'luck' that wins games, and ultimately championships. Yeah, it's a crapshoot among the teams at the top, and that's what keeps the game exciting.
  6. That safety was huge. If we'd punted and the defense held them to a 3, like they did after the safety, we'd have only been down 7. I'm sure our final drive would've looked a lot different. Royal's fumble may have cost himself his QB's confidence and a future roster spot, but it didn't really cost us the game. To me, the phins look a lot like us last year. They're scrappy and scheming ways to stay in games- to mask a lack of overall talent. One key difference, we had a QB on which to build a future, they do not. Speaking of our QB- I wasn't in his shoes, but it seems the constant 6 DB formations froze him. I would imagine it looked like a hornet's nest while he was looking for a receiver downfield. I'm sure he'll be seeing a lot of similar formations in practice & will get more comfortable with that look. Our quick-hit passes looked amateurish next to the carps'. This is not the first time I thought Copeland Bryan & Brian Scott looked solid. As for the offensive line- with 6 DB's out there, I'd hope our line would be able to pass block. True, Peters got beat on the safety, but what the hell was the 50 million dollar man looking at? Shtt, Porter even ran into him and he did nothing. Was Dock out 'til 4 getting hammered last night? He stood out throughout the game- not in a good way. So I've got a billion more thoughts to add to a very good post by R.Rich, but I'll cut it off. p.s. If you don't see me post on these boards again, give my thanks to Derrick Dockery. I was so pumped on the Bills in this game that I guided a fresh-off-the-boat Sicillian man I know into throwing a shttload of cash on the Bills this week. Thanks, Dock!
  7. I like the opening line of the article. Does this Jay Glazer guy actually think Gonzales ever gave him a single thought??? Some people and their egos are totally out of whack.
  8. They looked pretty close to markers. Nice call, that cracked me up. Anyone catch if those were their throwbacks?
  9. I just noticed this, god I smell sexy!
  10. I dunno, those games were always 16-9, and the outcome was a 50/50 proposition. Now if the Jets'd bring back Richard Todd, I'd be all for it!
  11. Maybe with all that time off, we'll get a new reality show out of it. 'Fishing with Deion', anyone? He needs to get cut.
  12. I only cought a few minutes of the game last night and may have missed the announcement. Were those the Browns throwback uni's- the player's # on the side of the helmet? Also, if the Ravens ever sport throwbacks, do they wear the Browns or the Colts duds? Thanks
  13. Awwww Snookums... didn't anyone tell you? The game of 'pin the tail on the donkey' was over YEARS ago. Edit: I removed a somewhat warranted gold star reference to replace it with an actual, possibly constructive, non-rote thought. Though I do personally believe Clinton should shoulder some of the blame(sub-prime lending practices began during his tenure TTBOMK), there is no way - even a person in the dark 20 hours a day - can look past the deregulation of our financial industries as a major impetus. Corruption and abuse fueled by a lack of oversight are, I can see no way around it, the primary causes of this mess. Too bad we didn't privatize Social Security while the markets were HOT!
  14. would you consider yourself more 'red brick' or 'maple delight'?
  15. time in the huddle? i'm not that attentive, what've you seen?
  16. Hehehe, Evans is getting 23 plus a catch... wonder if Al Davis would give up a 3rd for him... we might still be able to get some value...
  17. Boy's got an arm- not worried in the least. I am a bit concerned with some of the play calling re: the formations they use, esp Reed's placement. The last couple years I blew off the pre-season formations thinking 'naah, they won't use that in the reg season'... and then they do... When Reed cozies up to the line, it's a run... if he's off a foot or 2... Drivin' me nuts to look at... please tell me Schonert's not waiting to unleash a pass play with Reed off the te's shoulder in week 14
  18. Oh, man- Kurt Warner is 80% of Dave Kreig... and Kreig was a wee short of divinity. Kreig could've won a championship... Warner did- beyond that, neither of their names should be in the same sentence with 'lore'. While we're on the subject, how 'bout that Eric Hipple???!
  19. ... and somewhere in a parallel universe, I listened to Deep End Live last night for the first time in, oh, I don't know, 13 years. The live solo version of I Am One is soooo incredibly powerful... Sooner or Later, too. Cheers
  20. Last time I saw, some people consider themselves professionals at what they do. Of course, we don't all carry guns at work.
  21. Oh my... that scene! First time I saw it, I was ready to yakque... second time I died laughing ... do you shee the beasht mish moneypenny... do you have him in your shights? I'll add: Paint Your Wagon - c'mon, Lee Marvin & Clint Eastwood singing duets. Now that's comedy. and it was good, too! Pirates- polanski... I know, I know... Matthau was awesome, & what a friggin' ship
  22. Drive-by Bills fan here... offering random thoughts/possible misperceptions... hope you can piece it together & some of it is helpful It sounds important to you that your daughter have the opportunity to bond with her cousin & yet didn't mention the importance of your own relationship with your sister. Sounds like you're from a small family & trying to forge what bonds you can... totally cool and good luck with that. Personally, I have siblings & cousins I adore, and siblings & cousins I'm less tight with... cue 'That's life' on the jukebox Cold people suck... literally Many of the more successful people I know bury themselves in their pursuits to mask a lack of reasonable fulfillment in thier personal lives Many of the less successful people I know need to get their chit together and realize they're even more worthwhile than they've underestimated some of us belong where we are... and of course, success has very little to do with income, so give that up, please Is it possible your sis and her husband adopted to help resuscitate a failing relationship? Is it possible that she needs help/advice from someone she trusts? Could it be your time to step up to bat? F that she's older... 38 is an age where you're old enough(actually ancient enough) to know some things... (I'm ancient too)... While you may be her younger brother, you did let her become a yuppie... now what're you gonna do about it?!!! Seriously, good luck & at the very least I hope you can help facilitate the cousins becoming buds... methinks you're gonna have to man-up and tell your sis to go F herself at some point in order to make that happen, though. Cat
  23. Fair enough, packer fan. you got to ask your question. now tell me. name me a Leon Lett moment
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