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Everything posted by BringMetheHeadofLeonLett

  1. Why did I just read that post in Irish?
  2. Get a female dauxhund. Cross it with a Malamute and I'd buy one of those. Don't forget the pound dogs- they're usually the coolest.
  3. If Buddy Rich were a farmer... let alone the beloved Neil Peart- What would they do with this song?
  4. Crap! Now I'm having fantasies about Kristy McNichol again.
  5. That game made me a Bills fan for life. Drat you Joe Ferguson and your ballsy performance! :shakesfist:
  6. To be fair, they did have several years of technology on their side. If UWP hadn't disbanded before the '90 season, who knows what they could have pulled off. Oh man, if Up With People could have flown... or shot fireballs out of various orifices, or both, that could've been the greatest halftime show ever! Thanks for the blast from the past- let the nightmares begin!
  7. Keith Moon. His fills were all over the place but totally sublime(when your ear could keep up). No doubt he lacked structure, but he always made it back in time to keep that band driving hard. For me it's about as close between Moon and the rest as it is between the Bills and the rest of the NFL.
  8. I don't know if they were overrated or just got in over their heads, but I'd have to say- even by Super Bowl standards- The Mighty Bombjacks were a pretty weak act: I mean, it's the biggest game of the year for cryin' out loud.
  9. This last week, on my way to work, I almost made someone flip their car. That was kind of freaky. Some guy in a gigantic, somewhat battered, 80's Oldsmobile was weaving traffic and being a general jackass. I was in the fast lane and spotted him barreling down on me. When he started tailgating, I did a quick hit on the brakes to get him to back off. Instead of backing off, or continuing to tailgate, he decides to swerve- hard. We were probably doing about 75, going down a pretty steep, curvy stretch of the freeway. His car had absolutely no firmness in the suspension, and I could see the right(uphill) side of his car lifting off the pavement (as he was cutting directly across 3 lanes of traffic). He was able to pull left and regain control without hitting anyone- thank god. About 30 seconds later he caught up to me again and I looked over. He didn't notice I existed, as he was busy yelling at somebody on his cel phone. He got through some nearby traffic and continued wobbling around the various lanes, off to whatever hell he was off to. I think I'll stick to spraying tailgaters with my windshield washers in the future- it's usually good for a laugh if they've got their windows down.
  10. Perhaps they can rename themselves the Los Angeles Angels of San Francisco while they're up in the bay area- to make your decision easier. Heck, they used to just call themselves the California Angels so any wanker in the state could adopt them... Anyway, I applaud your willingness to dump the Halos, though. I'm living in SF and have always had a great time at the Giants games. I even cheer 'em on for the most part, but I'll ALWAYS be a Dodgers fan. (I moved here the day the Giants lost the World Series to the LAAoA, btw- SF was a little less gay on that day.) On the original topic, I don't think it's right to switch teams- with a few exceptions: Your team moves, You're an Angels fan who's finally seen the light, heheheh, or you move on from a team that labels itself 'America's Team'. I don't know if the Braves still call themself America's Team, but I know they used to, so I don't see anything wrong with switching from the Braves to the Phillies BUT, imo, your friend has used up his one technicality bandwagon jump, and is stuck with the Phils no matter how bad they suck, or even if he moves to some foreign land. .02
  11. Oh my. Are you claiming to be a member of the Bills organization? If so, has it crossed your mind that your advocacy of Mr. Mexico might be better directed at someone like, uh, Russ Brandon? Yes, I would love to see Michael Vick at the Ralph, btw... in pink and teal.
  12. dolphins fan? I hope JP Losman does well in this league.
  13. It's not like they've never brought in another prospect before.
  14. 'F-Bomb'. Nice! I'm tossing out 'Squirt-Gun', in honor of headmaster Dick and our big fellers up front.
  15. I hear ya. I'm still kinda miffed they stole Herb Alpert's thunder, too. Someone mentioned the Screaming Trees- they were probably my favorite of the pop grunge bands. If anyone's interested in catching some genuine, Raineer Beer soaked, grunge, Mudhoney is still alive and doing DANG well. I cought 'em a few months ago and they were 100% fantastic. I don't think they ever sold a drop of their soul- and they still strut their stuff, beautifugly. Hey, while we're mixing genres, anyone know the Brian Jonestown Massacre?
  16. Well, I meant old !@#$s with nothing if not respect... stones fan. It is a gru(ndg)e thread, afterall. The hippie music thread is down the hall, to the left.
  17. Well, it's pretty obvious this guy doesn't know what he's talking about... as Pearl Jam IS the defenition of grunge. ... Good call on tad and mudhoney,btw- those are the two bands that actually drove that entire movement- and they were SWEET. No offense intended to the old !@#$s, but where in the title of this thread did you see an invitation to argue about the rolling stones?
  18. Mudhoney. I was living in the NW when it exploded. Beyond a doubt, Mudhoney is as close to the base of that whole movement as you can get. Check out Superfuzz Bigmuff sometime. It's dang good rock by any standard, and it gave rise to the more 'radio-friendly' Nirvanas and Soungardens of the world. Speaking of underrated guitarists, Steve Turner definitely deserves a huge nod.
  19. I've seen him live a couple times. He's an absolute monster once he gets into the meat of his shows. Don't know if anyone's mentioned Leo Kottke. I got to see him about 10 years ago and hew was absofrickinlutely amazing. A few others who I don't think get their due credit: Lee Ronaldo from Sonic Youth. Thurston gets the attention, but Lee's THE MAN! Pete Townshend always gets written of as a power chord junkie. I think he had way more variety than he gets credit for. I saw The Reverend Horton Heat get a mention, and yup, that guy is wicked good on his geetar. Fantastic live show.
  20. ... those who can't do, or teach, become business majors.
  21. On Levy: He was brought in to settle a shaken franchise and fan-base. He did his job, very well. I don't get the beef with Levy. We were on the verge of mutiny when Donahoe was in charge. Hate Marv for bringing some stability to what was a franchise in a hard spiral? I like sub-mediocrity as much as anyone else, but we were all at this organization's throat. Plus, who'll ever forget Nall-ball?
  22. Jauron's a middling coach... and NO!, I don't want him. We're stuck, though... and as suck, I've got no choice but to give him another year(gag). Maybe, by the grace of some god more powerful than Ra, he can pull his game-day out of his bee-hind. I think he's a good theoretician- on defense. I have no idea how someone can be so unable to make a game-plan on defense, and not, at the same time, be able to find a way to exploit that defense with, at the very least, your own offense. I guess I just don't understand how a defensive coach can be so clueless about tipping his offensive hand to other defensive coaches. No. I'm pretty cool with not having Martyball coach the Bills, ever... and yes, I'd give most anything to get away from the mighty-mite defense. The one thing I'll say, beyond the fact that we're stuck in cover-2 hell, is that as other teams move away from the Tampa-2, we'll get a better variety of talent available to us to run it. I'll go point by point in my next life.
  23. I wanted him gone at the end of last year. 2006- How the hell did we finish 7-9? The talent on that team should have never won more than five games. It was a massively impressive job by the coaches... though at the time, despite some seriously good defensive game planning, I was hoping the offensive calls and formations were a result of a temporarily protective coaching staff- not based on the philosophy/history of the coaches, but in response to how we took a major shift with the roster. 2007- They over-performed in '06. I didn't expect a lot. I was amazed when we beat the vaunted Cowboys. I was even more un-amazed when we figured out how to lose that game. That's the Bills, right? No, it ain't. I've had the privelege of watching this team fight with a messed-up Joe Ferguson, and lose in the playoffs. That was the ballsiest performance, ever, by a quarterback- and I don't even consider the outcome of that game to tarnish anything on his performance. I've seen them pull off the impossible with Frank Reich... and I got to watch THAT donkeys game. This isn't terminal... The Bills being able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory is a fluke that happens in sports. 2008- For the first time since the pre-Bledsoe days (never liked him as a quarterback), I did expect a lot from this team. Those fourth quarter comebacks at the beginning of the year were sweet. Still though, there were the same signs of an unimaginitive offense from two years before. Josh Reed goes in motion, and if he resolves as essentially a tight end, it's a run. I get that you want your best blockers to be in a position to block for a run play, but no need to be blatently obvious about it. We sign Tinoisamoa and get a DT that comes through... this coaching staff has no excuses in my book.
  24. I liked Gaines a lot. ... kinda on par with Bryan Scott, though I'd take Scott over Gaines. I'd hate to see Schouman be the odd man out, though. He can play in the NFL, and damn, that Boise State season was a rush. That kind of heart has got to be worth something.
  25. Ya know... I looked at the title and scratched my head, but you've got a legitimate question. Though it may be better asked a few weeks down the road.
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