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Everything posted by BringMetheHeadofLeonLett

  1. And this is the mark of a true Bills fan! ... has a better ring to it than 'a near win', though. ) Which brings me to.... why is there no retreat facility for us Bills fans? Some kind of place where we can go to get our heads screwed on straight for a bit, at least during the season
  2. .... sometimes it's just not possible to get a 34" dishwasher out of a 33" hole. *% previous owners floored the thing in! Thankfully we're replacing the counter-tops sometime soon, so I'll get it, but got so close and wasted a bunch of Saturday on this.
  3. Alright all right, I'm getting some maybe deserved grief for my post, haha. Life-long Dodgers fan here, and just thrilled to see them in the Series again. I really do wish it were the Yankees from the AL.... need to start evening up that WS record sometime. ) But seriously, folks... I don't know how much NL ball y'all pay attention to, but the Dodgers farm is in full boner mode, and they're looking like they smartly (finally) augment what they can't grow at will. This is gonna be a tough team for a loooong time.
  4. How cute, a bunch of new Astros fans. Good luck with that- Astros are good, dang good, but we're looking at the start of the Dodgers for the next decade+.
  5. Turn on your heart light GB, let it shine wherever you go
  6. Shiiii.. I'd take Hundley as a fall-back in a heartbeat. And the Pack had Don 'The Magic Man' Majkowski before Farvever. And what's this Brady Jr. Garbage- Rodgers is a timeless NFL QB, Brady is a product.
  7. I heard someone was looking for some new Tom Petty music 'round here
  8. So he ripped off Roger McGuinn, and wasn't the Beatles. He also couldn't deliver the payload of a B-17 from 24,000 feet. I also remember a previous post where you were certain Keith Moon had to have over-dubbed his drumming during live performances because he couldn't have done it that well, lol. What a ball of delight!
  9. Mojo is Everywhere!
  10. I have a sort of not ripping on Tom Petty story if you like... My oldest sis married one of the formulative heroes of early FM radio. He was program director/DJ of several of the biggest radio stations in the country and was brought in to help MTV during its early days. As it worked out, he, from what I understand, gave Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers their first radio launch. He's since passed away, but he and Petty became friends. TP would send him all the silver/gold/platinum record plaques as they got them. I've seen them... pretty cool haha. So here's the funny and sweet part with my sis. When she was dating Thom, her soon to be husband, they went to a Tom Petty after-party, and when her Thom introduced her to Petty for the first time TP said, 'I just want to say this... before I get drunk, and it doesn't mean anything, that you are a VERY beautiful woman'. She was, no doubt, and she tells the story with a very sweet aknowledgement of who Tom Petty is and was. It was the 'before I get drunk...' part that really makes the story haha. I never got to meet him personally, but my gut, and my sis, says he was a very genuine individual, who happened to have a very deep talent for expressing feelings that maybe we don't even recognize, but really do exist. The world is a better place for having had Tom Petty in it.
  11. Throw in Leslie Frazier and we have Les Moonves, AFC on CBS architect. Coincidence?
  12. The most sage advice I've ever read: Don't wrap Yo-Yo string around neck.
  13. Well he must've been quite the charming thief, as the last time I saw Tom Petty he had Roger McGuinn play with him. It was absolutely fantastic.
  14. Coordinate with an editor from the upcoming opponents to swap 'Our Take' type stories in each others' papers. For example, publish a Cincy beat-writer's take on the Bills in the BN, and agree to have a BN writer's take on the 'Gals published in the Cincy paper.
  15. Marjoram is a great add to the sauce. 60/40 non-smoked provalone to fresh mozzarella gives a great consistency. Get a good quality pepperoni sliced hair-thin which crisps up beautifully if you like meats... gotta use a lot if it's thin. Given my own druthers, I'd just make half cheese and half hairline-sliced white onion, but gotta please the clan so the toppings vary. I have a soft spot for Appian Way box-o-pizza. The stuff's good if you play with the sauce, btw.
  16. No Bucket T for Daltron this week, they'll be needing the Magic Bus to haul him off so Doctor Jimmy can clear out the Cobwebs and Strange.
  17. I seriously hope not. That Bears team was the luckiest team in the history of sports... until they got absolutely demolished in their first playoff game.
  18. Not only did we beat an NFC team, we also reached half of our season win total in the first 4 weeks! I just don't know if the rest of the games are worth watching.
  19. I don't know the exact dates, but I'd roll with the smaller charging buffalo circa '74-'78. The standing buffalo would be my ultimate choice though... if the colors were muted about 28%.
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