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Everything posted by BringMetheHeadofLeonLett

  1. Lost my Pop in October. It's only vaguely starting to become a part of 'normal life' at this point. We adapt. As we need to. My heart goes out to you and all of your family.
  2. Happy New Year's you beautiful bastards. Here's to a solid, and maybe occasionally fantastic 2023 for us all
  3. I know 2004, but being not terrible can give ya fever:
  4. 1989. Most of this genre sucks IMHO, but this doesn't
  5. Not even their best *****... but who cares, it'll kill anything post 2010
  6. Goodnight my sweet drunken princess, Dolores Mary Eileen O'Riordan
  7. God I miss the 90's. For a brief, shining moment, there was too much creative, ***** fantastic, music flooding the airwaves for corporate entities to catch up, commodify and rip off. Apparently these tiny windows of actual celebration of us not being terrible creatures who need our creativity monetized and destroyed only happen once every 30 years. But they do exist. Keep the Faith
  8. Hmmmm. Somebody try tell me what is not wrong with Polish music: best I can tell they are VERY high-strung with war at their gate.
  9. A little extra Christmas prayer from Ireland.
  10. Making Peposo, caesar, polenta, and tomato mascarpone soup for Christmas Eve dinner... and I think it's going to be delicious! Saluti!!
  11. You probably know this band, but listening to vovoid, I couldn't help but post these guys second best album. Frickin brilliant live
  12. That's a charming song. And other music
  13. This one will probably never get broken- it took the New Orleans Saints 21 years to record their first winning season.
  14. I'm not a fan of a security camera society, so I won't get one personally, BUT when we were having an issue with some kind of rodent trying to claw its way into our house, above the front porch, I got a couple sonic rodent things. One is plugged into the porch outlet, and has a blue ring light that looks identical to one of the cameras. Chick's happy we got some camera looking device out front, and the rodent went away. Whether you go with the camera or not, a well-positioned sprinkler setup and a remote control can provide hours of entertainment.
  15. Is it safe to assume the 't' in your screen name stands for Kessler?
  16. That's no dance scene. You find me a better dance-scene intersection of questioning lust, old-world power, wanton abandonment, fabulous moves, French, and excellent hat etiquette... and then we'll talk.
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