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Everything posted by BringMetheHeadofLeonLett

  1. It's kinda fun to watch him get it- I'll call it music of sorts.
  2. That's quite an expected way for you to misunderstand how to use technology, and basically everything.
  3. Basic eggs were $2 a dozen a few weeks ago - $8 a dozen now. Gas is up 10% from a week ago. The bread we get is $7.29 a loaf now, up from $5.99 a month ago, up from $4.99 3 years ago. Not pooping you, deli sliced pepperoni, decent salami's bastard cousin, is nearly double what it was a few months ago. Orange juice is another standout - the Kroger basic OJ that was $1.59 is now, very recently, $4.29??? How do you make that jump????? And the better house-brand OJ that was $2.59 is now $4.79 with no hope of going on sale. We had a period of inflation because the federal government tried to keep ALL citizens in some form of decent survivability through the most terrifying disease period in over a century but, what is this? Agenda or incompetence is all I got on this one.
  4. I know man. I want my country to be striving towards decency again. But unfortunately grandma's basement-dwelling 'gamers' get a vote by birthright... Bundy.
  5. Oh I know history, as it happened, and apparently as that little brain cell just ain't working for you. Of course the right-wing blamed Clinton for 'not preparing our country against 'these kinds of terrorist attacks' ' But I remember Clinton warning us that our biggest threat would be terrorism in his final address to the Nation. Don't get me wrong, I am not a Bill Clinton fan- he was a shuckster, and was for sale. But that's the thing, Donald Trump is literally the 'Golden Calf'... he's not just for sale, he's the epitome of a human *****- in every worst sense. He mocks every single human being who is religious, with every ounce of his being, yet religious people can't help but pray at his church of gilt. It's ***** insanity. That idiot's flock are on the wrong side of history, and may a true and kind God fling every one of their greedy souls into a pit worse than hell.
  6. What does this even ***** mean - just stuff to say?? C'mon AL, get that brain cell a'stirrin for an original thought. I'd say I believe in you, but I really don't.
  7. Yes, much like 911 was really Bill Clinton's fault... 9 months after he left office. In the grand scheme of humanity, it's really not my problem what ######ed people think, but now it's becoming my problem.
  8. Yup, those are the 'official' statistics. Apparently it's only 1 in 450, so I must just be lucky because I know a VA counselor getting asked to leave after 7 years on his post as a Mental Health counselor. His parents are both vets and he went to school and decided to dedicate himself to working with veterans. You have no idea what you're talking about.
  9. Portland now, though i've lived in various places, and I promise you those are actual prices at the local Kroger owned chain as of yesterday - note the pepperoni, I was talking about the deli counter, not the bag o'liquid with meat floating around in it. Sooooo, it sounds like Orlando is doing just fine... no $8.00 a dozen eggs for you at Sam's Club. Of course I don't believe this magical Orlando isn't getting squeezed too. Nothing is getting brutally more expensive in your world?
  10. Pepperoni 13 bucks a pound, corned frickin beef 17.50 - corned frickin beef, NOT filet mignon Mediocre local whole bean coffee 16.99 for 12 oz - the exact same coffee was 11.99 a month ago What do we have, coffee and corned beef flus running rampant now too??? There were a crapton of examples- that's just a tiny sampling from a local common-folksy Kroger affiliate... not even a hoity-toity type store.
  11. 8 bucks a dozen... for the cheap eggs. Went to the grocery store and commented to my gal that most stuff went up 30%... from a week ago!!! Thanks Obama
  12. Again, hoping this'll play as an ongoing setlist, this is possibly my favorite songwriter of all time- well, up there anyway. )
  13. If our world is going to rediscover its decency, this song is always the soundtrack for it. Buffalo Springfield is waaaay more than that song though- brutal talents- hoping this will play the rest of the album:
  14. For the longest time, and maybe still, this has been my favorite Beatles song. I've had it on some bootleg album for forever, and always thought it never made a studio album haha - Apparently it was on Yellow Submarine. The Who and The Kinks immediately kicked the ever-loving out of Beatles songs to me, so I never even much bothered listening to them more than was avoidable on radio, but I've always loved this song as a huge standout. Do you know any more?
  15. Missing Steinbrenner vs. Martin Wishing you and yours a crappy-ass season, Go Dodgers. )
  16. Up yours and your video. - where did JDHill and his Bullhonkey go?? You guys absolutely fall apart when you get challenged with anything.
  17. Awww pookie got too shy to post their wittle wangie wesponswie Maybe mommy can soothe thawt nice delete JDHill
  18. Yeah, it's you. For however brilliant you think you are, one of my best friends is a lot like you, so I have about 20 years of knowing your personality type, while you've got nothing on me. Dumbass hahaha
  19. What is your psycho point? Nothing about what you're saying sounds like you give a ***** if anyone on this planet lives.
  20. Can't tell you what it's like to be a human... sorry,Pooky, It's just something you'll never know. But best wishes replicating whatever bull#### you think you're up to. ) I think it's hopeless, but thanks!!!
  21. I didn't start a 'Batshit Crazy People who also happen to be a fan of The Allen Parsons Project' thread No, what I started is, 'you're a Mutha*****ing Idiot, JDHillfan thread
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