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Everything posted by BringMetheHeadofLeonLett

  1. Help me make some sense of this decade Most everything involved a fist-fight or trucker with CB's Junkyard black men, white old-guys with certain chairs, glam-rock, the gaddamn eagles, Blondie, REO Speedwagon MASH, Barnaby Jones, cocaine, pot, quaaludes, bell-bottoms, chest-hair and gold chains, Supertramp, Chico and the Man, The Rockford Files, Camaros with 86 HP the oil crunch, gas lines, Billy Beer, the ayatollah khomeini The Clash. The Sex Pistols, The Jam. Turtle-neck sweaters and platform shoes. I was born in '71. I was just an innocent kid.
  2. https://www.sfgate.com/sf-culture/article/grateful-dead-and-company-reunion-las-vegas-18639989.php
  3. And meanwhile, on the complete opposite end of the cool spectrum... loved these guys- some of the funnest live shows:
  4. Fire his ass. I've seen enough. I was basically sober at the end of the game, and wasn't even a bit surprised... and hardly even pissed off- that's why I know he needs to go- I should never feel that way at the end of a loss like this one. Get him outta here.
  5. Eat my ass. Bills are going to the Super Bowl.
  6. Good stuff. Good stuff. More Donkeyhooves and less BFGoordich Radial T/A's in this one:
  7. Betcha this isn't in the entire 387,004 pages of this thread. Not sure that means anything- just pointing it out
  8. Well Good Birthday to you! Just, *****in, love life as best you find it and maybe resemble specialness as you go about it... but not arrogance
  9. I used to ship things with pride but not anymore the UK actually despite sub-normal dental care and such, very sweet music:
  10. I mean, I guess it's a win, but when your closest rivals are Meatball Ron and Nikki Sixx, I think it'd be safe to assume a better margin of victory.
  11. We were better than them- still are, but the difference between 21-0 and 14-7 is something pretty minute. That said, Tomlin looks like Grady from, Sanford and Son'.
  12. The more I see NBC/Peacock's ads about this 'exciting new experience to see the first playoff game on Peacock' the more it pisses me off. Screw NBC for trying to advertise to us we should be excited to have a playoff game robbed off the airways. They won with me over the Bills-Phins game- never again.
  13. All this 'final 5 minutes of the half' time garbage was added so they could run more clock, cram in more commercials, and still keep a game around 3 hours. Don't care if I 'should' know the rules, they suck and are artificial to the game. What exactly is more important during those final 5 minutes than in all the prep work leading up to those 5 minutes? Maybe we should just have 2 five minute halves, since that's when the really important stuff happens.
  14. My favorite song ever! ... except for the other 283,000 favorite songs of mine... including at least 7 T.Rex songs. This *****'s great- I mean how did we get so lucky to live on a planet and have musicians make this crazy amazing music for us to listen to. You, Frank from Buffalo, are truly a blessed being tonight. Go Bills!
  15. Sure ya did, you were a Darryl Strawberry fan... and you liked it.
  16. Not my PPP opinion, I feckong hate the concept of social media apps in all their forms. Worthless agros will be worthless agros, and insecure types will become more insecure. Live life, pick flowers, drink beers, do lines off of Gugny's butt-crack if you must, but please keep your child and child-mind off the never-ending high-school pop-up-collar that is social media.
  17. That's just scheduling. Every game for forever has had full broadcast crews already. They're already making hugely more $$$ just by offering games beyond Sundays and Monday nights. They'll make fans pay for every single game, and cram in the same million commercials, as soon as they can wean us into it. Shoot, they already have some of us believing SB commercials are part of the entertainment
  18. But who are we gonna bounce our touchdowns off of?
  19. I want to curse 'Cat's in the Cradle' as the saddest song ever made, and it's not even close, imho. I didn't necessarily live that song word for word, but I think we all get to regret letting the people we care so much about down sometimes. That song's just brutal- thanks for the topic.
  20. Loved listening to Eddie Arnold while having margaritas and duking it out with my Pop at 2AM over a scrabble game. Sucks it all has to end at some point.
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