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Everything posted by BringMetheHeadofLeonLett

  1. 2/3 through "The Gentlemen" Great show/series- gonna be bummed when we finish it. It's Guy Ritchie, and it's a bit of a nostalgic indulgence for him, but still very fun and (mostly) original(ish) terrain. Vinnie Jones is fantastic, again. Signature over-the-top cool with top-notch acting, cinematography, directing, editing vision, sets, soundtrack, mixing, etc. Great interplay between the shot angles and the editing- very well thought out. I can't think of a way to not recommend the show... other than not for kiddos and the more easily offended.
  2. A sliced ear is a joyride next to driving in the state of Washington. I have no idea how there's anyone left alive in that state.
  3. Best news I had all day!! Just got back in the US... flight's delayed, and we have an extra hour for beverages- BOOM! )
  4. This recording doesn't do the live experience justice, and I saw this trio on another night with 5,000 of my closest friends at Yosemite (imagine that scene!), but when all is said and done it has to be the greatest night of music I've ever experienced. Stanley Clarke was just magical- they all were, but the *****-eating grin on Clarke's face through the entire show was just a reflection of how good he knew it was. (Edit- don't watch this video, skip to the link below) Not a rock supergroup, but it's a supergroup alright. After the show, as we were all walking out, a guy in front of us said to his friends, "You know what's sad... it's that... we'll never see anything like this ever again." I heard him, I got it, and he was dead on- astounding, stupefying show. The kind of thing that reminds you of how incomprehensibly great we can be when we just do things right. Nevermind- I found the show! That's Dallas Dobro announcing at the beginning. This is the show I saw!!!!!! https://archive.org/details/trio-fleck-clarke-ponty-2005-strawberry-music-fest-hrr/01+South.flac
  5. Wait, don't slit your wrists just yet...
  6. it's about time someone censored those 1982 MTV music videos. Thank you Youtube.
  7. Vote Ringo and vote often. )
  8. Hogan's Heroes, I believe. So I was working at a Fox affiliate, when I think the show you're referencing (Maude?) came out. That 70's Show was easily the best show the network was about to put on the air in 1998(?). Another show they had us... focus group... was called, 'Fox Files'. You'll never guess this, but the name of the show had already been claimed by a porn company. For those of you loyal 'Fox Files' devotees, I'm sorry, but that's how the show met its untimely end. Wonderful Show, Beautiful show. But it's not a show any more.
  9. Without a question, yes. And I have too. BUT, I doubt either of us have put ourselves into a position where we've claimed to be the spokespersons for a movement or generation. I don't know about you, but I still have time.
  10. It'll take 16 months to digest this post. but thank you for stating the way you see it... and I totally see a *****-ton of what you're saying. I have a bit of a different take on where the 70's came from - I think a lot of the kids in the 70's had dads that fought in D-day, Rabaul and Korea,,, and their kids weren't going to be pussies. The whole decade was looking for a fistfight as far as I can remember.
  11. *m#s+ur%@+!0\
  12. The first time I heard a Who song in an ad I probably cried- I couldn't believe the band that'd led me through the minefields of feckin brilliant rebellion, angst, underage *****, teenage despair and ultimately triumph, could sell their souls to an ad campaign. It still disappoints me, and however numb we may get to all of it, and to all of these artists, it should disappoint you too.
  13. I've had to go through both of my parents dying now. It is still brutal, and it's a mix of wanting to do everything you can for them, and also accepting the inevitability of life. I have no idea what your mom is going through, but the one thing I learned with my Mom, and I wished I'd known a few weeks earlier, is to ask her doctors if there were any experimental treatments. Probably totally different circumstances. In my mother's case she had a brain lymphoma, which honestly could've (possibly) been treatable if they'd gotten her on Keytruda soon enough, but there were so many delays in starting treatment it was maddening. Keytruda was an unapproved/experimental treatment at the time, but had I even known it was an option- I would've liked to have known it was a possible treatment. That was my circumstance, and I may have lost my beautiful Mom a bit earlier due to just not knowing to ask about potential/experimental treatments. It's not my fault, because we all die, but if I can be of any help, let me know.
  14. This is one of my first albums- bad, front to back And then there was this-
  15. Somewhere in the early 90's I was doing riders for bands at a music festival. Usually it was a case of a particular beer, a couple bottles of a particular tequila... stuff like that... My favorite rider ever was Arlo Guthrie. I'd guess he was mid-50's at the time and wanted, ' A pint of genuine half and half.' That was it. I made sure to get him the finest pint of half-n-half I could possibly get my hands on. )
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