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Everything posted by BringMetheHeadofLeonLett

  1. Someone unlikely to get assassinated by their running-mate is generally higher on the list of other candidates. Trump has to be the only non-liberal who wanted to 'hang Mike Pence'. Bunch of clowns.
  2. I'n going with Trump-Un, Trump-Orban or Putin-Trump as the likely 2024 Republican election tickets.
  3. Trump's gonna bleed the RNC dry- it's his own kitty money now, And eventually the rest of the candidates are going to rebel. The Republican Party is absolutely ***** from every angle in the coming elections.
  4. It's the same idiots who chant USA USA at any international sporting event. Act like you've been there before, you bloated sacks of protoplasm.
  5. Trying to say, but it couldn't because even the sentence knew it was bull####. I really hate that the most pro-Russia, USA hating bastards have absconded with the Gadsden flag.
  6. Nice spot on the Media Composer reference . )
  7. whoa, so you're telling me I won't even have to remember if my grocery store club app is on the third right swipe, or is it the 4th?? .. what a powerful powerful feature. ) In case I didn't mention it, I couldn't care less about the Apple/Android fight- II just want things that function... except for British cars... they don't have to function, they just have to be. *A note to our British friends, I truly do love the optimism of a people who live in one of the wettest countries on the planet, yet have made more convertibles per capita than any other nation, relentlessly, and in good times and in bad. I currently own a gem off your production lines and, allah willing, will own more of your lovely cars before I am done. **British electrical systems are significantly better than Bosch IMHO
  8. I think the exact quote from people 25 years ago was, "The crap don't work anyhow, and my doctor can't help me get rid of these kind of viruses." *****, Microsoft hadn't even blessed the world with Windows Vista at that point. Everyone was running for cover and trying to discover the 'wonders' of running XP at home. meanwhile those of us on the evil Macintosh were playing an old copy of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood.
  9. First and foremost, I have no idea what the issue is- I don't believe I've ever had a messed up text session with anyone due to the platform either of us uses. I'm really not an Apple crusader, but I'm a big fan of things that work... and British cars. Androids are the British cars in the US. ***** happens when you're competing against Toyota. Sure you can put 4 wheels, an engine and a gearbox in the thing, but that doesn't mean we have to protect your competitive market.
  10. "January 6th was a lawful protest" You've got to be ***** kidding me, not just that someone brain-farted that onto a page, but that someone read it and thought, 'yeah, I agree'. I don't know you, but apparently that someone is... you. Good luck in life, but not on my dime. and I love the opening bit about blaming the National Parks Service... I mean how little thought and accountability can Mike Davis and his chum have in life?
  11. * Full disclosure. I do have a horse in this fight- my Pop bought an Android phone and I had to constantly help him with it over the years. That and the #%@&*¥% PC.
  12. A girlfriend of mine asked me what I thought she should invest in, I pointed to my edit system and said Apple's figured it out- It's the only legitimate thing that functions. It's still true today, none of the other platforms come close to the consistent, simple and reliable platform Apple provides. We broke up after a while so no Idea how it worked out, but if she invested in Apple when she asked in the late 90's, she'd have 130k for every $100 she'd invested. I wasn't an investing type... oops. I think iPhone has easily won the battle of 'what is a phone'. Just break up Apple's iPhone into 5 competing companies, like Ma Bell, and let Android and the other clunky systems fall by the wayside.
  13. Totally agree, though I don't recall the 96 million software developers having such a problem with all of this while Apple only had a consistent 4% of the market. Funny how concerns and lawsuits emerge when you find out you've aligned with the wrong horse.
  14. Honestly I don't even fully understand the functional problem. I've got an iphone and have never had an issue texting a soul on this planet. Sorry to hear some people have issues, and I am very against monopolistic corporate moves but On Apple, a few notes. I'm basically the opposite of most current Apple users- I've primarily used their products for hugely complex creative work in eras where the finest offerings from Microsoft and other platforms just absolutely didn't work for years after Apple products were fully functional, and then later were not reliable, or required as much time dealing with the temperamental operating systems as doing the actual work. SGI had its moment for 3D, but beyond that you had the functional ecosystem of a Mac, or you had garbage. PC nerds would tout how fast their system was, as they produced nothing. Of course that changed, and the hardware advances finally allowed the PC world to become functional, and certainly overtake the Mac, at times by quite a lot (still a crap operating system imho) Tech is constantly evolving, people who wouldn't have a clue about what I know now have me over a barrel about how texting has been ruined by something-or-other. Next week they'll say, 'google, make me an Oscar-winning film'. Funny this thread hit on the manual transmission. I'm definitely in the top 95% of manual transmission-shifters worldwide. Wanna race?
  15. I mean 50, probably dead by now, but we can still bless the soul. oh jeesus 59??? Can one still wipe oneself at that age?
  16. Somehow these two belong together, Hollywood Strings making the magic happen. It's a lovely era
  17. Stupid good song. The Stones wrote some really poignant stuff, especially 'Little T & A', but I gotta go with this Stones album as my favorite:
  18. I did college radio from about '89-'93, so definitely agree on that! Frickin awesome period for music as the 80's were getting blown out of the water. I'd go in off-shift just to listen through zillions of albums in total bliss. I'm a bit earlier on the 60's- maybe '64-'68 for the excitement phase, with '67 just hitting a beautiful pinnacle. Definitely still great stuff heading into the early 70's, but the rawness and thrill was starting to get more bloated and distorted to me. Not trying to get down on any period- there's been great stuff in every decade... including the 80''s and the 50's. Speaking of bloated, yet thrilling:
  19. When ya gotta pose in hand gestures to make something seem 'cool', it's usually not. That font screams one of the 70 something U of Oregon alternate jerseys, and I'm sure the helmet looks as terrible as always. not my problem, screw the Texans
  20. When it all comes down to it, the 60's are absolutely my favorite decade for modern pop and everything music. Except for the occasional stale stuff, everything was so original. There were no boundaries, the 50's were escaped, and absolutely nothing was defined. The claws of business would keep trying to entrench, but for a brief, shining, moment... they didn't know what the ***** to do, and the music was all over the place. I took an uber ride to the airport recently and Modest Mouse's 'Dashboard' came on. Ryan said it was a great classic, and I said... classic? ***** I remember when it was brand new... Point being, nothing is a classic- it all dropped for the first time at some point. I love to imagine how a song sounded as a listener the moment that needle first hit the vinyl on the radio station... when nothing like it had ever been discovered before. The 60's are just amazing for that, like no other decade. Looking forward to your finest psychedelic Kenny Rogers memories, pale rabbits, soundtracks and maybe a Perry Como gem. Cheers
  21. Taxi has the best theme song in sitcom history... that and Jim Ignatowski is just... priceless.
  22. Started Sopranos twice, but pushed it off both times. I'll give it another shot someday- third time'll be the charm. Started Mad Men twice, the second time I gave it a longer leash- Loved that show! The story lines maybe got a bit thin toward the very end of the series, but the characters were awesome, and the very end nailed it. Curb's a no-brainer to me- a lot of pointless yet poignant fun, front to back.
  23. I don't believe so. I recognize elements from his early work, and one character seems to have a similar line of business from Breaking Bad.
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