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Everything posted by BringMetheHeadofLeonLett

  1. Mostly sorta back on topic... thinking about Dark Side made me wonder about common sounds/feels between some Floyd albums over about a 6 or so year span. One of These Days has a similar feel to other albums, so I was checking out which albums Alan Parsons Produced. Turns out he Produced exactly zero Pink Floyd albums. Well, now you know. I liked this article- a bit of stuff I've always wondered about, and a bit of stuff I never knew about https://longreads.com/2020/09/03/shelved-pink-floyds-household-objects/
  2. Bad car! My brother bought his off some German tourists who got it to road trip across the US- I think they were fellow skydivers he met at his drop zone (my bro's a nut haha) I was 16 at the time and he was going to just give me the car, but my folks wouldn't let me have it! %#***%ng Ralph Nader SuperCool cars! Shoot- now I'm thinking I want to get one. hmmm
  3. My older brother took me on a ride down Pacific Coast Highway in his '63 Corvair convertible and bought me The Doors as my first CD- I'd gotten a Sharp CD boombox a day or two before- that thing was a tank... and many thanks to my brother- great day! On Floyd, I'm more of a Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict fan, myself. )
  4. I think we're basically saying the same thing. I finished with saying I'd like to see him going after the more solid picks over chasing the windmills. One thing, which I think gets overlooked in scouting when compared to 'potential' and 'athletic talent' is spatial awareness. There's no measure, but it can be spotted, and those are the players who'll be in the league for a long time. And put an emphasis on those who expect to win.
  5. Music Aircraft Tacos Historical European Convertibles
  6. I'm more a fan of the emotional side of football, but I get the way Beane played GM on this one. All of it was a gamble because we could have had JJ, but getting a proven NFL stud on a career-prime deal, helping your young QB with a known quantity, and only dropping 20 or so spots years later to do it is icy-smart. It won't always work, and we have zero SB appearances to show for it, but it's still good math. Whatever he does with the draft, etc., I really want to see an emphasis on spatial awareness and longevity- I'm kinda tired of the lotto tickets.
  7. I don't trust Mark Zuckerberg, and commerce in general, to not completely screw this up (and copyright the screwed up experience), but one of these days there's going to be a Woodstock Experience Simulator.
  8. Being a fan of subtlety, the dancing sprite at the :58 - 1:04 mark is a huge highlight- I can see how that would excite the bladder.
  9. It's just amazingly better in person. My cousin Noreen is a travel agent. Feel free to get in touch. She's busy for this package, but she'll try to get you in as soon as she can.
  10. I mean, good call on starting this with Sagat. I think he's absolute garbage, but I appreciate your fond memories- nobody can take those from you. I'm basically not very good at cheese- I identify cheese, and it's pretty well locked out for good, but there are exceptions, and the Enchanted Water Show at Enchanted Forest (somewhere around Salem, Oregon) is one of them. To place the scene, you walk into the most budget-friendly food option of Oregon's finest amusement park. The park is based on non-copyrighted fairytales- think, Old Mother Hubbard and Humpty Dumpty. Beyond some crazy ish, it's got a very respectable log-ride, tiny but fun coaster and a bad-ass haunted house. Everything about it is terrible... except, it's not- it's kinda fun having to crawl though the various nursery rhymes... Without a doubt, though, the worst attraction in the park has got to be the Enchanted Water Show... except it's my favorite thing there. ) So you walk into the cheapest place to eat in the park and get your mediocre burger, served by very sweet pimply folks, and sit down for the entertainment- with your packets of French's mustard in hand. I've only been here as an adult, but I'm just somewhere between blown-away, and in love
  11. This isn't going to help your cause at all, but it cracked me up. My buddy Dave had a PC on the fritz for months. It finally hit its last gasp and the screen just said, "dewawble". That was it. It died telling us its final thought.
  12. I didn't start this as no trip down memory lane. This music's alive.
  13. Another soft spot I've got is John Sebastian and The Lovin Spoonfull
  14. Somewhere around 1990 I got to see Roger McGuinn guest artist at a Tom Petty show at the Pacific Amphitheater. The show was already fantastic, then the 'special guest star' shows up onstage... McGuinn with Petty!! He's got his 12 string Rickenbacker and they bust this one out, straight out of the gate
  15. So around 1985 Frankie Yankovic was nominated for 'Best Polka Album' at the Grammy's- it was the first and last time 'Polka Album of the Year' was awarded- more of a lifetime achievement award I think, and good for him. My cousin, who's still an amazing trumpet player, was in a band also nominated for the award. Pretty sure they all knew it was a setup for Yankovic to get a Grammy, but they still had a blast in LA. My family moved West years before and the bandmates mostly stayed with us. I remember one day being the tour guide- we hung out at a beach in Santa Barbara and stopped at the Oxnard Airport on the way back to the house to take a whizz. We walk into this small airport and John Travolta had just landed his personal 727 there, and was walking toward us. It was pretty random, and those guys must've thought you just run into movie stars everywhere you go in LA haha. Whatever it was, it was a blast, and Travolta was absolutely gracious. They went to the Grammy's, didn't get the award, but I'm sure have some great memories to carry them through.
  16. Hmmm, I can find a clip of The Who playing My Generation in 2024, but.... Those were 80's Madonna songs... don't confuse the semi-napping old-timers. ) Just let your mind wander to a peaceful place, watch 'Get into the Groove' and take a deep, nose-forward inhale, it's Madonna's pit-smell after a night at the club.
  17. That's 80's!! I always felt like I could smell her pits watching this video
  18. Classical music alert- beware. This video has always blown my mind. How in the ... was this made in a world before modern gizmos, let alone today Zbigniew knew his stuff.
  19. Pretty sure this is terrible, but I've got a soft spot for it-
  20. I always thought this was one of their finest.
  21. This was actually the first song I thought of to be the first song of this thread- it's absolutely gorgeous. After consulting my bandnamometer, I had to go with either The Electric Prunes or Strawberry Alarm Clock. Funny part 2... or is it trippy - I came to this thread because I've had The Yardbirds swirling around.... and Ralonzo's got them front and center.
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