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Everything posted by BringMetheHeadofLeonLett

  1. bangs... as in the hair I've always rolled the n at the back of my mouth, but if I can stop doing that I'd be pleased as punch... whatever that means. )
  2. I've got tix to the Columbia Gorge show. can't wait!! Saw him last year doing a solo show and I'm not even sure chills is the word for how fantastic that show was. I never expected it could even be possible to still be so excellent after all these years.
  3. Was just in Spain and saw this big ol' German tourist walking towards me wearing a Bills shirt (well, I can't PROVE he was German, but he woulda looked right at home in lederhosen at a bier hall). Gave him a Go Bills! Got nothing so I had time for one more, Go Bills!!! Nothing. He was either deaf, had no idea what I was saying, or no idea what he was wearing. )
  4. A much better poster would refute legitimate points with bizzarro unrelated conspiracy splotchings.
  5. Comrade Irv, why such the dour voting pattern. You vote Putin, you be happy. you don't.... well, we have ways of enrolling you in UC Irvine. You see Irvine... it was funny , Irv
  6. If you've got a plan to fix something, then say it. If your whole schtick is to B word, moan and whine, and do nothing, come up with nothing, then save it for your wife. But if what you're trying to do is undermine the concept of people becoming better aware of their importance on this planet, then let's talk. I get that college is stupid expensive, but there's no doubt in my mind that a predatory (private) loan industry started making private colleges 'seemingly affordable', and then their bankrupt morals set their sights on public institutions. Every ***** one of us should have the United States of America given right to graduate high school, and every damn last one of us should be able to get at least a 2 year degree that fits into a pizza delivery driver's budget. Private monies ***** up our state universities, our doggam college football, and will just keep reducing the educated population until it is a bouillon cube.
  7. Education bad; stay uneducated. Your future is right in plan. Not educated make great freedom. See comrades in many successful food feeding countries.
  8. I remember LeCharles Bentley asking Otto if he'd allow him to wear his 00, since the NFL had retired the number when Otto retired. It didn't go so well for LeCharles... IIRC Otto was blazing pissed about some scrub asking for his number
  9. Soccer is called Fußball in German, which translates to "football" in English. The word is pronounced FUHSS-bahll and is masculine. You' e been AI'd muthaFußballer!
  10. First, I'd like to thank you for your service. I know you would've made it to the Colonel if you hadn't cracked. And please send my love to ma Henrietta and sister Peg- I truly hope she's finding her way after the accident.
  11. I too find it reassuring to know that I can make back-alley deals to visit an old neighborhood when absolutely zero of my former neighbors would buzz me in. )
  12. I'm definitely coming out there to visit, hopefully sans funeral, then catch a Bills game this year. Sabatelle's Is the place for sandwiches and everything Italian deli... just fantastic. Gerry's Pizza in WB is perfection, and my absolute must have when I go back are hot dogs at Ferris's Barney St. Lunch... frickin greatest thing ever made by humankind.
  13. These particular cousins grew up in Ashley... and I'm Totally nostalgic for that town too! My family moved out West a looong time ago, and unfortunately most of my trips there are for funerals nowadays, but I absolutely love NEPA. Shoot, now I miss the old Ashley coal breaker and climbing all over the old coal cars... (Feel free to ship me out some Sabatelle's, btw. ) Edit: Shoot, that's in Pittston... now I'm nostalgic for when I could remember things
  14. ***** I'm the worst. I've got my own nostalgia, then I'm even nostalgic for other people's nostalgia. I can't help but miss the good old days of my grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles and whatnot going back into the 20's ,30's, 40's... and I wasn't even anywhere close to existing! I'm nostalgic for smells... 1920's San Francisco apartment building elevators. That old candy and beer shop near my cousins' house in NEPA... it's been gone for 35 years, but I can still smell every inch of it. Old cars- that's all I'll ever own. They can pry that stick shift from my cold, dead hand. But the people, so many great old characters. You can't take them away, but I can never replace them. Agree with the AI comment above. Screw the tech idiots, they have no concept of soul.
  15. Of course... and the turds live on forever
  16. Galaxian/Galaga Excitebike Zaxxon Jungle Hunt Track and Field Street Fighter
  17. I'll keep insisting this is great:
  18. I miss that part of life. I'm about the worst capitalist on this planet- but I still want an e-type Jaguar, and *****-yeah Perer Gunn and this is just great-
  19. The Nuge!!! I think we need a 'centrist' party in this country, a third party if you will. Not a far left party, not a far-right party, just a damn party looking out to make the middle-class the most important part of American aspirations.
  20. Well, I'd say that you referring to the United States' obvious enemies as, 'they' is a decent start. If we have to start at, 'which countries are out to challenge our democracy', so be it.
  21. Oh Jeebus. Trump sucked their twigs while they sharpened their fangs. Stop being a rube- you seem way too smart for that.
  22. That's funny because I just watched Western firepower absolutely decimate everything the Iranians, who are supplying Putin, flung at Israel. The US military was a part of that... and even Jordan and Saudi Arabia. I'd have to imagine 'weak old Biden' signed off on that resounding success, no? So with whom is the US weak nowadays- Russia and China, and exactly how in your estimation? Maybe we'd be stronger if we cow-towed to the next Kim Jung *****? Deeldo... thank you autocorrect...
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