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Everything posted by BringMetheHeadofLeonLett

  1. Thank you OP for giving a hoot about that damned LB position. To me the LB's are the men amongst boys on D. Everyone's all boo hoo the DB stubbed his toe, or woe is me our DT doesn't have a swim move and our DE can't stop the run... Nah, excellent LB's make the rest of the players free up to do their jobs well. We have VG+ LB's, and they can evolve to excellent.
  2. Dude, he's been off to a great start, but I'm sorry, I want actual difference-makers to be talked about. How do I have to be stuck arguing AGAINST a player I really like. But he hasn't done ***** yet. Tell me I'm wrong.
  3. Cribbs was the reason we had those magical, early 80's years. It only lasted 2 seasons, and parts of a couple more on the sides, but holy fook! He was the definition of electric. For all too brief a time, he was legitimately the best running back in the league, north or south, by the 3-5 years surrounding his reign of gorgeous. Dorsett, Campbell and Dickerson, maybe Allen and a season or 2 of Bo were in his league during that time, but I'd still take Cribbs. ... or a season or 2 of Bo haha Let me know when Cook is that important.
  4. This is a compliment- you would have been better off spending those thousands on your local NJ pizza shops- they consistently make the best pies in the US.
  5. Hahahahahahhahahahahahahaahhahaah hahahahaahhahaahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaha
  6. In general it's a tougher place to be on the sane side of the argument, but that's offset by not having to fabricate outrage. Thank you for your concern.
  7. You've gotta check out this album... actually provably from a... gasp... CD Front-to-back a beautiful era of X:
  8. Not a single peep about him being a primate. Deep down inside, I know you all know. * except for 'Dirty Tammy Callahan' who is currently dripping sweat over his keyboard afraid to push the letter 'I'.
  9. An acronym-bag-holder, how cute. Original thoughts- got any? Here's a perspective: I don't like his type- money grubbing *****-shine. His known associates are thugs and hookers- there's no disputing this. Add in a menagerie of 60's Batman criminals... who have literally come to life before our very eyes. Blood red Christmas trees??? What more proof that he ***** hates and mocks his flock do you want???? (Except, he loves your personal welfare donations) Speaking of welfare, because he's a terrible criminal, he's the greatest welfare queen in this nation's history- how much have you donated so far? Did I mention he's a pathological criminal yet? He stiffs anyone who works for him- how would that work out for you while you're trying to keep a roof over your head? Of course they get no sympathy from me because you'd have to be the creme-de-la-creme of morons to actually work for him. He tried to rig an election with false electorates, and they are being convicted. Speaking of rigging elections, ever notice that all the BS votes went for the Ape? Oh it's because the entire judicial system is stacked with commie-liberals... yeah right. I'm not even scratching surfaces with this clown, but he's also not worth the time it takes to type... or think. You got anything beyond a super-cute acronym you heard from some TV vomit?
  10. Not a touch. What kind of drugs do you have to be on to support a known felon? And anybody with an ounce of sanity knows he's only been indicted for less than 1/1000th of the BS he's pulled. And he's completely incompetent at it because we all know he's done it! Dude's a ***** moron... and people defend him... like you!
  11. This is your ***** President. Is there anything in this lifetime you could possibly be less proud of?
  12. Sorry, has anyone seen Donny Jr's coke dealer- he said he'd be at the rally BEFORE it started.
  13. How is it that I get to be so special. I don't have to look at anything that matters when I just know what is right; how is it that I get to be so special. I've never come across a human who I could more closely associate with a cockroach with a wig, but none of that matters; I've got his back. How can I be so lucky! Hardly a single person shows up to his rallies, or numerous court appearances, but he is my hidden gem. I saw a person buy a flag at one of his roadside stands, once, while driving by. He is a true American Hero. Where do I donate I ask myself every day? Donald Trump will save us all as soon as he's released from prison- you can rest assured of that! I know you are with me, my hidden fellow believers! Let's all pull together and elect PUTIN/TRUMP 2024!!!!! The Best is Yet to Come!!!!!!!!
  14. Thanks for the reminder- I'd almost forgotten about Washington (the state) drivers. I know it sounds crazy, but it's true. THEY think everyone else on the road is an awful driver, but I swear to God I've never seen such a consistent schmattering of incredibly stupid driving from anywhere that can touch Washington. Seriously, they have special contracted diving schools that all the residents have to get their license through, and every mile or so on their highways are signs posted with a number to call for the accident you've just been involved in... - no lie. They don't post those signs for no reason, and I've never seen anything like it in any other state. It's not like I believe people are stupider in Washington about driving cars, but they just see it different than the other 49 states. Seriously, if you see a Washington plate, get the hell away from that car.
  15. Hey, Wow!! I just fixed a post and reposted it here, and now I've accidentally increased my post count to become a bona-fide 'Veteran' in the eyes of two bills drive! No more UDFA here, my friends. I am truly, truly honored. I'd like to thank the droplets of falling water shared between our two great nations, my sponsor, Schlagg Beer, my mom Rhonda, all the children at the academy, and finally, Tom Cruise, without whom I would probably have had a few extra hours in life and not reached this plateau until tomorrow. Thank you, Tom. The angel food cake get-together is currently set for August 28th- Please let us know how many guests you'll be bringing so we can plan accordingly. They said it couldn't be done, but only 20 years later and here I am. God bless all the drivers I've ever come across.
  16. That's easy... and frickin' entertaining when they have their windows rolled down- spray your windshield washer for a looooong time. They'll back off, and you'll get an occasional hearty laugh at the reactions- I've seen some of the funniest stuff! And if they're close enough to get blasted by my windshield washer, they can consider it a learning experience. ) ( side note- I've learned over the years that many Europeans drive aggressively in ways that resemble brief tailgating, and it's part of their accepted driving manner, so please be sure to fling hand gestures in the appropriate language )
  17. I'm voting keeper. He kind of reminds me of Nate Clements in a way. Knox has had some brilliant truck and run highlights that keep you thinking, 'hang on, this guy can be something special', but the overall body of work says, 'yeah, pretty good, but someone else could probably take that production over for us, and probably cheaper.' Clements really was a good player, maybe on an average snap a bit better than Knox, but his entire career's worth of paychecks was mostly based on one (***** Awesome!!) hit. Beyond that he was a pretty good corner any championship level team could have on their roster, but he was not a catalyst. Knox makes more 'Wow' plays, but lacks the consistency to be relied on as a cog in a championship team, but he still has a definite chance to be a top-notch contributor on any given play, and despite the contract, his relative financial hit vs. what the 49ers paid Clements is pretty affordable. Clements at 6 years in was the more valuable player, but not by a lot, so I'm cool with giving Knox more time to develop his stuff. He's shown too much to just write off. ... I know, potential is maddening
  18. Personally, I'm worried about our younger folks. It's not that they don't have any taste, it's just that
  19. I only have one- it's when somebody turns their signal on as I'm passing or about to pass them. Wait until I've ***** passed- now I have no idea if you're not paying attention and are about to jut into my lane, and I'm committed... I can anticipate any stupid ***** going on around me, but for the love of God, please teach your children to lay off the turn signal until the other cars are clear and it's their turn to change lanes.
  20. I never understood why men never taught their women how to crank the engine. Obviously the man had to be at the controls... it just seems so dangerous for the ladies to be in the passenger seat of the vehicle without a sure man at the helm. Miss those old Holiday Inn signs- the world's just gotten so sterile.
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