Machines will need mechanics- some.
Office workers??? What office?
Electricians- some
Quality will all be handled by Musk, personally
Payroll is already dumb enough to hardly need someone to actually do it- it's friggin numbers...
And as we speak, code monkeys are currently busy inventing algorithms to replace themselves permanently - and those are supposed to be the smart ones...
Doctors- 90% replaceable by automation
Surgeons- same
Lawyers are getting crucified
Smelters - done
Miners - done
Sock weavers - done
Every working driver on the planet - done
Boat Captains- start training, there'll be some heavy competition
Logging, a bit of farming, construction, and creating boutique muffins is the future.
What property will be necessary, and what payroll will remain to tax?
The world is going to evolve, and 'bringing manufacturing back to America' is a long-term joke of a concept. Get ready for joblessness, replaced by automated lunacy.
... and then there's AI... that'll be a future topic to terrorize this board with. )