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    Portland, Oregon

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  1. He's put incompetent people in place to prove how incompetent government agencies are.
  2. Hey Andy, yeah - that's what's gonna happen. You know the one thing they can't take from us is we love our cars. I got a nice old MG, and have serious eyes on an XK I'm seeing recently- long may we run. )
  3. It's all a joke of incompetence- Putin bed-wetting, 4 Seasons Landscaping, Hegseth, wants to ***** his daughter,,,, Wow, you've picked the 16th place horse in the Kentucky Derby, Past Applicants and Cripples Edition.
  4. Fine - who cares in the short-term, but we're supposed to hope in a guy who has failed at everything he's done in life- beyond promoting his 'brand' ... gag, to actually for once in his life... succeed? You gotta be a lunatic. Those foreigners are smarter than him- and it's not even close. Get you heads out of yiur asses, Trump is too ######ed to even be an American Despot.
  5. Jeffrey Goldberg had as much place in a war-planning discussion as did your pet python Frankie. what is your point? Oh ***** never mind, there is no point.
  6. I'm getting kind of tired of demonizing a generation who are disillusioned by the world their elders have created, or passively allowed to be created. How many absolutely worthless follks did you grow up with- and maybe you're one people could say that about too? Maybe I am, I dunno. But hopefully that's not where we're at today, and I know plenty of 'young folks' who have blown my mind with what they HAVE paid attention to. It's not a lost generation 'out there', it's one more step in the makeup of what we all are.
  7. Machines will need mechanics- some. Office workers??? What office? Electricians- some Quality will all be handled by Musk, personally Payroll is already dumb enough to hardly need someone to actually do it- it's friggin numbers... And as we speak, code monkeys are currently busy inventing algorithms to replace themselves permanently - and those are supposed to be the smart ones... Doctors- 90% replaceable by automation Surgeons- same Lawyers are getting crucified Smelters - done Miners - done Sock weavers - done Every working driver on the planet - done Boat Captains- start training, there'll be some heavy competition Logging, a bit of farming, construction, and creating boutique muffins is the future. What property will be necessary, and what payroll will remain to tax? The world is going to evolve, and 'bringing manufacturing back to America' is a long-term joke of a concept. Get ready for joblessness, replaced by automated lunacy. ... and then there's AI... that'll be a future topic to terrorize this board with. )
  8. What the ***** does this have to do with the topic?
  9. Ermigrd. Trump is creating chaos with our ALLIES and has made an unnatural recession. Just ***** shut up.
  10. Please be kind. Al Bundy is a struggling shoe salesman whose best years were 17.
  11. To a degree that's a smart way of going about things- seriously. I generally roll that way because you can paralyze yourself if you get caught up in the governance concepts you can't control. But this one thinks he has a Kingly mandate, and that don't fly.
  12. Explain. I'd like to know what I should worry about, boy.
  13. Ain't a piss-ant on this planet who will ever cost me a second of sleep.
  14. I definitely felt more relaxed while Biden was President. This is not normal, and it is corrupt in a way that is self-serving and threatening to our ability to go about our day-to-day lives. Can you honestly tell me you don't look at the South African Musk and his digital Boy Scouts and wonder if they won't try to wipe out everything you thought you had in financial stability? No, I never felt any of the idea that the FDIC would not cover me, or that Social Security would not be issuing their obligated checks under Biden. But with this idiot, he'd starve all of our grandparents to finance the jet fuel for his Trump Plane- I have Zero doubt.
  15. 225 views AIRBUNDY, and nary a soul will reply. It says who your people are- they hide. It's a tragic commentary on where we're at.
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