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    Portland, Oregon

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  1. No, it ain't what it is- you're the pronlem.
  2. I don't have any remorse - nothing in my soul would ever allow me to vote for that loathsome, criminal, self-servicinhg choad.
  3. It ain't like Ive got any agenda on who is going to give me proper instructions on how to return to the ground.
  4. Isn't it weird that we live in an age where we've discovered how to fly, like the birds... and even better, but somehow want to simultaneously drag ourselves back like 700 years? Hang on, what???? Is BillsFanNorth Carolina starting to get it... impossible.
  5. Well if you ever make it out to Oregon and want to fly, I've got a plane worth a spin around some icy volcanoes. I'm thinking we're on some different sides of how we think this country should go forward - I'm ani-felon, but some things are even bigger than that.
  6. Fair enough- the gentleman I'm thinking of in particular is named Rock. Curious, do you still fly, or is it something that you... did?
  7. Cool man- but you were being a DICK. I chose to retract what I said. Well trust me, I know him.
  8. I've known plenty of bad-ass pilots in my life, and you know what- every single one of them stuck by their plane, and every single one of them would get destroyed in that plane they defended until the end of time. I know plenty of A-7 pilots who would beat the ever-lovin-snot out of your F-18.
  9. So these are the sorts of planes that I fly, single engine land, and both the Lancair and Cessna are fantastic airplanes in their own way. It's just ***** sad and pathetic that our leadership is out to demolish proper standards of everything.
  10. You say things that really, just ultimately, don't matter. You, literally, just don't know anything about what you are commenting upon. It's pretty ***** obvious in this particular case. Maybe, because you have an obvious political agenda, just thumbs up something Sherpa says, if he replies?
  11. And ultimately, we need the F-14's range. People don't know this, but the Tomcat literally kept our planet out of nuclear war. Sure, not the best dogfighter in its original form due to engines, size and whatever the hell, but there's no way to think anything beyond the truth that that airplane literally kept Russian nuclear armaments thousands of miles away from the United States, singlehandedly. You know this aircraft had a very particular role, correct?
  12. You don't matter, but thanks for commenting. It keeps my something rating up, I think. )
  13. So, have you ever conceptualized Anything like an Army helicopter hitting a civilian plane in Final?? Or a passenger jet, which we both know should have gone around with improper flap deployment, just ***** 'hitting the turf' and rolling around with a shattered wing. Now why would any of that happen? Idiots keeping things on schedule is my main culprit- yours?
  14. The previous comment was written by a taxpayer who pays attention.
  15. I don't have an aviation wish- I got my license at 18 and own a pretty damn cool airplane. The F-18 is a compromise of mediocrity, administered by the typical bull#### of a Dick Cheney type with his supportive cronies. A re-developed F-14, more modern and modular, would wipe any thought of that plane off the history books.
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