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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. I hope so. With dareus at one end we just may be able to get by with Bryant, Wynn and this dude at the other.
  2. Some interesting analysis of biermann. They make it sound like he's a high motor guy who works hard to improve and has gone from a liability against the run to making it his strength. However they say he's lost the ability to cover backs or tight ends following an achilles tear and is a limited pass rusher. Good special teamer. At 250 pounds I wonder if the staff sees him as a backup to Lawson. http://www.thefalcoholic.com/2016/2/22/11082164/will-kroy-biermann-receive-another-contract-in-atlanta
  3. Just need some kind of replacement for the onside kick. I doubt the league will want to lose it as it keeps people tuned in to the end.
  4. Sammy was getting open with all the attention in the world on him at times as well. That guy is something else.
  5. Lmao God Jones was so bad at tracking rainbows. Graham just sucked in every way.
  6. I'm skeptical but also can imagine it. Lets hope your signature is right. After all we did go 8 and 8 last season in year one with 2 complicated schemes. I do think we'd have been in the playoffs with hue though we'll never know for sure. I don't know how many pieces on defense we really must get right away. We may be fine with a linebacker drafted high and a nose tackle in the mid rounds, no? That'd give us the ability to work on the o line and/or wr at the same time.
  7. Good stuff here. I'll add that I see this draft as a key one for Doug. If John Miller works out, he and Darby alone are a decent take from a draft with no first rounder. But the next two years are pivotal and we'll need more than that. We can't do anything in free agency this year and provided we can re sign our own, won't be able to do much in FA next year either. Meanwhile we're trying to reshape the roster for 2 coaches who do things quite differently than their predecessors. To me this is the time for he and the scouts to step up and prove their mettle, work with the coaches and get the young talent they need. Thing is I feel good about that, I think he'll come through. Whether the coaching staff can capitalize is another question.
  8. I'd love nothing more than to be able to apologize for my share of the Rex vitriol. I really believe that if Rex and Roman have a path to competing for a championship, it starts with building that bully the Skipper talked about when he came aboard.
  9. Fair enough. I think he's a good GM who's been held back by coaching staffs he didn't get to hire, but gotta acknowledge that it's perfectly debatable until we actually start winning. It's good to hear from both sides.
  10. Yeah I don't understand that at all. He can't get away from us. Giving him big guaranteed dollars now would actually be taking on risk, with no potential reward.
  11. You may have been but other teams were not, and much of our fanbase was not. He got a pro bowl guard for nothing and deserves a share of the credit. Those were all good pickups.
  12. All good moves imo. Robey was a good player pre Rex, Lawson was an excellent signing. Incognito was such a no brainer that Whaley was the only GM in on it and people were shocked at the time.
  13. I like the bigger active roster, never saw the point of inactives.
  14. Hughes, robey, Lawson, Carpenter, incognito, Tyrod, Orton, McCoy, Clay, Darby?
  15. From your lips to God's ears. I can't shake the image of a Bills offense armed with Roman's full expertise but with an offensive line right out of 1970. Or the hogs, or the emmitt Smith cowboy line. To your point in another thread, defenses are built differently today. Some of them have 235 pound Mike linebackers. We could physically dominate. We may be so damn difficult to stop on the ground we find that Watkins, Clay, Woods, and maybe a minor addition at wideout is just plenty. Thing is the team is already managed this way. Roman runs constantly and throws little, Rex would rather get the ball at midfield and run the clock out on himself at the end of the half, than risk an offensive mistake. If we're going to be a grinder of a team from another era we may as well do it right. Hopefully Dr. Dray allows Greg to get more from certain formations than he could last year without a quality blocking te.
  16. For some reason I love blocking TEs. We're gonna maul 'em, E.
  17. I like your thinking, cutting against the grain as it were. The upside of going against trend. Other teams are still pounding the rock of course but we do it with a throwback sort of conviction, even a debatable amount of dependence. which still works I think when its done as well as Greg does it. Agreed Agreed. He's got heart. Not great after the catch. Serviceable 2, quality #3. I still wonder if he can do a little more work downfield than we've seen so far.
  18. I agree with Gunner's characterization of the ol which is not far from yours. I do think though that nobody else in the league would be more dangerous with an elite line than Greg Roman. And nobody else is more reliant on that unit whether it's elite or not. The Bills offense is nothing like it was under gailey, when a limited but heady QB de emphasized line play with a quick passing game, sometimes throwing 40 times a game. Most of the league is going this way because rule changes have enabled it. The Bills offense is in 1970, limited in the short and intermediate passing game and sometimes throwing as little as 15 times in a game. So my take, other teams may not be building monster offensive lines but they don't run the offense we do. Other teams may not be concerned with depth on the o line, but still I think we should be. Virtually nobody else is trying to win the same way we are. Jmo
  19. In SF Roman had the best RT in all of football, here he has one of the worst. Doesn't seem wise to me
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