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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. Thanks for clearing that up brudda. I completely agree with your last point in bold above.
  2. John the first post in the thread makes reference to the Ryans stabbing Whaley in the back and bringing in their own GM. The very next post is you saying you'd have no problem with any of it. I'm curious are you giving up on Whaley?
  3. I'd think it'd be a factor, Bangarang. I look at it like a tiebreaker. If there's no appreciable difference between EJ and Cardale then it makes sense to go with the kid who has a future with our team, for that reason. Keen to read Astro camp reports and find out how far away Cardale really is.
  4. Thanks for adding the link, I do recall that. They say EJ will come in as the backup. Long time between now and September just ask EJ and Matt Cassel circa 2015. I'm prepared for anything
  5. I watched the interviews. Must've missed the announcement that EJ will be the backup all season long no matter what happens in camp or practice. Cardale has much to learn before he's ready for the trials no doubt.
  6. What makes you say that 26? EJ will enter camp the backup and absolutely should. I would think he'd have to outplay the rook to keep it though.
  7. I understand bud The more I think about this the more I think Jonesy has a shot at the backup job. He's a pro style offense guy and Roman is really adept at simplifying things and taking weight off his QBs shoulders. Cardale doesn't have to beat out much. It's easier to develop him during the season and get him practice reps if he's second string.
  8. We're all lucky, my dude, The Pegulas own our Bills I don't ignore either, I like hearing the dissenting opinions as long as they come with logic. I think sometimes people out there hesitate because they don't wanna debate 1-on-15. But when someone does that for awhile it opens the door for others to speak up and create discussion and we can learn. I have a lot of respect for Bill in NYC, K-9, Badol and other posters who are willing to do that not every time, but if its what they think, for a reason. You just better have something behind it Pops, damn dude I'm starting to wonder if Cardale has a shot at the backup job. You think..? I just wanted to answer some of the questions and give you an idea.
  9. That's my Dad. Im not sure if he will look back here or not so ill chime in and he can follow if he wants. He was dying for Ragland even at 19 and all joy when we picked him. He's been keen to get a stud MLB for a very long time. I thought I'd need to call an ambulance when Patrick Willis was picked in front of us. He wouldn't shush up about Luke keuchly before that draft. He still has his Poz jersey along with many others. He may be rough around the edges but he's diehard just like the rest of us. He's rarely missed a game since getting a dish around the start of the drought. back in the 60s he used to take the bus to war memorial stadium by himself as a 12 year old. Different time I guess. He wanted big Ben reeeeeal bad. He disliked EJ and wanted Geno. He wanted Watkins. Honestly when he draws a line in the sand and really wants a guy his record isn't bad. Racking my brain Geno is his only real bust I can come up with over the years. There may have been one other MLB he picked out that didn't make it as big also. I like Cardale so not sure where he's coming from there. He had his eye on Prescott for a long time. The Cardale thing might be a combo of Prescott frustration and EJ hangover. Or maybe he's right who the heck knows. Thanks 3rdand12 for being you man.
  10. It may not always be blatantly obvious but your willingness to watch some ugly ballgames and share your analysis is appreciated. To be honest my take on slauson is just get him under contract and then figure it out on the practice field. Plenty of time in camp to test all the configurations and see who has progressed and how much. If I have to take a guess I'm going with your prediction if for no other reason than its likely our best run blocking alignment and I suspect that's what matters most to Roman. Wow
  11. I generally agree that it's more likely we're better with slauson at tackle GB. Another variable worth consideration is whether slauson himself is better at one position than he is at the other and whether it changes the equation.
  12. He's a smart dude and that's what matters. He knows what he's talking about but isn't totally comfortable conveying it verbally in that setting for whatever reason. He always comes off guarded to me. Did you happen to catch his post draft press conference with Rex? I was struck by how relaxed he seemed. He starts off with the shields up and as the questions go from Doug to Rex and back again and the two of them get to interact with each other a bit, he really finds his chill. The longer you watch the more natural he becomes. You probably know I'm not a big Rex guy but I get the distinct impression the two of them get on well and appreciate working together, especially in contrast to Marrone or Idzik. Pegula
  13. What do you say to some 'backer you play? Or anyone tryna bring tackles your way? Wanna solve things with an incredible gain? Go study a tape of ole Keith McK. Miller has 3 years left on his contract. How is starting the season with him a 2nd teamer giving up on him? Odds are he'd play at some point this season anyway. Three more years before we have to make any sort of decision on him.
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