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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. I hope it works man. I just want to win! As we all do. It just seems like the offense is more limited with these coaches than is necessary with these players. But the future doesn't exist, we will see what unfolds. Great advice I saw you give to someone the other day, E, about meditation. That Gautama was on to something. Powerful stuff right there.
  2. I do think Tyrod has that but don't expect to see his full potential under this coaching staff. They don't allow him to push, and expand, his boundaries.
  3. Do you not allow even a possibility that Rex and Roman share a run-first philosophy? One is the most accomplished run game coordinator in football, the other is the coach who made 'ground and pound' famous. When talking on the macro level about the overall philosophy of the offense, I think it's disingenuous to completely separate Rex from Roman. By all appearances they are 100% on the same page. Roman's resume by the numbers: 2011: 26th in yards, 11th in points 2012: 11th in yards, 11th in points 2013: 24th in yards, 11th in points 2014: 20th in yards, 25th in points Of course the most important statistic is WINS and SF enjoyed plenty of those, but his resume does nothing to dispel the notion that he's reliant on great defense and that there are better, more balanced offensive coaches out there. He's no Nate Hackett though to be sure. Though it would be a shame to pass on elite QB play if that opportunity were in front of us, no? His shortcomings you speak of, I don't see how Roman can be completely separated from that either. Aaron Rodgers came out of one of the simplest passing games imaginable in college and went into a cocoon in Green Bay's 'quarterback university'. After 4 years a future-Hall-of-Fame butterfly emerged, capable of spreading the field and dominating week in and week out. If Aaron Rodgers were playing for the Bills he wouldn't know how to spread the field and dominate a game, he'd know how to act as an accessory to a great run game.
  4. But only being able to do it that one way, run to pass, limits the offense's upside. They can't become a truly elite offense, capable of carrying a mediocre defense to a championship, because of this limitation. A running team is always reliant on great defense and ball control, and Rex and Roman are together in part because they share that limited vision of an offense. If we gave Mike McCarthy or Josh McDaniel or Bruce Arians Tyrod, Watkins, Clay and Woods would we still be forced to run-to-pass every single week regardless of opponent? It means we're trying to grind out close wins every game when maybe we could simply dominate some teams (we do have a WR that no corner on earth can cover). It also means that if the defense fails, there's no recourse, we can't keep up and we lose. Why are we happy to limit ourselves like that? I'm not 'anti running the ball' in the least, the ability to help a QB and to wear a defense down is incredibly valuable. But this offense could be better with a more versatile playbook and more aggressive mentality. Considering our personnel I don't think it unfair to ask for a balanced, versatile attack. Maybe Roman has just been waiting his entire career to unleash his new take on the run n shoot? I won't hold my breath but there's always hope. Very interesting. I hope you're right but somehow I don't see Rex and Roman as the evolutionary type.
  5. You trade an elite running game for an elite passing game in today's league. I don't think the Bills are in a position to do that because their passing game is too limitd to develop a great quarterback. If all he's ever asked to do is run play action and some high low concepts that's all he'll be able to do. How do you learn to spread the field and dominate the game when the coach doesn't go there Look at Sean Payton. He can win with power run and he can win a completely different way as well. His run game is plus and yet his passing game is every bit as versatile and effective. I can't say the same about our guy.
  6. Taylor can't carry the team when his coach is unable to put the game on his back no matter how well the quarterback plays. Roman would love to run the ball all day and throw about 8 play action passes. One week he actually did get it down to 13 attempts. No run n shoot concepts no west coast concepts. It all goes through the running game. I don't see how we can expect the kid to blossom into greatness when it is never asked of him.
  7. Sad sure. And yet if this year goes poorly that's 6 crappy seasons consecutively for Wrecks. Only alternative to firing him is speaking thoughtful prayers into the empty sky it would seem or is further losing preferable to admitting a mistake..? (mistake being a hypothetical contingent on this season of course)
  8. Roman always takes weight off of his quarterback. He knows no other way to call a game. The reason Rex and Roman are together is they share a philosophy. What I don't understand is how Tyrod can blossom into greatness when it isn't asked of him. How do you learn to carry a team when your coach is not capable of playing it that way? Someone like Sean Payton can win with the power run and can win an entirely different way when it is needed. I think if Tyrod has a chance to be the next cam Newton we won't see it until he gets away from Roman's training wheel passing attack. To achieve greatness he'll need a coach willing and able to push him and provide the opportunity. Imo
  9. Thanks for your thoughts. I agree with your very unpopular opinion to a degree. Roman can work with limited quarterbacks, even making Colin Kaepernick look good, because everything he does takes weight off of the quarterback's shoulders. His simplified, limited passing game got #5 up and running despite his lack of experience, like a good set of training wheels. Something like using the middle of the field better, I can see how that might be up to Taylor's personal development. If we're talking specifically about the complete lack of a functional hurry up offense, I have trouble seeing how that's on Taylor when every QB in the league can handle it. To get those wins we need, among other things, to be more aware of situational ball and focus on scoring points whenever we have the chance.
  10. We don't know for sure that Taylor can do it, that's true. However I look at Brock Osweiler...Marcus Mariota as a rookie, Jameis Winston as a rookie, and yes EJ Manuel as a rookie...basically any quarterback who steps on the field in this league runs the no huddle without issue. If EJ can do it as a rookie, Taylor would have to be a special brand of dumb to be unable to do the same in year 5 as a pro. Then you look at the Bills' overall strategy of good defense, running the ball, ball control, the coaches' talk of 'if we're going down we're going down our way.' Just guessing/speculation like you...but it seems more likely, to me, that the ball is in the coaches' court. There's not a lot Taylor can do when he's trying to hurry up but has to send people in motion with the clock running. Lets go Mets
  11. I'm not talking about play calls so much as using the whole play clock when we're at midfield with a minute and a half left in the first half. The lack of urgency in the offense as a whole. I could be wrong but I think that if Taylor were playing for Sean Payton or Mike McCarthy or John harbaugh he'd operate the no huddle just fine. It isn't a priority here.
  12. He chose not to in obvious hurry up situations and I've never seen him do it properly.
  13. Will Roman again be the only oc in the league who cannot run a hurry up offense ?
  14. After those preseason games I thought luck and the Colts were going to tear him up. Nooooot exactly
  15. Surprised to hear folks say they're embarrassed that their fellow fans are passionate. I hope you feel embarrassed this year if winning and celebrating does it to you. I'd be laffin and maybe crying out of joy watching those suckers get torn down. It's not the ultimate goal of course but still a goal. When the Bills make the playoffs it's going to be a big day for all of us whether we let it show or not so may as well embrace it. Who cares what non Bills fans think
  16. I think you can afford to pay more than 5 or 6 guys. Polian said years ago you can basically pay your quarterback and 10 other players. The Bills are paying McCoy Clay Wood Gilmore AaronW Dareus KyleW Hughes Glenn incognito all at once.
  17. I'm exaggerating but yes an overwhelming majority no doubt.
  18. Schwartz one gapped. Every single snap Kyle played for him other than the one you reference, he was rushing the quarterback immediately, hence sacks.
  19. Playing nt and two gapping though so largely wasted. Looking very much forward to seeing the real 99 again in 2017
  20. Haven't heard much emphasis on hurry up offensive situations so far. It was like watching a bunch of retards try to hump a doorknob last year. Gotta take advantage of those opportunities.
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