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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  2. It might be just the right thing to say at this point in time though. I'd think you'd want to create an atmosphere where the coaches believe in each other and the players believe in the coaches, and its easier to do that if any lame duck perception is removed. I'm sure selling tickets is part of it too. I have to think after each season they'll honestly re-evaluate.
  3. Marrone didn't have injuries because his teams had discipline and accountability. The players actually had to work in practice, they had to stay in shape because their head coach was a power tripping drill sergeant. If they didn't stay in shape they knew they would lose playing time. Now Karlos Williams bloats up and nonchalantly tells the media about it. Now the practices are reportedly much slower-paced. We also had a different strength & conditioning staff. If after 2016 the score is 2 healthy years under Marrone, 2 injury devastation years under Rex, it will be very difficult to claim its all down to chance. Under Marrone if Hughes or Dareus started acting moronically on the field they were immediately removed from the game. Now Mario spends his time alternating between sleepwalking and rebelling against the gameplan yet he plays all year. Coaching matters. It sets the standard that everyone knows they have to meet. This team should have been in the playoffs each of the last 2 seasons.
  4. The dude watched Flacco bet on himself and then did the same when he had the chance. I just don't see him taking less money for 3 or 4 years when he's one season away at most from the monstrous payoff. He believes in himself, plain and simple. I'm not in the guy's head or anything, just my take. I don't see him signing a deal that pushes the big payoff further down the road. He's so close now.
  5. What makes Hogan a perfect fit for them? It seems an awkward marriage to me, considering how important RAC yards are for them and how mediocre he is in that department.
  6. I think we'll beat them in Foxborough. Rex has a strong track record against crappy quarterbacks because he takes away the run, and varies his defenses, causing confusion against the pass. His teams ride the emotional roller coaster rather than staying even-keeled and consistent and I think we'll get hyped that week and win. But yeah they own the division
  7. EJ is really bad. I'm all for upgrading at the game's most important position. Plenty of cap room and it's not my money.
  8. I would be surprised, personally. First Flacco, and now Tyrod, they seem to be all about betting on themselves. He is at most one good season away from the monster deal.
  9. There's a difference between a 'Cassel lover' and someone who thought it didn't make sense to cut him. I thought the Chiefs were stupid for getting Cassel, I thought the Vikings were stupid for getting Cassel, I thought the Bills were stupid for getting Cassel. Yet once they got him I figured what is the sense in cutting him as long as you're not 100% sure what you have in Tyrod/EJ? There were a LOT of debates about whether Cassel should ultimately be cut, or not. I think that may be why some are remembering a Camp Cassel and others are not. I actively said 'I think Cassel stinks but there's no point in cutting him.' But of course we have to group people into 1 of 2 parties, we can't let them just have the opinion that they have.
  10. Not just the bolded but your entire post, well freakin said. Particularly being that you're a Roman supporter, I give you big ups for your objectivity. FireChan keep #scoopin
  11. Whoa you did it!!! Thank you so much man, super cool of you. That was kinda my suspicion, that it was probably done a real long time ago. Much respect
  12. You can make assumptions and generalizations all you like, that's your right. But you'll never find a fan who in reality would support firing coaches quickly as an actual strategy. If you hire a poor coach then you only make things worse by leaving him in place and turning over more and more personnel for him each season. The sooner you move on from a mistake the faster your franchise can right the ship. It comes down to your evaluation of Rex. Yours is different than mine I am sure. It's interesting because the point you bring up about the lack of practice time, which I like to call the death of the padded practice, makes me less accepting of Rex rather than more accepting. He's trying to implement exotic schemes as you say without any time to do it. With seemingly infinite checks and re-alignments before the snap in an era where the snap comes faster than ever. Many times last year they couldn't even get the defensive playcall in on time, the offense would be lining/lined up and the defense would have their hands in the air like "what are we doing coach?" All this in an era where players are freelance mercenaries moreso than ever-- guys are getting the big paycheck and then running for the hills of retirement while they can still physically run. Not only do they have less incentive than ever to buy in but rosters are turning over faster than ever. And this guy coaches his defense like its 1975 and he's going to have the same 11 starters for a decade. Not to mention, its a passing league yet he plays run & stop the run. Its a scoring league, yet when we get the ball at the end of the 1st half we're more committed to using all of the time than we are to scoring a touchdown. Everything Rex does seems like it would've worked better some time in the past. And lo and behold, his results reflect exactly that.
  13. I don't find any of these things arbitrary or irrelevant. How could it be irrelevant that no coach of this era has been bad for 5 straight years and then won a Superbowl? Other side of the coin, how could it be irrelevant that playoff coaches struggled in their first season? Thanks for bringing the latter info to the table, dude.
  14. No but its real close! Thanks for the info, I'm genuinely curious.
  15. I hope JohnC responds to this topic. I also wonder when is the last time someone was a HC for 5 straight non-winning seasons, then went on to win a Superbowl.
  16. "I know we'll lead the league in defense. That's just the way it is." -Rex Ryan
  17. I'm pumped for that Daredevil / Jessica Jones team-up. Both those shows were shockingly good I thought, wasn't expecting much and got blown away.
  18. It's important to have good corners, not necessarily Gilmore. Rex didn't specifically have Gilmore when he went to the AFC Championship. The Bills signed two free agent CBs this year and added a draft pick they claim to be excited about, plus still have Mario Butler and Nickell the nickel. And Darby may or may not already be better than Steph. Further, even if the the above doesn't work out and they do need to draft a CB, they'll have the extra draft pick to do it with. Now rather than the 'two CBs for the price of one' that everybody is so excited about, we'll have two CBs for the price of zero. CB is one position I have some faith that both the front office can get the right player, and the coaching staff can develop him. And again if Seymour or one of the two FAs or Butler works out, now you have extra draft picks to use other places, plus dodge the bullet of a big contract with big guarantees for a player you don't need. and therefore can be more aggressive in free agency. Understood that this system is very demanding on corners, but the Bills have one good one in Darby and a plethora of other options which include a rookie they're over the moon about. I'm not pounding the table to trade him but its debatable IMO.
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