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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. I hope Rex press covers Beckham even though its preseason, easily removing him from the game completely.
  2. I believe in Dan Carpenter. I wish they'd pick either he or Schmidty and let one kick off, especially with the new touchback rule.
  3. That is one of many options that would look cooler than an ad, is all. When I've been lucky enough to be there I'd always noticed the Welcome sign during the walk up and thought it was cool, so I look forward to seeing what they do with it.
  4. Funny. I don't know why the in crowd can't leave the modding to the mods. It is a bit sad that welcome to Ralph Wilson stadium is replaced by a billboard. But so it goes.
  5. Whatever the intent I'm just saying a lot of it is accurate.
  6. Any coach dumb enough to go into 2015 without installing a hurry up offense is one who does not understand modern football well enough to be my head coach. Clear Roman out with the rest of the losers, please.
  7. Well reasoned posts. The best thing about the Bills defensive personnel is they have two penetrating DTs that win matchups and get to the quarterback, flanked by Hughes. Rex' base D to this point doesn't give these guys the same opportunity to disrupt, and the defense suffers for it. In addition though, the defense IS complicated. Many times the defensive line had to make a check and a shift before the snap, meaning the linebackers also have to shift, and they were often caught with their pants down when the ball was snapped. Guys flat out not knowing what their assignment is when the ball is snapped. Late in the season they realized the kid who'd been leading the whole unit and calling the plays all year didn't know the D well enough to do that. The system stunk, and the installation did too.
  8. Does David Hawthorne not play SAM? He looked good. Been hoping his injury isn't bad.
  9. I think Cardale will be the backup. He already looks more comfortable months after being drafted than EJ does going into year 4. All things being equal they'll go with Cardale so they can get him practice reps during the week. so EJ would actually have to beat him out decisively which I'm not sure he can do. All of them? Hm. If you say so
  10. Makes so much sense as a (possible) replacement for Ragland because we get that same downhill presence in run D that is crucial for us.
  11. Don't get me wrong, I like what you bring to the table in general. I do think you've fallen into focusing too much on 'catching' #BadGuy, and I get it, its tempting. There was a time when I traveled that same path, now I just appreciate, because at the very least, you know with him you're not going to read the same old stuff. Keep posting, brother.
  12. His link is the wrong Duke Williams, as #BadGuy pointed out above.
  13. http://www.nfl.com/player/dukewilliams/2539269/combine
  14. How is Aaron Williams faster when Duke out-ran him in both the 40 yd dash and the 20 yd shuttle?
  15. I like it because it locks him in for an extra year before needing to make the big franchise-altering decision, whether to give him $100m or whatever it is. Its worth a $5m raise in my opinion for an extra season to watch his health and his progress. I'd be surprised if Tyrod wants 2/$15m but for the Bills, I jump on it.
  16. I think we'll be marred by injuries again and win between 5 and 7 games. But still uncontainably excited for the season because I'm wrong a whole lot.
  17. I agree with you. It doesn't sit right that the combination of Terry, Kim and Russ were so involved with the head coaching hire when none of them seem qualified. They should either empower Whaley to run the show or bring in someone they actually believe in.
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