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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. I think he's been mentally messed up by a coaching staff that spent the whole offseason preaching their chickensh*t play not to lose philosophy. Not that Tyrod will be an elite QB or anything but he's better than this. Its like when Kyle Orton came on and looked good, then when Hackett and Marrone got their claws into him he got worse and worse. I saw him pull his eyes away from the field to look at the pass rush...he didn't do that last year. He's missing easy throws we know he can hit. Something is just wrong in his head and he's not playing at the top of his game, wherever that bar is. I'm still interested to see this kid in an offense that befits this century and a coaching staff that believes in him every day in practice. JMO
  2. Gilmore should be traded now for a 2nd or 3rd rounder. Can't give him the big bucks he's after so get something to help with the rebuild. Should have traded him months ago but it can still be done.
  3. My thoughts are that there are 2 types of quarterbacks, ones who get worse with mistakes due to loss of confidence, and ones who get better from their mistakes by learning from them. If Cardale is one who gets worse from his mistakes then he can never be the answer, and it would be best for the Bills to learn this prior to the end of the season. If Cardale is one who gets better from his mistakes then you're only helping him by throwing him to the wolves and letting him play poorly. All the time I see fans assume that if a QB plays poorly its bad for his development. Why? Whichever type of QB Cardale is, its only beneficial to see him play, whether he is "ready" for it or not. It all depends on Tyrod.
  4. The juicy debate was more about whether he's "elite" than whether he's bad. I'd expect more from an elite corner in such a big game, particularly an elite corner who doesn't make game-changing plays and his selling point is supposed to be consistency.
  5. Unbelievable. And that was something they were supposedly working on during the offseason. Get the zone dog going. Heyo!
  6. Need to get him away from these last-century, play not to lose coaches. They've messed with his head.
  7. I don't think we're miles apart I daresay, the bolded looks good after week 1. It was a beautiful thing to actually see the quarterback harassed by Bills pass rushers again. My favorite thing about Rex' defense is the way he creates jitters for the O-line and quarterback. I LOVE IT when he stacks 7 or 8 around the line of scrimmage and gives them no clue as to who is coming and who is dropping back. Seriously man I can't get enough of that. Be aggressive, make them adjust to what you're doing rather than the other way around. I doubled over in laughter 2-3 times when the Ravens had false starts because our aggression gave them butterflies. I suppose I still do have some questions that you don't have so I'm happy to see you so confident.
  8. NFL Live, Trey Wingo just said Watkins will play. Reporter on scene said they'll test it to figure out how much.
  9. I'm not thinking so cut and dried really, just having a conversation. The defensive performance on Sunday was encouraging. Amid the talk of guess what system is even older than the 46, I guess I thought it worth noting that it only works because its changed significantly. We need to follow suit, is all. Defensive coordination isn't my biggest question about Rex but still something of a question. So far, so good!
  10. He also had Danny Trevathan playing middle linebacker. It seems to me the reason he isn't antiquated is that he has adapted to a changing league.
  11. Has Wade's system not evolved at all over the years from the one-gap 34 his father was playing in the 70s? I ask because I do not know. Many of Denver's players, even unprompted, were very quick to credit Wade for adjusting what he does to fit his talent. No, the wishbone is not going to work in 2016 no matter how well you communicate and execute. The league is constantly changing so its only natural that some tactics will fall by the wayside.
  12. Thanks, yeah I was looking at regular season. Still, Lovie was fired coming off of 11-5, 8-8, 10-6 while Fisher has sucked for 6-7 years. Not advocating Lovie to the Bills which you probably know but its an example. There aren't many examples to choose from, for some reason.
  13. He didn't get 8 years to turn the Bucs around like Fisher is getting with the Rams. More than just Lovie vs. Fisher I think it odd that only 5/32 coaches are black when most of the (former) players to choose from are black. They don't seem to get the same opportunity, to me. Not that I know a lot about the hiring process.
  14. Lovie Smith gets fired from Chicago following a 10-6 season, without ever once in his 9 years there failing to reach 9-7 or better in 2 straight years. Fisher's last 6 seasons as a head coach have been .500 or worse (last 5 have been sub-.500). Looks like this is another which will mean 7 straight failures including all 5 of his seasons with the Rams. There are currently only 5 black head coaches. Fisher is a lifetime .455 head coach, Lovie is exactly .500.
  15. Hughes rocks. I love the hunger and how easy it is to spot all game long. I was wrong to not want to re sign him.
  16. Positively ungentlemanly indeed, Sir! Hold the formation. If its our time then we gladly lay down our lives like men, in the name of propriety. I like it. the no-huddle ball control offense.
  17. I don't think there are many ledge jumpers, just good folks who are seeing the lousy football they expected to see and are disappointed for it.
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