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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. I like this. We'll at least be prepared each week and take the game seriously again, and he'll be able to put a staff together.
  2. If they beat the Browns its all up in the air, if they lose Rex probably doesn't see next Tuesday.
  3. The point being made is that Whaley has no dominion over Rex. Rex reports directly to ownership. Agree that ownership should step in, as the way the Bills organization is structured Whaley has no authority over who plays quarterback.
  4. For the first time in my life I'm hoping the Bills lose- its worth it to me to get rid of Rex so there's a faint chance we don't suck again next year.
  5. If they're more interested in Lynn for next year than in Rex? Nice chance to evaluate him.
  6. I'll take Coughlin. We would look like a TEAM again TT can't come back with this contract imo
  7. He is awesome. I wish everybody cared about winning as much as he does
  8. :lol: :lol: Thanks for the info! Edit, I remember before Aaron Williams was the Golden Excuse, it was actually Brandon Spikes. That's right, Schwartz' defense was good and Rex' bad because JS had Brandon Spikes and Rex last year did not. True story :lol:
  9. You could have been a non-participant at work, you know I have a message from your doctor saying medical marijuana is the best way to treat your condition.
  10. I love Watkins and continue to defend the trade-up in person but this is getting funny. I'd be missing out on a good laugh if I were too nervous to acknowledge the humor in it. Which poster here was it who either Sunday after the game or Monday actually predicted he'd have foot soreness? You can't write this stuff
  11. I'm not telling anyone to shut up, I'm hopeful that a certain poster will stop making up fake facts and then using those fake facts to try to bully people he disagrees with into silence. I have no problem with anyone posting their football takes, that's what we're here for. Like when I tried to tell you in the preseason we should seriously consider moving Gilmore And indeed the poster in question has already grown and changed his approach, has written a post with "seems like" and "to me." Do you see the difference between posting an opinionated take or wondering aloud vs. conjuring up fake facts like 'Shaq Lawson is going half speed in this drill because the media is present and no other reason' or 'Nothing posted on Twitter can affect Gilmore's thinking' in an effort to dismiss an opinion we don't like? Bravo 26CB, I applaud your growth. i mean that (I know you don't care what I think, I applaud your growth anyway) Now this is revealing. It seems that the worst sufferers of BBFS may have it accompanied with an unfortunate tendency toward psychological projection
  12. Nobody wants to know what you do at night just quit stifling conversation and trying to censor people with your pretending nonsense
  13. You acting like you know what Gilmore is thinking is reminiscent of you pretending to know that Shaq is going half speed because the media is there Dorkington "wonders," you pretend to know things you obviously do not They've been talking long-term contract for over a year and yet you somehow know for a fact that Gilmore has no idea what the Bills think of him?
  14. you are so full of crap Please don't let the nonsense dissuade you from speaking up
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