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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. Yes I am, Marrone is responsible for Schwartz being here. Marrone also had his team as a whole disciplined and ready to earn their checks and compete every week. Less penalties, less injuries, more honest effort, harder practices. From the 36!
  2. what is really the difference between #2, a short-term rebuild for 2018 vs. #1, win now in 2017? Do you have examples in mind of transactions/decisions that would be handled differently between the two? Either way you're coming back next year with Shady, Watkins, Dareus, Hughes, Incognito, Glenn, Dareus, Darby, Clay, etc., and either way you're looking to draft a QB this year. Tyrod could justifiably stay as a bridge or be replaced by a different vet in either scenario, no? I'm probably overlooking something. We are locked into a lot of big contracts though.
  3. He made Marrone look good, which is sickening to me because I don't think Marrone all that bright or all that good of a football coach. But Marrone utilized the beast front four and got turnovers, and had his team prepared for its own schemes and playing hard every week. I think If nothing else we can get back to those basic things with McDermott and we'll be better for it.
  4. Deleted that one when I realized I was re-opening a can of worms. that was something I admired about him with the Jets, he divided his locker room and failed but at least he went down with his ship no matter how ugly it got.
  5. So hire in their belief an inferior head coach to the one we got, because we had a half decent offense one year. The Bills are not being so shortsighted and are putting the coach in place who they believe can build a winning football program.
  6. The F*** You Up Defense Looks like pass rush is back
  7. McVay has most of it under wraps, wants some help putting a run game together to compliment. Makes more sense for them than us.
  8. Sammy has a bad habit of showing up Tyrod after the QB fails to get him the ball. Shakes his head, waves his hands around, etc. I know TT stinks in some ways and its frustrating because Sammy gets so underrated as a result, but a good teammate supports his QB anyway.
  9. As well as a 4th last year which could have been used to draft Dak Prescott.
  10. Kromer would be an awful choice imo. Poor man's Greg Roman. It would be fine if we had an offensive coach but we don't. We need someone who can work with young quarterbacks and set up a passing game that gets the most out of them.
  11. I'm wondering if the Castillo hire means McDerm thinks he's getting McCoy. How can he hire a run game coordinator without a run game in place to coordinate? Castillo helping to install the ground game with McCoy calling plays and working with the QBs could be a good setup. Why aren't the Bills setting up other interviews but the Broncos did? Wishful thinking probably.
  12. I think he's a better QB now than when he came to KC, he's continued to improve whereas Taylor leveled off (at best) from year 1 to 2. When I watch them I think Smith is better, not vastly better, but appreciably.
  13. We're just the Bills Yes, we're only the Bills And McDermott has work ethic and will
  14. That's cool, man. I spend too much time on here too, especially in the offseason when changes are happening and I'm filled with false hope! lol I don't really blame you for being down on Whaley, its perfectly fair at this point. My stance during the season was that he's about an average GM and that there was no wrong answer whether they wanted to keep him or fire him. He seems to me to be roughly in-line with what other teams get from their FOs. In honesty Peter I would have slightly preferred Whaley had left simply to clean out the house and get a fresh start. But again, okay with him staying too. The concern I do have now is that IF they brought Whaley back, I wanted him to hire his OWN guy and finally be on the hook once and for all, and I'm again left wondering whether that is what's happening here. But I digress. The thing regarding the Rex hire narrative is that it wasn't always important to me whether Whaley was AGAINST Rex from the start, or was perfectly fine with Rex but he just wasn't Whaley's top choice. What was important to me was simply that he wasn't Whaley's top choice, but he WAS the Pegulas' choice. That meant that the GM was having a coaching candidate pushed on him by non-football people who happened to be his brand new bosses. His top choice was apparently the same guy who was my top choice at the time, Hue Jackson, so I naturally found that part encouraging. As a Bills fan I hope you're wrong about Whaley feeling insecure about Rex being there. Because my opinion of Rex is so much lower than yours, I'm a lot more prone to chalk Whaley's displeasure up to football reasons. But you could very well be right I have no idea. Go Bills
  15. Yeah my post was just to let you know that its certainly been out there for a couple years, its not like people are just making it up now. I don't have any trial-worthy evidence for you. It was actually a prominent poster here who brought us the scoop at the time, I believe. That's probably why Promo said what he said.
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