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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. All can really be said about Tyrod's 2016 is "statistically average if you fully include rushing" Stats don't tell the story of missed easy opportunities though as we saw weekly on the A22. Repeated easy opportunities that were missed should have a very real impact on any reasonable evaluation. Knocking to below average at best. I'd also argue that balance is inherently better than being one dimensional, in terms of winning. In stat terms that would mean Tyrod's rushing yards are not as valuable as more passing yards would be Guy is not an average starting quarterback in terms of winning a Superbowl in my opinion. Sometimes we seem to get lost in the raw stats and forget some of the real world applications. I was on the Tyrod train until, at a time when he should have been galvanizing his men and leading them to comeback win, he was shown sitting on the bench staring into space with his eyes glazed over like there's somewhere else he would rather be. It is not a smart move to give this guy 20M a season I don't care what stats come out. He fits right in on the pantheon of esteemed quarterbacks I've had the pleasure of watching the last 20 years. 20M dude...its franchise QB money for a bridge QB product.
  2. Also, he was bad in no-huddle situations, and worse in the 2nd and 4th quarters and better in the 1st and 3rd quarters. Teams that score in no-huddle and 4th quarter situations win more games despite less points scored. Scoring at the end of close games is what translates that 7th in PPG ranking into lots of actual wins. This is why its important to be able to pass the ball...there's inevitably going to be close games in which we have to score some other way than breaking the pocket and scrambling 5-10 yards at a time. Its not about accumulating pretty stats its about getting wins
  3. I do not agree at all. If he stays only the running game is good, if he goes the passing game may be good also.
  4. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/192084-bills-have-2-days-to-trade-ttno-cap-hit/?p=4250835 Kirby, according to that post (which silenced Badol so I'm thinking BarleyNY's facts are good), to cut Tyrod after one more season would cost $30M, to cut him after 2 more years would cost $20M per year. Do you expect those two figures to go up or down as a result of a restructure?
  5. If he takes a pay cut then ok, he can be the bridge/backup. I'd still prefer Romo or Foles instead so we'd have a chance to have a good passing game in addition to a good running game...but bringing back Taylor and further wasting Sammy Watkins in a gimmicky non-passing offense actually becomes a viable play if TT takes a paycut and prices himself into it. Of course a QB must be drafted high if they do this
  6. For me its even simpler than that: he's bad and he knows it. I wanted to believe in Tyrod and did for a long time but I'm not going to believe in a guy to come through with huge improvements when he doesn't seem to believe in himself. I think the consensus on Tyrod will continue to fall until he's considered a bad starter / strong backup. That puts his value well below his cap hit and calls for a release. Just my take, Marty, I'd rather Romo or Foles as the bridge guy and run a more well-rounded, more modern offense, supporting Shady and Mike with a legitimate passing attack, getting more out of Watkins and Clay.
  7. He put up good stats in Roman's training wheel offense, no arguing that. His stats are better than his play because the numbers don't record all the open receivers he fails to see, and the plays he can't execute. Also, I said today, with the league having seen Tyrod for 2 years, not his first season. Kaep and RG3 also had strong first seasons running around.
  8. Tyrod stares off into space on the sideline in the 4th quarter losing a close game. He can't lead because he isn't seen as good at his job. His receivers are visibly frustrated with his inability to deliver them the ball, putting their hands out and palms up indicating they're wide open. Sometimes when he actually sees his wide open receiver he still misses the throw for no reason. And rather than betting on himself and going after a legitimate long-term contract, he signed his bridge deal, predicting ahead of time that his play was more likely to drop off than to improve, and he was right. Tyrod himself and his teammates know he is never going to win a Superbowl as a starter. Time to move on from Mobile Trent Edwards folks, this guy was made to be a backup quarterback and he knows it. Let his eyes glaze over as he stares into space on someone else's sideline in the 4th quarter. I think Watson is a better QB today.
  9. In limited action Foles looked good again last year in a system similar to ours, for a coaching staff which included our new QB coach. Tyrod Taylor is not very good. He refuses to release the football multiple times every single game and regularly fails to even see wide open receivers. He is incapable of going through progressions quickly, and regularly delivering the ball on time. There is a chance Foles in the right system could outperform him.
  10. I would say he has upside but not as high as guys who are more accurate. Seems to be something that doesn't tend to improve drastically.
  11. Great posts here John, I couldn't agree more! Get a damn quarterback already. A team has to be freakishly good to win big with a Tyrod type, if its even possible. I don't understand why folks are happy with mediocrity at such a critical position. Keep doing your thing Ryan L
  12. It can work- people actually liked Batista for a minute because HHH went over so much. Brady and BB will put someone over on the way out.
  13. They book well. Dusty Rhodes would be humbled
  14. Not great but better than Tyrod. Not scared to throw the ball a la Trent Edwards
  15. Good with that. Its funny you say CoT because it reminds me of the Church of Trent, and if I have one word to describe Tyrod I go with Trentative. Don't mind bringing him back if that's what they wanna do but be aggressive about getting a highly regarded prospect onto the roster.
  16. Draft one high and move up if you have to. QB is the most important so be aggressive
  17. ^That is what I'm most excited to see, this defensive line back to abusing quarterbacks and taking over games. The last two years were brutal.
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