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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. If you say so. According to Trapasso the SLB spot in Derm's D is a sort of blitzing SLB / DE role.
  2. I think it'll be Brown at Will, Ragnuts Mike and LorAx SLB
  3. yeah dude was just always a bad player. Doesn't play with fire
  4. Agree with this, not saying he's going to succeed, I have no clue. Just saying the effort level and team mentality is pretty clearly going to rise significantly over the last 2 years.
  5. team will play with heart again, you'll see. Again no idea if it will actually be enough but I predict the effort will be there. They're bringing in those types of players and the coaching staff is all about it, the culture will pretty obviously be better than under Rex. Derm isn't like Rex, he's not about that yapping. Everyone around the league knows him as a grinder, the team will take on the personality of the head coach as it did under Rex. Its not about falling for the talk its about not letting my Bills cynicism get in the way of good logic. McDermott is known everywhere as a hard worker, Rex was lazy as hell, so naturally the team is going to work harder.
  6. talented players who don't care about the team, don't work hard won't go far either. It takes both. I too think this will be a big season for Big 99
  7. can you please be more specific about Sammy's criticism of Taylor? I've noticed him showing up the QB on the field when TT messes up.
  8. It will be refreshing to see this team play with heart and give it everything they've got in an effort to WIN again. No idea if it will actually be enough but the one thing about Derm I feel I can trust is he's going to get this team to work hard and try. I swear Graham and KW were the only players even trying on defense at times last year.
  9. as I learned years ago from a poster far more learned about QB scouting than myself, the deep ball is no way to analyze arm strength. Any QB in the league can throw the ball the required 30-40 yards. The best test is whether he can drive it on a line on a 25 yard out pattern from the far hashmark, not something I remember Tyrod doing very often. That could just be up to my memory, don't know for sure. I do remember him sailing a number of outs though.
  10. Maybe there are good mid-level dudes we can sign? Like the 3-5 million types? OT, WR, DB. They seem to want a TE too. Also maybe they want to use some of the money to match Groy and Gillislee.
  11. I give the Bills a better chance to end the drought in 2017 than I did in 2016 under Wrecks Ryan, that is for damn sure. Gilmore or no Gilmore.
  12. I do appreciate that he likes Buffalo and the atmosphere on gamedays, and damn he dresses well! He seems like a fine human being but I'm not convinced about his leadership. I've seen WRs disrespect him on the field and I've seen him zone out on the sideline in close games. It doesn't seem like the other guys really look up to him as much as they do Shady or Sammy, despite what is said publically. But if he plays better in the new scheme maybe that changes.
  13. I see, got you. Thanks for keeping me honest on the quotes Hoke, I mean that.
  14. That's just this year, yes? I believe he went from 2yr/40 to 2yr/30.Also doesn't the new deal only have 15M in guarantees? Could've sworn I read that.
  15. There's a reason why he said "I'm not taking less guaranteed money" and then took a lot less guaranteed money.
  16. Freakin awesome! Yes yes yes! We may win, we may lose who knows, but what I do know is after the ugliness of the Ryan era it will be refreshing to see this team play with heart again.
  17. Probably because Sammy has visibly disrespected him on the field shaking his head, waving his hands etc after Taylor opts not to throw his way.
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