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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. Kroman and Romer had way more to do with Wood'a improvement than Tyrod imo
  2. ^ agree. Styles has been so so so good in every way. At least its a high-profile match though. he better not lose to Shane lol. Thanks for throwing the card up by the way. The show takes so long these days, I'll probably watch after the fact so I can fast forward. I'm into the tag matches, Neville/Aries, Goldberg/Brock. I hope Rollins really does get to wrestle this year, he deserves it. I feel Aries is so under-appreciated lol. I'd love to see him win and then feud with Gallagher. I want to be excited about the Raw women's match but they kinda lost me somewhere along the way, hot-shotting the title around all year. I'm looking forward to when Dana turns on Charlotte. Might see some new Tag Champs HOW YA DOIN? Usually a babyface wins the main event of WM but will they really put my man Goldberg over Brock three times??? If they want to give Brock some heat back they could have him win and then send the crowd home wanting more by bringing out either Nakamura or Finn Balor for a face-off or whatever. Miz has been fantastic since the roster split too, I'd love to see him pin Cena.
  3. I have to see that dude! Those guys have a way of getting right to the point.
  4. Are you comparing him to Graham or Nelson? Because TJ Graham was unfit to carry David Nelson's jock.
  5. Well said my man. I've been guilty of it and most of us have. Fortunately we're all ultimately here because we have something in common, a love for the Buffalo Bills.
  6. Oh that is interesting. Now the other corner we were linked to was Verner, and he is more of a zone corner, no? Thanks for helping me out.
  7. He is a restricted free agent tendered by the Bills, meaning he is under contract here for 1 year. He is free to negotiate with other teams but should he sign, the Bills have the right to match his contract and retain him.
  8. Is Claiborne more of a zone corner whereas Gilmore is more of a man cover guy? Been wondering what kind of CB they will look at.
  9. In my mind he's a slight favorite to win the job. Mills, CK, Hendy are not very good options at RT. Groy looked decent last year and played some Tackle at Wisconsin.
  10. Wow thanks Bill. I'll let you know though, I believe you have an old grudge against me for an awful mistake I made about 10 years ago, and a rule of thumb not to respond to my stuff. I hope my name-change didn't fool you. I've always respected the loyalty you've shown to your friends over the years. I bit hard on Losman the way you did RJ and defended him with venom, you may recall. With every mistake we must surely be learning.
  11. I can understand that. One thing I try to remember, my fellow traveler of both time and space, is that we enter this world as a lonely stranger and leave it a lonely stranger. Other people don't actually know me, their words reflect only their own perceptions. Its my ego that gets its feelings hurt, if I stay away from the ego then sour words will pass right through me. There are disciplines that can be learned which will make us impervious, though like any other discipline it takes time, effort and repeated failures in order to learn. I hope that makes a lick of sense
  12. I laugh because I just find it amusing how folks delude themselves about his abilities as a player. Its not about EJ himself. Its just funny how we as human beings trick ourselves. I know you're not replying specifically to me, just want to explain post 2 of the thread. Every time the name EJ gets brought up on this forum I'm amused because I think back to all the silly out of touch posts I've read about him over the years, even last year by which time it should have been blatantly obvious. We humans are a funny animal. I don't mean the above as insulting to anyone, I've deluded myself too. I advocated drafting EJ and I once thought Boobie Dixon was the most underrated player on the Bills. Its ok to laugh about it. People Are Strange
  13. So for some reason you're certain that Ducasse and Poyer are sooo much better than what we could get post-June 1st that you would trade both a 3rd and 4th round pick for them.
  14. now its scheme fits, a second ago it was 'just simple math.' Again, hopefully Ducasse and Poyer are worth such a risk. I don't pretend to know.
  15. Maybe you're right dude I have no idea whether Ducasse or Poyer are better than what we could get June 1st. Do you? The Bills are saying that acquiring these specific players is worth risking both a 3rd and 4th round pick. Since these players are Bills now I only hope they're right in that assessment. Its still very early in FA, we'll see what happens, I don't know nearly enough to make a rigid judgment about this one way or the other. Hopefully the FO is appropriately cognizant of this.
  16. players signed after June 1st can fill out the roster with no effect on comp picks. They're not just filling out the roster they're targeting specific players they want. Hopefully it proves to be worth it.
  17. Estro, Adam, FireChan and others, I want to say thank you for speaking up and explaining this stuff to us, even in the face of all the sarcasm and insults that add nothing to the discussion. Just got done reporting a post telling one of you to 'shut the !@#$ up.' I hope y'all realize its the ones running on emotion who are the most vocal. Some real well-reasoned posts here, I've learned from this thread, please don't get discouraged.
  18. Seems pretty tight if they plan on keeping both Gillislee and Groy, and teams try to frontload on us a la Charles Clay.
  19. I wonder if Kouandjio will have trade value once he gets healthy, being that he can protect the blindside? 2yr/4m for Mills smells like swing tackle money.
  20. Collectively, all 15 thousand of us combined? I would say we know quite a lot. I like the signing too, my friend.
  21. I'd love to have him back at a lower number, probably near the vet min, he's actually the type of guy this coaching staff is targeting to build a tougher team that's laser-focused on winning.
  22. That really doesn't prove anything. Coaches have plans that blow up in their face all of the time. Rex was hired for his supposed defensive genius and his D was awful. Plenty of fans questioned him throughout the process and got responses just like yours, "do you actually think you know defense better than Rex Ryan ahahaha." Truth is its not an impossibility for a fan to see an issue ahead of time and ultimately be right about it. these coaches are humans who !@#$ up, not deities. We're here to share our takes and it would be awfully boring and unfruitful if all we ever did is bow down to the genius that is Bills management. I'm happy to read what people have to say if they can put together a compelling argument. That said I like this signing
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