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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. Before Wrecks got here he was probably a top 3 DT in the league. Sacks the 4 years prior to Rex (starting with rookie year): 5.5, 5.5, 7.5, 10. Straight beast for a DT.
  2. I completely disagree. With the caveat that he keep his nose clean off the field, I'm expecting Big 99 to come back with a banner year causing havoc in offensive backfields under Derm, Frazier and Waufle. We will see.
  3. Maybe he wants to have fun and be a bit lazy in the nice weather? Good for him. See ya
  4. Roman would have been completely lost in the running game without Tyrod.
  5. The reason why I think it'd be nice to have him back is he can cover. We need a decent nickel LB. He's basically a JAG but we're in need of his particular brand of jagitude.
  6. Nobody is rooting for failure, all I want to see is wins. The Bills will likely have the lowest pass play % in the league, its a college style offense with lots of option running plays. I can't think of an offense where the WR position is more de-emphasized than ours. The less you pass, the less impact WRs have on the game. Taylor is not the kind of QB who instinctually puts his guys in jump ball situations and trusts them to make a play.
  7. I don't agree he's no different, I think the Bills will attempt fewer passes in terms of % than nearly anyone else. Running QB.
  8. You okay, John? That is a comment really out of left field. I hope everything is well with you. I used to think Taylor had potential to be a lot more and that Roman was holding him back. I'm perfectly willing to admit my perspective is wrong as new information comes available. I'm also willing to learn from posters here and get debated off a position as I've done before.
  9. I don't care about narratives or what you choose to complain about(?), I only care about winning. The Bills have to win with run game and defense no matter who plays WR. The passing game is just an accessory. They can use the 10th pick better than putting together dual #1 WRs, an elite TE plus another matchup problem at HB. Tyrod will never take full advantage of that setup. in other words, it is wasteful. He's not Carson Palmer or something, he's a conservative QB who makes plays with his legs and is one of the worst pure passers who will start next year. Everyone talks about how valuable it is he takes care of the ball, well you don't need multiple elite WRs merely to not throw interceptions. that's for teams who actually want to throw the ball to win. Not a team that will have the lowest pass play % in the league no matter who plays WR. Just my opinion, John.
  10. I've been thinking the same, I don't get the obsession with overloading on pass catchers when we're likely to have the lowest pass play % in the league. Even when we call passes the QB runs a lot. Its a waste of resources, the Bills have to win or lose with run game and defense.
  11. Whedon got to be King of the Big Budget Movie for a reason. Angel was good too, especially the episode where they go to that bizarro world where humans are slaves and meet the Groosalugg! Lorne was my favorite character.
  12. you really don't know the difference between a hands catcher and a guy who drops the ball because he tries to catch with his body?
  13. Love it! I don't know how they can keep it this cool for multiple seasons but that show kicks ass. Taboo rocks too. Incorporated is cool too, a lot of good ideas though I feel like it has potential to be even better than its been so far. The guy's doctor wife is a fox. 24 is legendary, I can't bring myself to watch the new one for some reason. You may like Mad Men. Shockingly good storytelling and characters that breathe.
  14. ^ Gotta love Bills fans. We are seriously awesome. They don't deserve us.
  15. Does anyone know whether or not he is a natural hands catcher?
  16. Preach JohnC. Thanks for that great post dude Such generosity
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