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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. Right but who is doing the slanting? That's what he was asked, is it Whaley who ultimately decides, and he balked at the notion that it is Whaley. I can see we're just going to go around in circles though, think what you like, bud. I get the sense that the owners are still very much in the learning process. He did answer though
  2. What is the relevance of this post? I'm sharing my take on what the owner had to say, is that not the kind of thing this board is meant for?
  3. The owner was directly asked whether it is the GM and balked at the notion
  4. I'm sure they will act like adults. There seems to be a dangerous trend though Whaley puts candidates together and wants Hue Jackson, the owners fall in love with Rex Ryan, Whaley says sure I can roll with that too. The owners make the call. Whaley puts candidates together, the owners fall in love with Sean McDermott, Whaley wants to interview Steelers DC Keith Butler but says sure I can roll with McDermott. The owners make the call. Now the owner is asked directly whether Whaley has ultimate say over the draft pick, and the owner basically says 'we'll take the temperature of the room.' It seems like they haven't learned yet. I said this last night but again, Bill Polian takes any and every opportunity to talk about how important collaboration is, but he is the one who ultimately decides at the conclusion of the collaborative process. That doesn't mean Bill Polian was failing to act like an adult or refused to collaborate, but there needs to be a football person who makes the call at the end of the day. Concern seems to be warranted here
  5. My concern is that You in this scenario, that person who decides which way to lean, shouldn't be the owners. It should be a football person who does the weighing of everyone's opinion.
  6. Only Buddy Nix is dumb enough to talk crap about his current starting quarterback.
  7. This post ROCKS! Well freaking done, John. Get a quarter back already and stop fooling yourselves pretending a Fitz or a Tyrod is good enough
  8. Its straight from the mouth of the owner of the team. 2013-2016 is not now. When asked in 2017 whether Whaley has the final call at the end of the collaborative process, Pegula balked at that notion and offered 'maybe if someone feels strongly' etc. People will interpret it how they want, as you say, but to me it seems clear Whaley doesn't have that authority at this time. It's straight from the owner of the team.
  9. https://www.google.com/amp/www.fieldgulls.com/platform/amp/nfl-draft/2013/2/21/4014600/nfl-combine-the-seahawks-scouting-process
  10. Everything is done with collaboration. Listen to Bill Polian, he'll take any opportunity to talk about how important collaboration is in the front office. But at the end of the day, when the debate has raged, everyone has said their piece and the smoke has cleared, Bill considered all that input and made the call. And it WORKED, and the Buffalo Bills played in championship games. In NE* its Belichick. Seattle, its Executive Vice President Pete Carroll. Baltimore its Newsome. Jersey Giants its Reese. I can't think of a title winner who didn't identify an "at the end of the day" trigger man. Maybe the Bills will revolutionize the game?
  11. Has a team won a Superbowl in the modern era without identifying a trigger man for their 1st round picks? It seems like we're a mess compared to the good teams.
  12. They say that a Czar can save us, I'm not gonna stand here and waaaaait
  13. Now I see where you're coming from, thanks. I stand by my view on WR early in the draft.
  14. The reason the Falcons trade for Julio is fine while the Bills trade for Watkins has been so maligned is the Bills made the move without having a QB who can take anywhere close to full advantage of that kind of weaponry. Watlins, Clay and McCoy have all been here multiple seasons without coming close to reaching their potential as pass-catchers. Its pretty simple, the more you run the ball and the less you throw it, the less a WR can affect the game. I'm not interested in doubling down on a past mistake and burning more primary assets on WR without having the ability to use them. Gordon I'd be fine with, as you say, the issue is burning the primary asset for something we can't even use. as Moulds points out, we signed two fullbacks right quick. Seems like common sense to me that as long as Tyrod is QB the Bills will need to be run-heavy, again, maybe you disagree.
  15. Maybe you disagree, I'm of the opinion that Dennison will need to copy a lot of what Roman did in order to have a productive offense with such a limited passer. I'm expecting another run-heavy ratio.
  16. In Tyrod's mythical magical 2015 season, the Bills were still the only team in the league that ran the ball more than they threw it. Chris Hogan was more productive the following season than he was with the Bills, because Tom Brady even spreading the ball around the way he does still gets more from an individual WR than Tyrod does. There may not be another offense in this league that de-emphasizes WR quite like the Tyrod-led Bills.
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