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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. Interesting how there hasn't been a whiff of interest in any veteran backup QBs.
  2. Ryan Tennefly. Brian Flannel Mill. Ryan Talleywhacker. Ryan Benny Hill. Rhine Tanner Bill. Flyin Brian Pill. You stupid IDIOT
  3. I root for him too but I can also see he's not very good. It's like watching a Sabres game.
  4. I can cosign this. Tyrod defenders, what say you? Do we have an agreement?
  5. :lol: I dig the creativity, Pooj. It's a slow burn. Nakamura was a rockstar before even signing with WWE and after his exposure on NXT, you saw how highly anticipated he was with the crowd. There were people all over the world losing their minds just at seeing Shin on WWE TV. So WWE is teasing everyone and building anticipation. The less they give away, the more special it is going forward. His entrance takes forever and Miz is a smart but cowardly heel. So when Nakamura entered with all that unique energy of his, Miz hit the bricks, consistent with his character. Miz is the guy everyone wants to hit in the face while Nakamura is famous for kneeing people in the face. I'm guessing they're going to have Miz be annoying and grating like only he can while dodging actual confrontation, and just when people are losing their minds they'll give 'em what they want. In my opinion there's something beautiful and different about Nak. I've no idea who to compare him to...as Renee Young said on Talking Smack, it's like he lives in his own little world. I thought that was a brilliant description. I took my Deadhead dad to see him in NXT in Brooklyn and he was all skeptical that my favorite wrestler was some random Japanese guy, until Shinsuke and the indescribable feeling in that building knocked his socks off. Seeing him live is a trip and a half. Wrestling is subjective though and it's all in the eye of the beholder. You do you, brother.
  6. I like this post. +1 for you I DELETED my Facebook 5-7 years ago, it had become OBSOLETE and it was liberating to get away from the noise. Not on Twitter or anything else either, my friends have all have my phone number and can get in touch that way.
  7. 2 outta 3 ain't bad! Na-ka-mu-ra!! I give the show a Perfect 10 I appreciate it, Gentleman Jack
  8. Yeah I hear you. I felt like the match started off HOT and I had the thought "wow I overlooked this match," and then the first bug-ring projection thing hit and I thought "oh cool," and then the match immediately fell off a cliff. The projections quickly became the only hook in what had looked like it was going to be a great bout. I would've loved to see Bray win, he deserves it and needed it a lot more than Orton. I read awhile back though that Vince doesn't see Bray as a real money-maker, more sees his value in putting over the guys who draw. Disappointing because he's SUCH a terrific character, when he debuted I thought this is the guy, he's going to change everything. Instead they have him in this pattern of losing big matches. I wonder if with Styles "fired" they may do a thing where Stephanie likes him because he beat her brother, and brings Styles to Raw (which he deserves) and sends him after Rollins to get revenge for her and the HHHubby. Styles/Nakamura would also rock if they go that way.
  9. Happy for Seth Rollins and Naomi finally getting theirs at Wrestlemania after injuries, Naomi in her hometown. Glad they let those two win and Stephanie finally got some sort of comeuppance, as a character like hers who is awful to watch every week absolutely should. I'd love to see her and HHH take some time off and let the talent on Raw speak for itself, enough with the evil authority stuff for a minute. I had low expectations and they were exceeded, usually I can't watch the whole show live but this was good enough to hold my interest for the most part, until the awful main event. Goldberg bumped for Brock like a champ, that match was an exciting few minutes that had the crowd pumped. Aries/Neville and Owens/Jericho were good. Outside of the Hardys nothing was amazing for me but all-in-all the best put-together WM in years. Every match had a different story to tell. Too bad Miz couldn't win, but I get it. Wonder if they try him as a babyface again while the iron is hot.
  10. Convicted felons have also been put to death and then post-humously been proven innocent.
  11. This blanket statement just doesn't work dude. Innocent people have been put to death, the law is not perfect.
  12. I'm not too concerned about this, the Pegulas seem to be very loyal, to a fault even. Rex was their first HC hire and he got an extra season when many of us knew he was a loser. Slow trigger, not a quick one. I'm confident McDermott will get plenty of time. I have serious concerns about the Pegulas but a quick axe is not one of them.
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