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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. Tyrod not being very good, better than him doesn't automatically mean franchise quarterback.
  2. Yeah no question if we had a true FQB there would be less interest in the 5th round rookie. Not no interest, but less.
  3. Maybe. I hope they give Matt some creative freedom over those segments. The Broken stuff was self-deprecating and silly, not something the WWE writers normally do very well. If they give Matt freedom he'll do amazing stuff that will get everyone talking, and laughing. It'll be WONDERFUL!
  4. Yeah I didn't like that match either. They try to get cinematic with Bray and channel Lucha Underground's unique presentation but it just comes out bad, like that Wyatt Family vs. New Day mess in the woods from months back (forget what it was called). Other than that I liked the show, Owens/Jericho and Aries/Neville were good, Alexa winning was awesome, Rollins keeps rolling and Roman loses. Enjoyed it
  5. One drink ain't enough, Jack, ya better make it three... :beer: I knew you'd come around.
  6. This is what I've been wondering with Simon indicating Whaley is safe. Would he be happier in a scouting role, out of the crosshairs? I'd love to see that happen, I think Doug could continue to help the org in that kind of role.
  7. "Yeah, everybody funny. Now you funny too!" The day Tyrod was signed I voted that he would start, it was way less than 50% of us and way less than 33% of us. But the majority had EJ way overrated and it wasn't so hard to see Tyrod would be the new coaching staff's guy. I think the same thing is happening here. We'll see brother, it'll be a fun camp.
  8. Not surprised to hear that, he can release the ball on time and execute the play the way it's called. Not a guy that will hold and scramble all day. Coaches like QBs who can run their plays.
  9. Is there any chance that Whaley would step down into some sort of scouting or pro personnel position?
  10. My money is on Peterman starting opening day, he can see the field and operate an NFL system. Tyrod doesn't know what he's looking at and doesn't see his receivers. Tyrod improvises and runs around, Peterman will release the ball on time and operate within the system and will win the favor of the coaches is my best guess. We'll see! Go Bills
  11. Hey thanks brother I've appreciated your posts recently too, I see you. Go Bills!
  12. I see it the same way. Possession WR2s and 1st round corners in a zone scheme and RTs are high risk to go first contract and out. I'm surprised no QB, no DL-- in the coming years they'll be forced to address these foundational positions and they better hope like heck the right players are there at the right time. DL is vital in our scheme and though it's not an immediate need and it may not result in a "day one starter," it's more important than the positions we reactively patched up. I would prefer to use FA for patching holes, top of the draft for foundation whether they start right away or not. For example why not Taco Charlton at pick 27? In a couple years we'll be desperate for a DE. Putting heat on the QB is the most important thing on defense. A zone corner can be found later in the draft or in FA. A DE that works out is a lot more likely to be re-upped than a 1st round corner in a zone scheme. This team isn't a Superbowl contender now so I'd be drafting with an eye toward opening a window about 3 years down the line, and sustaining it rather than just "what immediate needs can we patch today?" As Jeff has pointed out coaches typically take a short-sighted approach. It takes a savvy personnel man to have a long-term vision. This is why I say the Pegulas have set McDermott up to fail. As a rookie head coach he should be executing someone else's vision rather than directing the entire organization. All of his picks represent drafting for immediate need rather than the long-term. The owners, who I am quite grateful to, have a lot of learning to do yet. Just my take.
  13. Just my take, I think that Sammy is a rare talent the equivalent of which can't be found in free agency. If he's durable he's a truly foundational piece. But we need better, more aggressive quarterback play to really see that talent shine through. He's virtually ALWAYS open but the QB just doesn't get him the ball enough.
  14. Well the franchise tag would normally represent a 6th year of control after using the 5th year option, instead we're using it year 5. It's an interesting idea though to make a personality like Sammy prove it and play through a money year.
  15. I don't see it, John. It seems to me like they're just looking at their needs and patching them. Short-sighted, no vision for how to build a foundation for sustained success. Patchwork mentality. We need a WR2 so draft one of those. We need a RT so draft one of those. These are not foundational pieces, these are the type of things that should be addressed in free agency. And on top of it we're giving away draft picks to execute the patch job. Reactive rather than strategic.
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