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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. Interesting. Care to expand on why it's good against New England in particular? Just to spread them out?
  2. The Bills were relatively weak at receiver last year so it makes sense they struggled against man.
  3. Sort of along the lines of the post above me, apparently The Batman is a different continuity/universe than the Joker movie. soooo...they're going to re-cast the Joker character again soon? lol It's hard to think The Batman trilogy wouldn't use the Joker in some form after all, the character is so money
  4. Tasker is such an idiot. "Defensive left?" Ya Steve that would be the meaning of left end
  5. I agree! Inspired casting, that. Great fit I think you'd have to be disturbed/traumatized to become Batman. What strange thing to do with your life. Especially for a billionaire
  6. I'm grateful for that too, much more fun reading through the camp / gameweek threads now
  7. Why are we all talking like Vernon Butler is a nothing? I know it's one year and we don't know exactly what he actually is but he had a good year last year; certainly there's some chance he's a starting-calibre player.
  8. Belichick is an active coach and Martindale is an active DC, Pees just retired this off-season I believe so has been active the whole time Gregg was supposedly establishing himself as the guru
  9. I previously advocated letting him walk assuming he would get at least 12-13m AAV but I was thinking yesterday that, considering his humble lifestyle, he may have different priorities than others and may be the type to take lower numbers to stay in a place and situation where he's happy. If it's around say $9-10m can we pass it up?
  10. I agree hes better than Bradham and will get a lot more money. The defense regressed so much because he's not being replaced by an equivalent player. It's always either trash or it's Lorenzo Alexander moving into a role he's not suited for. But who was Matt Milano before McDermott and Frazier got him? Just a midround pick nobody wanted. I think they can do that again and save a truckload.
  11. I do agree it would be a good move, just don't see actual snaps for him until there's an injury.
  12. I think Klein would play ahead of him at SLB and Bradham would just be a valuable depth piece.
  13. Bet they let Milano walk, find a cheap replacement in the draft, let someone else overpay and then bring Milano back in a couple years when they cut him. In short, the Belichick method.
  14. I seriously doubt Tyrod makes all those 4Q comebacks/game-winning drives. He was a Trentative check down artist and would usually shrink and crumble when asked to win the game for you. Allen plays his best ball at winning time.
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