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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. I tend to think five CBs is common enough that it does not make sense to automatically label any team that rolls with 5 as thin at the position.
  2. I keep hearing they're 'short at CB.' Is five corners not fairly common around the league?
  3. So another one of these names, in addition to Feliciano, needs to go on IR-R to make room for Marlowe and Roberts. Any guesses? Taiwan Jones?
  4. nope Smith not going anywhere, and never was. Easily best blocking TE on the team
  5. Dawkins, Ford, Morse, Spain, Williams, Nsekhe, Bates, Boehm, Boettger, Salami(spellecheck haha!), Winters = 11. Who am I missing?
  6. For them to cut a guy they already know is a fine backup WLB in Thompson, they must see actual upside in this kid
  7. Surprising to see him over Thompson, they must see some real upside with Milano's contract looming.
  8. Yeah it's that Shanahan zone blocking deal. With Diggs gone nobody will fear the pass, they'll overplay the run and the OL isn't as good as last year. Bad formula I think
  9. I think Minny falls off some, losing both coordinators, Linval Joseph, Diggs, and some questions to answer on the OL. I have money down on under 9 wins
  10. That makes sense, they like Neal in the box against run sets almost like an LB. Thanks!
  11. Is that different from how they deploy Neal in the slot, or do they share the position in similar situations?
  12. Parrino was really excited about the way Johnson looked in camp and seemed to suggest he's ahead of Marlowe (without saying it, of course). Called it "almost a shame" there's no starting spot for him but "he's there if you need him."
  13. Yep, I got out of work and had to scan the entire double digit pages to get caught up.
  14. For whatever reason we as fans love dreaming about 2 HBs on the field at the same time, like when we had Lynch and Jackson or Jackson and Spiller, and these conversations take place and then nothing comes of it. I can't think of an offense anywhere in the league that has used it to any great effect in the last 15-20 years. On 3rd & 1 Josh, Diggs and the one HB give you three different running options. Instead of a second HB I'd rather someone who makes us more dangerous on the ground with their blocking (Lee Smith, Kroft, Knox, a 6th OL) or who spreads the defense out (ie Beasley). A second halfback to some extent is wasting a man, seems to me.
  15. I think I'd rather just have a Gabriel Davis on the field. How many teams have a 4th corner who can match up?
  16. Shrug? Interesting thought. That's a high salary to trade in the current climate, though.
  17. If the team is putting out the message that they're still heeing and hawing over Murphy, it makes me think it's cuttsville
  18. interesting. is he a decent running back or closer to a pure special teamer? I don't love Yeldon becoming a somewhat important offensive piece if there's an injury.
  19. I think the reason Smith isn't going anywhere is they flat-out want him on the football team. The penalties have to come down but some of that can just be chalked up to variance/"bad luck." Its still true that none of these other TEs block like he does.
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