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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. I think that's more a fair hypothesis than a fair conclusion. To make a conclusion about this alleged change in play calling, I'd think you'd have to study the actual play calling.
  2. Yeah I don't see where you're coming from with this one. I don't see how they score on us and I don't see how they stop us from scoring. Their OL sucks and Ben is old and immobile so they can't run or throw deep. So McDermott gets to focus on just the short passing game and he'll have a plan for it. Other side, how can they match up with all our WRs and limit our passing game? I think Bills win this game handily.
  3. Sounds like the big day is tomorrow. Wednesday is the normal start of the practice week in-season so if he practices then they can save face on that policy Fowler is talking about.
  4. I've always wondered why Milano rather than Edmunds is our designated matchup for big, athletic TEs like Kelce. Edmunds should be, like, the perfect laboratory-grown matchup for that, no? being so long and fast. I always just figured they feel he doesn't have the ability to cover man-to-man at a high level, otherwise why has he not been that guy for the last 3 years?
  5. That can't be what he meant because he introduced his '80-20' philosophy thing as a case against using resources on TEs in the first place.
  6. Spatial awareness, that "GPS" to find the football like they say with Rousseau, is an important attribute for a gunner and it is not off the charts with Taiwan Jones. I'm guessing he plays physical and combined with his speed that's why they like him. The ball skills aren't great.
  7. Chan Gailey trying to get on someone's coaching staff so he can trade for him.
  8. He's flashed in preseason before then the regular season comes and he's invisible. I didn't expect him to make the team and I'm sure this is why they were talking him up so much.
  9. I don't know what's more lame, Edmunds' game or this poll. Splash!
  10. Could anything be more predictable at this point than Josh Allen looking good?
  11. Also what got most of us excited was his awesome run stops flying up to the line...we don't actually see him in coverage unless we're watching film afterward...you do that, most do not.
  12. As Joe Marino has pointed out, Haack is also a much better holder than Bojorquez. When a kicker misses we love roasting him and usually don't acknowledge the hold unless it's overt. Bojo would often have it lopsided instead of standing up straight or the laces would be wrong, you really could see it a lot of the time if you looked for it. It sounds funny but every one of Haack's holds were surgical. He's a pro. The Dolphins' kicker Sanders had a career year with Haack. I think Bass is gonna kill it even more this year and approach his craft with confidence. So yeah...holding, everybody.
  13. Crazy how Sewell is jolted backwards at that initial punch. Mouth watering stuff
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