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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. Beasley is way better than Beebe, it's laughable to suggest otherwise. You're talking about longevity which has nothing to do with my point...I'm saying at this exact point in time they're at a higher level.
  2. Diggs comparable to Reed, Sanders comparable to Lofton...Beasley vastly superior to Beebe. Davis and McKenzie vastly superior to the 90s #4 and 5.
  3. Easily the best WR corps in franchise history- not even close
  4. Since when are they listing Neal as a Safety again?
  5. I wonder if the NFL doesn't want fans to be better informed because it makes it more difficult for the league to push their chosen narratives.
  6. Yeah I enjoyed the Mannings, some cool insights into the game
  7. Derm and Co. just need to teach him not to jump right before impact. He jumped right over Brissett!
  8. 66% seems really high for the Bills! He's impressing the coaches as much as he's impressing all of us.
  9. I've seen Brady/New England drop a couple early in the year and make me think they've fallen off, then win the Superbowl. The season is a process-- nobody wins the Superbowl in September. It's about what we will be three months from now. No need to overreact.
  10. He's moving better than he's ever moved in a Bills uniform. We'll see how long it lasts, but he was actually beating people on pass rush reps today.
  11. I haven't had a chance to try Bar Bill yet (and I'm abstaining) but got Duff's takeout last weekend and really enjoyed those suckers. Thinking about it makes me wish we had anything like that down here!
  12. Is Cody Ford specifically an issue you think? Because Boettger seems to be decent in pass pro.
  13. Even McDermott at his postgame press conference, when asked about the defense, was all "when you take away the blocked punt they only gave up 16 points." And as you know he's not a guy into excuse-making or fudging numbers. When you're discussing the DEFENSE, not the TEAM but just the defense, it's perfectly logical to filter out non-defense points allowed. It's like when you want to know how accurate a quarterback is, adjusted completion percentage that filters out drops is more accurate and useful than raw comp%.
  14. I'd love to watch a Bills game like this with the Mannings and Ray Lewis
  15. What are you talking about? The Bills had 24 rush attempts week 1.
  16. Be sure to review the tape and figure out where your wing-eating plan went wrong.
  17. Next offseason we can finally get away. Post-June 1 cut is like 2.6m dead cap, something like that.
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