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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. On the contrary... Everyone knows the offense was a disgrace. I wouldn't try to change that. But if Jauron was the timid and nervous head coach many claim he is, he wouldn't have the sack to go for it on 4th down more often than 21 other head coaches, despite being 27th in time of possession. He'd settle for field goals. And he wouldn't . Jauron simply isn't the coach his haters dream that he is.
  2. Another thing...where is this conservative, play-not-to-lose label coming from? I remember a team that would forego field goals in order to go for it on 4th down as early as the 1st quarter of games. I remember a team that, in last year's season opener against Denver, attempted a deep ball to Evans on a 3rd and short to try to win the game right there, rather than try to grind out a 1st down and keep the clock moving. The OPINIONS are that Jauron is a conservative, timid, almost nervous and fearful coach, and runs his team accordingly. The FACTS are that last season, his team had the 11th most 4th down attempts despite being 27th in total time of possession. Taking more risks than the majority despite less chances to take them...how does that fit the "58 minutes of 'don't lose' ball" mold that many of his detractors repeatedly tell us he falls into?
  3. Please explain how "firing the guy running the show and making 100% of the decisions" equates to "little to no effort to correct the problem." Thank you.
  4. And the NFL isn't even the only football programming available.
  5. For sure. NFL Playbook is one of the better football shows out there.
  6. I'l do neither, as I hardly made a statement worth retracting. But thanks for the info regarding the SI publication, I had no idea of that. Pretty much answers my question. I thought I remembered hearing that the Sabres just hardly churn a profit on an annual basis. Either I thought wrong and my imagination is at work, or thats old info from before Golisano took the reigns.
  7. Who said the NHL is "making it work?" The league isn't exactly raking in the cash every season. And I thought I remembered hearing the Sabres are just barely scraping a profit each year? Additionally, hockey is embedded in the culture of both Buffalo and Toronto. That isn't the case with football.
  8. Assuming, for now, that Cincinatti and Baltimore are out of the conversation, Pittsburgh only has to beat out one team to make the playoffs: Cleveland. None of those other teams matter.
  9. http://sports.yahoo.com/fantasy/blog/roto_...=fantasy,100490 Thought I'd pass it along. Behrens is basically telling everyone what we already figure: if the Bills offense is any good this time around, it probably means plenty of touchdowns for Hardy. That said, he's sitting on the waiver wire in my 10-teamer, and I'm hardly inclined to change that.
  10. There is NO WAY Royal gets cut. According to all evidence we have so far he's our best recieving tight end, and he's easily our best blocking tight end. He's a leader, and he's been here for a few years. There's no way he gets cut, and there's no logical reason for him to get cut. He may be the definition of mediocre, but he's the best we've got.
  11. I thought they intentionally replaced half their line, as opposed to losing it. I know they drafted Brandon Albert, who ought to be a good one.
  12. How'd you figure it out? Did you do anything differently? My running game is dreadful for the most part...
  13. We could sure use something to lighten the mood around here.
  14. Was he pulling out on the play, or staying in the trenches?
  15. Live on NFL Network. If you don't have it, and can't get somewhere that does, I believe you're out of luck.
  16. Also, Adam Schefter is reporting that if the Jets trade Favre to the Vikings, they have to give the Packers three 1st round picks, so put that out of your mind. And Chad Pennington is "expected to be released."
  17. What I saw on both ESPN and NFL Network was the following: -Minimum 4th round pick -becomes a 3rd round pick if Favre takes 50% of the snaps -becomes a 2nd round pick if Favre takes 70% of the snaps AND the Jets make the playoffs -becomes a 1st round pick if Favre takes 80% of the snaps AND the Jets make the Super Bowl
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