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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. I thought we'd give him the mega deal, then immediately sign Fowler for twice that amount just to mess with Parker.
  2. I think we all get that, Sen. By "happy" I just mean "not holding out." And I certainly hope his $40 million signing bonus and $10 million annual salary would keep him in camp for awhile.
  3. He just isn't one of those top blockers yet, Bill. I can't call him that after one standout season. To me, all he had to do was get in here and duplicate last season, and he would've gotten paid. And if not I would've been right next to you guys who have been bashing management for not caving in to his demands. Its really a shame if he indeed isn't willing to put in one more season of work to get what we all want: Jason Peters happy and locked up long-term.
  4. No, our third down efficieny during his tenure is a testament to our inability to run the football. But keep blaming that on the 4th reciever.
  5. Because he has his role. He'll never be a part of an Anquan Boldin/Larry Fitzgerald combo, and frankly people who talk of Reed having a breakout year this year are way off base. He's already "broken out" as much as he's going to. He is what he is. He's good at going over the middle, he's shown himself to be a great 3rd down target, he's very good after the catch. He's an extremely reliable reciever with great hands. Why in the world wouldn't you want a guy like this on your team?
  6. Why in the world would he need to be a starting calibre reciever in order to make the team?
  7. With the ridiculous way we drafted, it doesn't make much sense to keep Greer. He's gone, whether he has another good year or not. Don't ask me why they were so determined to shove him out the door...
  8. I really don't want to drop to 0-2, and considering the week 2 matchup, a whole lot comes down to the opener.
  9. A good leader can't pretend to be something they're not. If Tony Dungy can do it this way, so can Dick Jauron.
  10. CBS Sportsline is citing the Pasterisks official site. They can put whatever they want on their official site. If Brady were out week 1, wouldn't it be in their best interest to say he was practicing, and everything is fine?
  11. It has nothing to do with the CBA, it has nothing to do with precedent, it has nothing to do with what the Bills are allowed to do vs. what they should do. It all comes down to one bite-sized factor. Jason Peters doesn't deserve the money he's asking for. He can not be called one of the best overall players the entire National Football League has to offer after one standout season. All he needs to do to get the money he's asking for his get in here, work his ass off, and duplicate what he did last season. Show me you're not a one-hit wonder. Then he can get all the ice and all the bling-bling and all the cashmoney. That is all.
  12. To me, he looks more like a man sitting behind his desk, remaining cool and collected, while Peters stomps around his office yelling and knocking stuff off the desk. And every once in awhile, Ralph calmly says, "Jason, you can have all the candy you want. But first, you still have some work to do."
  13. See, these are the kind of lines I have a problem with. The fact that something makes your team better doesn't automatically make it the right move. I present the case of one Clements, Nate. Are the Buffalo Bills a better football team with Nate Clements than they are without him? Of course they are. Even if someone somehow thought both McGee and Greer were better than Clements, he'd still make quite the nickel back. Obviously, given the choice of having Clements on your roster and not having Clements on your roster, you're taking the former. Does that at all mean the Bills should have paid $80 million (I know the last year of that deal is only there to make the agent look good, but even so, its an enormous contract) to keep him aboard? No, it doesn't. He isn't the best defensive player in the league, and even though this team is better with him than it is without him, its still detrimental to this team to give him the money he was asking for. Its the same thing with Peters. Is this team better with Peters than they are without him? Yes. Same with Clements. Has Peters earned a contract that will make him one of the highest paid players in the National Football League? No, he hasn't. You don't get paid like that after one standout season. He's not worth that money (yet), just like Clements. If Peters would get in here and work his tail off and duplicate the high level of play he was at last season, I'd be completely on board with you and bash team management if they still wouldn't give him the mega-bucks after a 2nd Pro Bowl. But he still has something to prove in this league before the Bills will give him one of the biggest contracts in the NFL.
  14. If by "respected at another position," you mean "undrafted." Also, #3 and #4 never happened at the same time. Peters never had 3 years of improving play, and a UDFA contract. Pointing both out at the same time is misleading to say the least.
  15. Being outplayed by Kyle Williams, and possibly being a bust overall, doesn't change the fact that McCargo has at least shown he can make a play every now and then, which you originally were saying he couldn't. He did make a few plays in the backfield last year, and the previous year before his injury. I've all but given up on the guy just like you, but he's still better than Tripplett, 'cause he does occassionally get his name called.
  16. Good post. There isn't much to disagree with there. My disagreement is on your main point in this thread: that standing firm in the Peters situation is somehow "good business," but not "good sport." There are a couple thousand rabid Bills fans on this board that will tell you they wouldn't give up a bag of manure for Ralph to do good business, and therefore care ONLY about the product they see on that football field, yet are proud of the way the Bills have handled this thing. Are they all ill-informed?
  17. As fans, we don't give a crap about how much profit Ralph rakes in every year, yet most of us are proud of the way the Bills are handling this. Are we all just stupid, and you're the only one who sees the truth? Or maybe, just maybe, "the business side" and "the sports side" are somehow related? Hmmmmm...
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