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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. That was what I thought as well, with him having coached under Martz. IMO we can safely say we were wrong about him. Amen.
  2. http://buffalobills.com/blog/index.jsp?post_id=3961 Any speculation as to how far they really go with this? All talk?
  3. Why is everyone convinced Jauron has a style of offense that he likes? I promise you, Jauron WILL have "his way" with the offense (seeing as he IS the head coach and all ), and it'll be the same approach he's taken the rest of his career: whatever approach his coordinator thinks is best. If the offense is any different this year, it won't be because Jauron suddenly changed his philosophy, it'll be the difference between Steve Fairchild and Turk Schonert.
  4. Don't you understand that every post about Edwards is REALLY about Losman?
  5. I heard the same joke at least 10 years ago, but it was the Jests instead.
  6. Thats great news about Schouman. I wonder what they would've done if he couldn't suit up, and Royal went down. Thanks for posting.
  7. The biggest matchup is their running game vs. our run defense. If we can make them pass, they don't have the weapons to beat our secondary. I'm so sick of getting gashed up the middle by the running game, and that was still happening to a degree with #99 in the lineup in the preseason. The run defense is still a primary concern.
  8. I love how we measure Edwards by starts, and Losman by "years." Thats completely fair, considering he missed his rookie year.
  9. Great. I just spit lemonade all over my keyboard. Thanks alot ya bastard.
  10. Thats all well and dandy, but the fact remains that he's only looked like an elite player in this league for one season. Its great to look at his career and see rapid improvement, but one season as a 'solid starter,' for lack of a better label, and one Pro Bowl season, do not make you one of the 2 or 3 best players at your position. He'll get Pace/Ogden money when he proves he's the sucessor to those kind of players: a franchise tackle a team can rely on to set the bar for their position year in and year out. My opinion that all Peters needs to do to get paid is repeat last season hasn't changed.
  11. I think you mean nearly twice as much as their left guard.
  12. Okay, so what you're saying is if Peters comes in and works hard, and has another great year, and the Bills still won't pay him...what should he do at that point? My answer for you is that I have no idea. I've been going back and forth with you for over a month, and my main point through all of this is how powerless the player really is in this situation. The team knows football is the way this guy is going to make his livelihood, and the player's only options are to eventually (again, whether that means tomorrow or two years from now) cave in and play, or to retire. Thats why I like how management has played this...they have all the leverage, and they're using that perfectly. All I can tell you is that if that is how things go down, this Bills fan will admit he's been wrong the whole time and switch sides of this debate. But somehow, I don't think thats how this will happen, and I doubt you do either.
  13. You really don't think the two sides have spoken to each other AT ALL? Pardon my bluntness here, but that seems naive to me. There were plenty of articles in the early stages of this freakshow stating the two sides have only had "brief discussions." And the newer articles word it that the two sides haven't spoken "in a month." Both of those phrases point to some kind of talks taking place between Brandon and Parker. Here's my best guess at how it went down. Parker: We want a new deal. Time to pay up, boys, you've got a Pro Bowl left tackle on your hands. Brandon: We took a risk re-signing him to more money than he was worth two years ago, and we want to take advantage of it. We also want to see him play another year before we give him the kinda deal you want. We'll pay him next year. Parker: Okay. I'm holding him out. Those are indeed brief talks, and there hasn't been any need for them to talk in the last month because nothing has changed. Parker wants his share of a big signing bonus now, and the Bills don't want to give it to him until next year for a couple different reasons. This is a game of chicken, and the fact is that Peters will eventually (whether that means tomorrow or two years from now) play football for the Buffalo Bills, because his only other option is retirement.
  14. No derrogatory nickname for the Hawks!? You're off your game! Maybe you should have gotten into camp on time and worked the rust off. Let me give it a shot. Buffalo Bills - 41 Seattle Starbucks - 0 Posluszny!!!
  15. Because if he comes in here and works this year, and matches what he did last year, he'll have proven himself. He'll have earned the deal he's asking for. Two seasons is far more significant than one.
  16. Because he's asking for a good deal more than he's worth. He's asking to be paid as one of the best overall football players in the entire NFL, and he isn't one of those guys after one standout season. And I'm not saying he'll be back tomorrow, I'm not saying he'll be back before the season, I'm not saying he'll be back before the end of the season, and I'm not saying he'll report to OTAs next year. But at some point, he'll have to decide between playing football for the Buffalo Bills and ending his career. What do YOU think he'll choose?
  17. He is not one of the best players in the National Football League, so he's not worth one of the biggest contracts in the National Football League. All he has to do is come in here and work, and play as well as he played last season, and he'd get paid. And if management still wouldn't pay him after two standout seasons, I'd be right next to you with the lanterns and pitchforks.
  18. He will come to us eventually Mick. He really has no other choice buddy. There's no need to panic and deal him away...just wait for him to get his head together and realize that football is what he wants to do with his life, and that he has no alternative to playing ball for the Buffalo Bills.
  19. I wouldn't sleep on Nate Burleson. He had 9 touchdowns and a 13.9 yard-per-catch average last year, and he's probably the one weapon left in that offense who can really hurt us. Also, I'm not so sure pounding the ball as much as possible is the best move here. This is a young team thats missing its left tackle, has a young quarterback and a rock solid half back. That personnel combined with what we showed last year equates to the opposition expecting us to come out running the ball. I'd love to see Turk come out, spread out the D and let Trent do what he does best: utilize the short and intermediate routes. This will loosen up the defense and open up the running game, and it may not be whats expected of us. I hope above all that Turk is willing to throw the ball on 1st and 10, something Fairchild seemed dead set against. Thanks for posting. Go Bills!
  20. Did you read the entire post? As long as we don't trade Peters, he will eventually come crawling back to us. Its only a matter of time. Is that point even arguable?
  21. Only if you don't want a franchise LT on your team.
  22. I really hope we don't trade him. If we just let him rot, even if its for 3-4 years, he has no choice but to eventually come crawling back.
  23. With ya on this one, Mick. Evans is a true professional, and we need him around here. Lets get this thing done.
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