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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. I wouldn't sleep on Nate Burleson. He had 9 TDs and a 13.9 yards-per-catch average last year. We're capable of shutting him down, but he's also capable of beating us. Lets home its the former.
  2. The point is that he has to play one more year under his current deal just as well as he played last year...in other words, if he is to be paid like one of the 2-3 best linemen in the league, he must play like one of the best linemen in the league. From his perspective, an awful lot is hinging on his level of play this year. If it were you, would you want every chance you can get to know the new playbook like the back of your hand, be in the best shape you'v ever been in your life, have the maximum amount of chemistry with your teammates you could possibly have, and take reps in the preseason to shake off the offseason rust...or would you want to avoid as much as speaking to your offensive coordinator until a day before the opener, having not lined up and taken a snap for about 10 months? Can Peters overcome these things? Yeah, he's a great athlete, and he's capable of it. But he's made things harder for himself than they needed to be, and he's gained little to nothing from it. Lets see if he comes out and earns the big bucks he's been after.
  3. Matt Murphy, but it won't be tonight. It'll be shortly before the Jacksonville game.
  4. Agreed. Which is why I said originally, "All is forgotten, Jason...if we beat Seattle." Not sure why you took issue with that.
  5. Winning cures all. If we beat Seattle and he's back to his old self in Jacksonville, there's no harm done. He can get his money after his 2nd Pro Bowl and we can all move on from this circus.
  6. All is forgotten, Jason...if we beat Seattle. Woooooohoooo! The Holy One is BACK!
  7. I thought we'd have needed a roster spot, due to us being a bit short-handed at linebacker for practice yesterday. This is a major error, Poz should be on IR.
  8. Obviously this isn't about the team either, because a healthy Angelo Crowell wasting away on injured reserve isn't whats best for anyone.
  9. I'd be dissatisfied, yeah. But he'd still get another year, albeit it a year where he's "on the hot seat" so to speak.
  10. The guy thought he could play through it, and changed his mind. Either way, he would have been back on the field in 4 weeks and in a contract year he would've been determined to come back with a vengeance. The fact that the team hasn't offered an explanation to the contrary is telling, cause if they had one, it can't hurt to mkae it public. The only reason they wouldn't let us in on their line of thinking is if its something they know we wouldn't want to hear.
  11. Got it. We'll shut down the boards till you say its okay to talk about this again.
  12. Agreed, GG. If the Bills have a good explanation for this move, they have no reason not to go public with it. Therefore, if the Bills don't offer a good explanation for this, it probably means they don't have one. Friday will be an interesting day, and silence may be more telling than breaking news...
  13. This isn't a situation where letting everyone in on their line of thought can hurt them in anyway imaginable, if they do have a decent explanation for this. Letting the rest of us in on it can only be a good PR move, right?
  14. If there were more to follow, and some mysterious explanation that will take everyone from tar and feathering the brass to praising them, I don't understand the secrecy. Why not just let Chris Brown in on the scoop, and quell the masses? Its just good PR.
  15. If there's "more to the story" as so many of you claim, then why hasn't it been reported yet? If they did find out the injury is worse than originally announced, isn't it in the Bills best interest to get that out there immediately? Wouldn't they WANT their fans to understand why they did this? There's really no need for the secrecy. Maybe we'll hear something Friday. Then again, maybe management made an error and jumped the gun here.
  16. So after taking Seattle off the list, the amount of teams with quality backup linemen is at...negative one?
  17. Great, thanks alot guys. I was just concerned we'd be too far under it and wouldn't have a decent angle. Obviously you don't pay to go to a game and watch a giant TV, but I'd like the option when the ball is at the other end. I'll probably grab a pair in there then.
  18. Sum of us juss dant ooz werdz to gude. Iz derra probbum hurr?
  19. Pretty straightforward. Can you see the new scoreboard from section 138? I'm thinking of buying a pair on StubHub for the Raiders game as my brother and I may make the trip up. I see its kind of a rough angle, and it looks like the scoreboard is the best way to follow the action when the ball is at the other end of the field. You guys happy with the view overall from that area? Thanks a bunch in advance.
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