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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. Good point, crayonz. I'd actually prefer to win going into a bye week, so we should have let the Rams take this one today. But your point holds: when we finish 11-5 and tied with Tennessee or somebody for a bye week, these wins against NFC teams will come back to haunt us.
  2. How in the world does 'either team could have won today' get labeled smack talk?
  3. Here's one. I've already made my ammends. Good post, Bill. Whitner is becoming one of those safeties whose games you can't watch without taking notice of them. The guy is all over the field, he plays with intensity, and therefore really stands out. Regarding the ends, I seem to remember Schobel getting pressure on back-to-back pass plays at one point, the second of which ended a St. Louis drive by getting us a third down stop. Overall I've been disappointed with him, but he stepped up there. Kelsay is what he is, and what he is isn't a pass rusher. Would really like to see Turk more willing to throw the ball on 1st down early in games. We need to come out firing to loosen up defenses and set up the run, not the other way around. Evans is amazing, and this offense would look completely different without him. Get that signature! Undefeated after a month of football, who woulda thunk it? GO BILLS!
  4. You have a point. My assertion that 2001 was the only year Jauron should have produced a record that caught people's attention may have been incorrect. But how about this one...maybe he never had any business achieving the outstanding record that he did. After all, among the 18 names you so liberally refer to as "talent," 4 of them are unspectacular recievers, 2 of them are QBs who had no business starting for an NFL team, 2 of them were very mediocre running backs, 1 is an unspectacular fullback, 1 is a kicker and 1 is a punter. That leaves (in my estimation, anyway) 7 quality football players. Maybe Jauron did a better job that year than we thought.
  5. He's right. In the preseason, WR Steve Johnson had his entire first and last name on the back of his jersey, because Spencer Johnson is 'S. Johnson.'
  6. The way I look at it, the one time in his career he really had good personnel, he went 13-3. The two seasons out of his career where I've been able to follow him closely, he performed better than most expectations, keeping teams with mediocre (at best) personnel in the AFC playoff picture into the last month of the season. This is a coach who has by most accounts overperformed the last two seasons, and the one time in his career he had a legitimate chance to put up an outstanding record, he did just that! Add to that the way he has come out of the gate in 2008, which is only his second real chance to put up a noteworthy record, and I see no reason for pessimism. You say you're hesitant to call him a "great" coach, and I'm in full agreement with you there. Obviously he needs to at least win a playoff game before anyone even thinks about calling him a genius. But do you see any reason to think he isn't every bit as good as former world champions Brian Billick and Jon Gruden? 'Cause I sure don't.
  7. The only case I can understand someone making against Jauron is that he struggles to find good offensive coordinators. Prior to this year, he had failed to find one throughout his two runs as a head coach. But it seems this year he's a blind squirrel finding a nut in that regard, so my last real doubt about the guy has been removed. I'd only worry about this team's future under Jauron if Schonert falls on his face, or leaves the Bills. I don't understand people trying to say Jauron can't take a team to the "next level." This is a guy who went 13-3 in Chicago on his way to a Coach of the Year award, and there aren't many higher levels than that. This is likely the best overall squad Jauron has worked with, including the best quarterback and the best offensive coordinator he's had. I'm confident people are going to be happy with the results the next few years. Maybe they'll be some eating of crow around here, but I'm not holding my breath...alot of people will order a large portion of crow, and then fill up on salad and breadsticks and not even touch their food. Still waiting for Mickey, Kelly the Dog and others to take their bow regarding how much this team would miss Peters.
  8. I always figure when in doubt, go with the guy whose gonna get the most carries. Thats Edge here. Also, Kris Jenkins may be out of the lineup, which changes what the Jets can do against the run.
  9. No, they just posted a new one. Gotta love uncontrolled speculation. Part of the joy of being a fan.
  10. Losman isn't stupid (insert your joke of choice here)...he's not going to re-sign with the Chiefs right now, he's going to hit free agency and go where the money is. What value does he have to a team like the Chiefs that are going nowhere this year, when he's just going to leave in the offseason? KC probably wouldn't even give up a 7th round pick for him, let alone one of their 3-4 best players.
  11. Same here. Around draft time, it sure looked like we made a mistake not finding some O-line depth. Kudos to those posters who told me I was overreacting.
  12. Too few good, young quarterbacks? Palmer Brees Rivers Cutler Edwards Rodgers Roethlisberger Romo Eli At what point are there enough good young QBs for this guy?
  13. Our offense now doesn't care about time of possession, they just happen to have a quarterback who excels in the short/intermediate passing game, so thats what they utilize. Its all about scoring points. What coach would worry about whether or not they win the time of possession stat?
  14. Then why did you enter this thread? OP, I agree with you. Teams that don't field good defenses usually fizzle out down the stretch, and thats what Denver is. Cutler is a good one, but he isn't Peyton Manning. Alot of people on this board are afraid to say it, mostly for subjective reasons, but I think the Bills are the best and most balanced team in the AFC, according to the info we have up to this point.
  15. That isn't on the return unit. When the league's best punter is punting from his own 40 yard line, you're usually not going to get a return. Thats just the way it is. Its got nothing to do with blocking, unless you think we should have dragged their gunners to the turf to stop them from running under the kick.
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