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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. That isn't the point. Its the people who want Jauron canned who speak in absolutes...i.e., "Jauron is a loser and will never be successful." The people who are happy Jauron was extended tend to speak more moderately. For example, "Jauron could be a good coach, as he's done a decent job so far." A list like this just shows that there's precedent for someone to perform similarly to Jauron at the beginning of his tenure, and later on have real success with that team. Its far from proof that Jauron will take us where we want to go, but I think it does indicate that some of the pessimism around here is unfounded, based on his performance to date.
  2. For the 3rd time, nobody is saying Dick Jauron is a good General Manager. If you want to go out and hire a real GM, I'm with you every step of the way.
  3. If you think a defensive line where 3 of the 4 starters are Chris Kelsay, Ryan Denney and Kyle Williams, a secondary where a clueless rookie is forced in as the nickelback and the safeties are such lackluster players as Ko Simpson and Bryan Scott, an interior offensive line where 2 of the 3 starters are Duke Preston and Jason Whittle, a WR corps consisting basically of one guy, and a group of tight ends lead by Robert Royal doesn't make for seriously flawed personel...I don't know what to do with you. If these offensive and defensive lines aren't "seriously flawed" what the hell is? And yet, this team might still make the playoffs. But if they do, we'll know it has absolutely nothing to do with the coaching, right?
  4. As long as he's finding ways to win games with seriously flawed personnel, he's the right Head Coach for this team. Maybe not the right General Manager, mind you, but the right guy to cook the meal. Dick Vermeil after 41 games with the Rams, ages 61-63...16 wins, 25 losses Dick Jauron after 41 games with the Bills, ages 56-58.......19 wins, 22 losses Worked out pretty well for St. Louis, if memory serves.
  5. Because I believe the two teams are about even, and we lost a game we should have won at their place. No reason not to be optimistic about that game.
  6. Did you watch Butler before his injury this year? I'm hoping he can help, too...but he's hardly a savior. Things will get better when he returns, but in the offseason we need to upgrade both center and right guard.
  7. The Cleveland Browns were clearly a reflection of their head coach when they went 6-10 in 1991, 7-9 in both 1992 and 1993, and 5-11 in 1995. That Belichick guy must be such a dope! The LA Raiders were clearly a reflection of their head coach when they went a combined 8-12 in in 1988 and part of 1989. By the same token, the Denver Broncos were clearly a reflection of that same head coach when they went 8-8 in 1995, 6-10 in 1999, 8-8 in 2001 and 7-9 in 2007. I don't even need to look at anything more: that Shanahan guy obviously never accomplished anything! The Houston Oilers and Tennessee Titans were a reflection of their head coach when they went 1-5 under him in 1994, 7-9 in 1995, 8-8 in '96, '97 and '98, 7-9 in 2001, 5-11 in 2004, and 4-12 in 2005. That Jeff Fisher guy is such a loser! Great post, great thread! You're a genius!
  8. I've always liked the 'Retard Rodeo.' I see no need to substitute that for a Retard Band.
  9. Oh, okay. So basically you're everything thats wrong with America. Welcome aboard!
  10. I'm gonna help you get your identity back. Whose hotter: Avril Lavigne or Megan Fox?
  11. They have tried, in their way, to improve the lines. Year 1, they traded up to get McCargo...you can certainly make the case they should have foreseen his failure, but at least it shows they recognized from day 1 they needed to address the lines. Then they brought in Dockery and Walker, who have been unspectacular but decent. They also extended Butler, hoping he would be part of the answer in the middle...that seems at this point to be a failure. Year 2, they brought in Stroud to seal up the middle of the line, which he has done effectively. I suppose they hoped that Kelsay and Denney being healthy together would produce a pass rush, as they did in 2006 with 12 combined sacks. That unfortunately hasn't happened. I also suppose they figured those same 5 guys on the offensive line would be able to "gel" and improve on a decent '07 campaign. That also has not happened. This offseason, there won't be anywhere else to go. Its glaringly obvious that Fowler, Butler, McCargo and Kelsay have not worked out the way they hoped, and at least 3 of those 4 must be upgraded for this team to get any better. Most other positions on this team are solid, so the lines are clearly where their attention should go. I fully expect Jauron, Modrak and company to prioritize both lines. I sincerely hope I'm not being overly-optimistic. After all, other than the McKelvin pick, I really feel they've done a good job at using 1st and 2nd round picks to address spots that desperately needed attention (Whitner, McCargo, Lynch, Poz, Hardy). To me, the offensive and defensive lines are the only spots on this team that desperately need attention, so if that trend continues, we should both get what we want this year.
  12. I do think we can beat Miami at home, though.
  13. The divisional games might not kill us. If we finish 10-6, we just need one AFC East team to finish 9-7 or worse. I could see a scenario where New England* wins the division at 11-5, the Bills and Jets are the two AFC Wildcards at 10-6, and the Dolphins miss out.
  14. Well its a must-win this week. How the guys come out Monday Night will tell us quite a bit.
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