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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. The Bills were obsessing over 1st round corners long before Jauron got here.
  2. I saw the GA as your location, and assumed it was a Braves logo. Sorry for the dig. I have a feeling you and I are going to be disagreeing quite a bit in the future, so lets try to keep it from getting personal, eh?
  3. So hire a General Manager. The point you're making has nothing to do with the ability of our Head Coach to be our Head Coach. And as Rich points out, you know no better than I do whose really running the show. I would presume its mostly based on Guy/Modrak's opinions.
  4. In all seriousness, go fck yourself. I shouldn't have expected any more class from a fcking Braves fan. I've seen your kind come into Shea and behave themselves similarly.
  5. Chris Kelsay and Ryan Denney are our starting defensive ends. There is NO SCHEME that our personnel will fit.
  6. I will never understand the attitude towards Flutie around here. The whole country fell in love with the guy, seemingly every football fan I talked to about him in person told me they would root for the Bills as a second team because they liked him. And I come on here a few years later, and 90% of the fans of his own team talk about him with disdain. I'll tell ya, in my house, we were all firmly on the Flutie side of the debate. Such an easy guy to root for.
  7. You're a smart guy, Rich. Which part of the above do you disagree with?
  8. Opinion: The offensive and defensive lines have been subpar ever since he got here. Opinion: No coach wins without strong line play. Fact: His record with the Bills STILL isn't far from .500.
  9. THERE it is. I still think the Bills blew the 1st round, and it really has nothing to do with McKelvin personally. We just did not need a cornerback, and it doesn't really matter if he ends up being a good player. We could have just re-signed Greer for that spot instead of letting him walk at the end of the year. So unless McKelvin is faaaar and away better than Greer, in other words a perennial Pro Bowler, its a lousy pick. Its just recycling at one position, and doesn't allow the team to get any better.
  10. There isn't much difference between the two of them these days.
  11. Don't bother with the chick drinks. Get yourself a Heineken
  12. Note that not one of those quotes actually calls McKelvin a bust, though.
  13. Seriously. This team just rips the heart right out of me.
  14. Say what you will about Jauron, but even if he is a terrible coach as people claim, this team is still far more likely to make the playoffs in '09 with a 4th year lame duck head coach than a rookie head coach. There have been examples of rookie coaches getting it done the last few years, but it is still the exception to the rule. If you're truly THAT impatient, you ought to be hoping Jauron is here next year.
  15. I always see these posts "for all those that were calling him a bust." Did people actually say that? Just because someone was criticizing the team drafting McKelvin, doesn't necessarily mean they called him a bust. I don't remember seeing that at all.
  16. Good thread. Somebody here knows, they've just been waiting for the 237th thread like this to post it in.
  17. Wow, I didn't realize he was down THAT low. All the better for a move to LB, I suppose.
  18. You're an outstanding poster 'Vet and you've got a sharp mind, but this thread is preposterous. Since the beginning of our playoff drought, the Bills have an unsatisfactory .421 winning percentage. The Lions have a dreadful winning percentage of .286. Yeah, the goal is to win a Superbowl and both teams have failed to do that. I'm not any happier with the mediocrity we've seen from this franchise over the last decade than you are. But the Bills have consistently put a significantly superior product on the field to that of the Lions. There's really no question as to which is better for a fan. Just ask any of those Lions fans who have to go to games with paper bags over their faces, or any Bills fan who's able to give you a truly honest answer. Things are bad, but at least we're not Lions fans.
  19. My Pops is on the Fire Dicky J Train, and we got to talking about this after the SF game. We actually came to realize we could put together a half-decent 3-4 with the team we have right now. Just for shts and giggles, here's how I'd envision it shaking out: RDE: Spencer Johnson NT: Marcus Stroud LDE: Kyle Williams ROLB: Aaron Schobel ILB: Kawika Mitchell ILB: Paul Posluszny LOLB: Need to add a player And the secondary we know. As for that open OLB spot, the best we could do with the team we have (assuming Crowell is a goner) would be to start DiGorgio in the middle instead of Kawika, and put Kawika on the outside. Another intriguing possibility would be to keep the middle as is, and use Bryan Scott as an OLB. He's been playing in the box quite a bit, and we've been blitzing him a lot. Really though, we'd need to find a fast, athletic pass rusher, as Schobel alone just doesn't cut it, regardless of the system. But I do think Schobel would make a damn good 3-4 blitzing linebacker, in that Jason Taylor mold. I believe he was playing down around 260 lbs. this year.
  20. Are you sure? I'd just say the same things I've been saying for the last 2+ years. It would only end in frustration at both ends. Are you certain you want us to get involved? Why not let it just be another lawlz he sux sausage party? Those threads are just more pleasant than the ones where we start with the back-and-forth.
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