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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. What this team is really missing most desperately, with the deterioration of Schobel, is an elite pass rusher...what worries me long-term is that its REALLY tough to find those guys.
  2. But think about it this way: your expectations were that they would compete for a wildcard spot. They're not only doing just that, but are additionally competing for the AFCE crown. In what way are they falling short of expectations?
  3. Keep in mind that to do that, you'd have to demote Bobby April as well.
  4. -The pass protection has been decent. One of my other qualifiers was "at least mediocrity everywhere else." When the quarterback play was passable, a Jauron-led team was 5-1. When the quarterback play (regardless of who it was) fell to the bottom of the league, the pass protection was negated, and the offense started spinning its tires in the mud. -Run D has been solid, but pass rush is bad enough to make me vomit. Denney and Kelsay are sorry excuses for NFL defensive ends, and I don't know how Fewell/Jauron have worked around those defficiencies to field a decent overall unit. -Penalties as a whole have been way down with Jauron from previous regimes. Challenges are annoying, but a lynching over that hardly seems eye for an eye. Ditto for the timeouts, but I tend to chalk that up to the inexperience at both Offensive Coordinator and QB. I don't remember that happening to the point it has this year when it was Fairchild/Losman (as awful as they were). -Playcalling on offense? Start a Turk Schonert thread. -The defense as a whole has been pretty good this year despite ZERO pass rush, so perhaps the playcalling hasn't been as suspect as you think. They're doing their best with what they've got. I'll never hail Jauron as a Hall of Famer, but I'm sure curious to see what he would do with strong line play. He did once go 13-3 after all.
  5. Any way you could re-phrase that? I'm not following. The idea isn't to prove anything, its just to show nobody knows where Jauron will go from here. Jauron COULD be Kotite. He also COULD be Vermeil. Regardless, his job performance thus far gains some perspective from this in my opinion, and doesn't necessarily justify a firing. As to whether he'd go down or up, my guess is that he's just like the vast majority of the other coaches around the league, meaning that if you give him quality personnel on both lines and at least mediocrity everywhere else, you'll like the results. If you can't do that, you're just going to keep blaming your Head Coach every three years for your own failures.
  6. And here's the link. Its like a blog though, so it won't be there forever.
  7. Until he fails despite strong lines on both sides of the ball, for the reason that I wouldn't expect him to do much better than he has without quality line play. Got it. I'll circle it on my calendar. Boy, we love new coaches, huh?
  8. Interesting. How long till we run the next guy out of town?
  9. I don't know how we're doing it without a pass rush, but yeah, the D has been solid. And I don't really mind if Ellison is a starter next year. IMO he's better at what he does than Kelsay, Denney, Simpson, Royal or Preston are at what they do.
  10. It depends on how you look at it. To me, the Bills have delivered each and every Sunday as scheduled since the day I was born. Being young and nowhere near the town, I haven't been to enough games, but I completely understand why people want to go to the games regardless.
  11. They don't have to spin anything. There's always going to be Buffalo Bills fans who want to see the Buffalo Bills play football. They could go 3-13 twice in a row, and the die hards would still be there.
  12. But he'll be a high character, high motor type guy.
  13. Agreed. Thats important to keep in mind: ultimately, we're on the same side here.
  14. Keep telling yourself that we'll fire Jauron and all the problems with this team will go away. He isn't the one who re-signed Chris Kelsay.
  15. I've seen crazier things in this league.
  16. Great avatar, that song has always made me think of Buffalo.
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