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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. As somebody pointed out above, we're probably going to have to re-up Peters this offseason to avoid another episode like we had during the preseason. Inking Peters and Haynesworth might be more than this team is willing to spend in one offseason.
  2. Yeah, Lynch has been good for about one drop a game of late. I don't think any of them had much chance at being big plays though, so at least there's that.
  3. My mouth is watering. Sounds like just what this defense needs.
  4. No. Its the quarterbacks. The pass protection has been good this year, and the receiving group is passable. There is no excuse for them to drop back there and stand around as if they don't even know the playcall, because they "can't find anybody." Time and time again they sit in the pocket until they either take a sack, or check to Lynch/Jackson. I've had it with the ineptitude at the QB position. Chris Brown made a post in his blog about one of these losses (if memory serves, it was an Edwards game, possibly the MNF) that recievers were open all game long, and the ball simply never found them. We've seen people say that as the season went on, Edwards stopped anticipating that recievers would get open, and trust the system and his WRs...and instead would wait until guys were wide open to let it fly. And even of the recievers who were wide open...he failed to see far too many of them. The running game is not that bad...15th in ypg (113.9), and tied for 13th in ypc (4.2). You can't pin this on the linemen. Its specifically the quarterback position that has held the offense back, imo. Losman has always recieved a lot of criticism for holding the ball too long, with good reason. But he doesn't hold onto the ball just because he likes doing it. He holds onto the ball because he just does not know where to go with it, because he can't find secondary recievers and he can't read defenses. Thats why he hardly ever takes a three step drop, steps up and wings it...instead, we get pat-pat-sack, or pat-pat-checkdown. He hesitates because he doesn't know what to do. For too many games, we saw Edwards put that same defficiency on display. The ball wouldn't come out on time with the play, and when it did finally come out, it was to his security blanket. People will say "I don't know if I'm ready to give up on him"...but are you really ready to just hand this guy the starting job next year? This is the most critical position in sports. We need to bring in somebody who has a clue.
  5. Motivation is not the problem. Most of us expected to be blown out Sunday, and they went down 14-3 to a superior team in a hostile environment. It would have been easy for a team that lacks passion to crumble up and go through the motions...but they clawed their way back into the game, as they've done multiple times this year. Again, motivation is NOT whats missing. Its coaching and/or talent, depending on your point of view.
  6. So, after seeing those replies...now what do you hate most about Losman?
  7. That'd be great. We could change quarterbacks every 3 quarters.
  8. Even if this front office had the leash to give a coach an average salary, I'd still have my doubts about their chances of making a good hire. But their low budget handicaps them even more...they can hire coordinators nobody else wants to promote, or re-treads nobody else will touch, which is Jauron. So in order to hire a genuine quality head coach, they have to somehow find a guy like that amongst the garbage of the league. I seriously doubt this FO's ability to do that, and I don't want to go through 2-3 more years of Gregg/Mularkey who give us no chance to win. I'd much rather take my chances with a mediocre coach who at least the players will play hard for. Lets just draft some fckin linemen.
  9. If we fire Jauron, we're just going to get another Gregg Mularkey. Might as well hold onto a guy whose shown he can go 13-3 all things being perfect. Whoever Ralph hires most likely wouldn't even offer that possibility.
  10. I really don't mind Jauron, but this franchise as a whole has become an absolute circus. This is comparable to the Favre/Green Bay and Oakland/Kiffin fiascos, where the head coach ends up fielding a bunch of questions that really ought to be directed elsewhere. The structure of this front office is a joke, and it hurts the team on the field and off it.
  11. I don't think there's even the slightest chance Jauron will be retained and then fire his coordinators. Its just not happening.
  12. Absolutely. There's no way in hell Edwards should have the starting job handed to him next year. He simply has not earned it.
  13. That was great! Here is another one of my favorites from him.
  14. You don't even watch the team, but you can't find anything more productive to do right now than to read this post?
  15. I like this poll, I've been wondering the same. Went with Center/Depth, but I'll defer to TSW's O-line experts. That said, we've been running well for quite a few weeks now. It does seem like maybe we're just a Center away.
  16. Fear not. We'll all have a front row seat to the Edwards excuse spectacular over the next 2 years.
  17. And yeah, the announcers were talking about it all night long.
  18. We're in a dire situation, yes, but I've seen no indication that the players aren't playing hard. This is a game they basically won after all, when most of us wouldn't have thought twice about penciling it in as a blowout. And they did it by coming back from a 14-3 lead in a hostile environment that had me almost ready to flip to another game. Yet they somehow clawed their way back. Bleak outlook, yeah...but by all appearances, effort isn't whats missing imo.
  19. Did you actually suggest Edwards would start over Donovan McNabb? Common man.
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