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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. Trent has has started slowly, only to improve later on, in plenty of games this year. Its inexpilcable, but it has occured mutiple times during his '08 campaign regardless of the weather. Think Seahawks, Raiders, Rams, Browns. Additionally, Edwards only has 10 or 11 wins to his credit (depending on who you ask), and 2 of them are in cold weather. So far, he's not that good of a quarterback overall. But his play doesn't seem to drop with the thermometer disproportionately to other quarterbacks.
  2. "I'm goin' where the climate suits my clothes."
  3. As fans, we have ZERO control over what happens on the field. Say Fan A is angry when his team loses and happy when his team wins, watches his team every Sunday, and wastes time talking about his team on internet message boards, taking the optimistic side of most debates with fellow fans. Say Fan B, on the other hand, is angry regardless of whether his team wins or loses, because all he can think about is the fact that his team can't seem to enjoy any long-term success. Like Fan A, Fan B also wastes his time talking about his team on internet message boards, but differs in that he always takes the pessimistic approach in conversation with fellow fans. Both fans are wasting time talking about their team on an internet message board, and wasting energy pondering their team 365 days a year. Despite this, neither fan is doing anything that will bring about any sort of change. Whether you decide to complain or not, whether you're capable of enjoying the (altogether too rare) victories or not, you are settling for failure just as much as any other Bills fan. Don't tell me I'm settling for failure and you're not, when we waste equally ridiculous amounts of time and energy with this team, and neither of us is doing anything to change the situation. We are equally powerless. Our opinions are equally irrelevant. We are forced to either "settle for failure," or walk away from being a Bills fan. Unfortunately, we're both in far too deep to do the latter, if I may be so presumptuous. You'll have to excuse me if I celebrate when my team wins, its just my nature. But please, PLEASE, do not go around here acting like you're more dedicated to seeing the Bills win a Superbowl than the rest of us are because you're always negative and we usually stay positive. Maybe you're smarter, but you're not doing anything more to get the Bills into the playoffs than any of the other thousands of members of this board. I'm off the soapbox. Sorry for the rant.
  4. Can he play in cold weather or not? Yes, he can. Can he play in the snow or not? Yes, he can. Can he play well consistently enough to be a starter for a winning team in this league? Nobody knows for sure. My suspicion is that no, he can not. That said, this bad weather business needs to stop.
  5. I think what most of you guys are really trying to say is not that Johnson should be the #2, but instead that Johnson should be the #3, and that when we line up in 3-WR sets, Johnson should be on the outside and Reed should be in the slot. I could be on board with that, because Johnson seems like he could potentially be an all-around reciever, while Reed is damn near perfect as a slot guy. When you say Johnson should be the "#2 WR," you're strongly implying that when we use 2-WR sets, it should be Evans and Johnson, with Reed on the bench. This I can not agree with. Reed has a veteran presence, is a fantastic blocker, is the most reiable reciever on the team over the middle, great hands, and remarkable chemistry with Edwards. Johnson has a long way to go to catch up to a savvy, gritty, dependable guy like Reed.
  6. Is that what happened during this game? I'm not sold on Trent either, and want to see him on the sideline backing up a veteran next year. Just sayin'.
  7. How sweet would it be if we kept the Patsterisks out of the playoffs? A guy can dream.
  8. I'll take Reed. Trent needs this guy on the field week in and week out, or the offense becomes a circus. And not a good kind of circus.
  9. Right, which is a well-documented hole in the Cover 2, and probably not something you can pin on an individual player. ...unless you want to blame Chris Kelsay for getting stood up at the line...
  10. I definitely don't recall him getting toasted over and over again. I remember multiple plays where guys would make catches in the seams and I'd think, "Why the hell is there nobody within five yards of this guy?" I don't know whether or not you're trying to somehow pin those plays on Whitner...to me, that seems to be a problem with the scheme. Again, I'm not saying Whitner is perfect, but I think he's a slightly above average starter, making him easily our best safety.
  11. Maybe its because your obsession with one man has made you delusional.
  12. Whitner isn't perfect, but he's our best safety by a long shot. If we're replacing a safety its gotta be Ko/Scott.
  13. We BETTER re-sign Freddy. Even in a limited roll, the guy is a difference maker, and he and Lynch compliment each other incredibly well.
  14. Particularly with their need for a "buzz" in order to sell some tickets. Interesting take, Badol, thanks.
  15. So where are we going to find some pass rush? Hope that Chris Ellis is a catch, maybe add another mid-rounder? There might be a few different talented prospects that are supposed to go in the area of our pick. Perhaps the best we can do is get a feel for them in interviews, and cross our fingers that we end up with somebody who can properly self-motivate themself? Sadly, I'm not seeing much of an alternative right now. Nothing is as important for this team as finding a way to get to the quarterback, and assuming Jauron and Fewell will be back, thats synonymous with finding a pass rushing end.
  16. Not bad. I took you for a 1 False 2 True 3 True 4 False kinda guy.
  17. He's also the same guy who once went 13-3 with Kordell. Considering our QB situation is no better, it seems like a sound strategy to me. Too bad these things would never, ever happen. Thats why we're best off keeping Jauron.
  18. Quarterbacking yes, but additionally, defensive line play has become absolutely pivotal in today's game, and ours just doesn't make the grade. The fact that Chris Kelsay and Ryan Denney are occupying the two ideal pass rush spots on the defense tells the story.
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