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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. Its definitely a good move. There is zero risk involved, being that its a one-year deal. If he blows up, alright, let him go in the offseason. Its not like we were going anywhere this year anyway. So I don't really see what the Bills stand to lose here.
  2. I can't wait to read your reports on our new reciever.
  3. Think long-term, though! When Owens leaves, we're going to need a pass catching TE. We've been searching for one for years and years now. Lets not allow that search to continue if we don't have to.
  4. My feelings exactly. Once you put that uniform on, I've got no choice but to give you a chance.
  5. Look how quickly the mood has changed around here. Bills fans just need the team to throw 'em a bone once in awhile!
  6. Where are you guys getting the $6.5M from? Are you sure you aren't getting confused with the press conference at 6:15? It doesn't say $6.5M in Carucci's report? edit- nevermind, if Tim says it, I believe it.
  7. http://blogs.nfl.com/2009/03/07/to-signs-o...eal-with-bills/
  8. On the NFL Network bottom line, they have a report that says "Vic Carucci reports WR Terell Owens recieves 1-year contract with Bills." It doesn't say conract offer, it just says "1-year contract." I dunno, fellas.
  9. All the Bills have to do to attract free agents is win games. It doesn't matter how they do it.
  10. Yeah, ESPN has it on the Bottom Line now. I don't fckin believe this.
  11. Oh my god. No thread title could have surprised me more than this.
  12. Its not the same thing, at all. YES I think they have the guts to visit with him, NO I don't think they'll do it because they're smarter than that.
  13. As a follow-up to GG's question, can I ask if you know how involved Dick Jauron is in the process? Some here have suggested he was virtually a full-fledged Coach/GM through his first 3 seasons here. One would think he at least contributes in personnel discussions. Thanks, Tim.
  14. If you want the Bills to sign some guy named Jason Babin, gimme a hell yeah.
  15. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-1...cc-06e1a97d34b7 http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-1...b6-2073e2b2d70c yup yup
  16. "I've wined and dined with kings and queens, and I've slept in alleys eatin' pork and beans."
  17. If I were overly optimistic, I might theorize that the play of all three guys is lifted when they all play together. When they're all in the lineup, Schobel mans the right side and Denney and Kelsay rotate on the left side. This could improve both Denney's play and Kelsay's play in two ways: (1) each guy is kept fresher, by virtue of each individual playing less snaps, and (2) Perry Fewell is able to specialize the two of them, meaning its easier to put them into situations that play to their strengths. Someone pointed out that Schobel is 2 years removed from his last double-digit sack season. If I were overly optimistic, I might theorize that he just needs both Denney and Kelsay to be healthy. That last double-digit sack season was indeed 2006, the last time the three of them were healthy for an extended run. As I said above, Denney and Kelsay both being in the lineup might raise the play of each of them, meaning the left side might present more of a threat to the offense. That might open things up for Schobel, and could be why his game has fallen off since '06. Personally, I don't think I'm overly optimistic, so I DON'T buy into my own theory. Kelsay and Denney just don't pass the eye test to me...I don't want a rotation that exists mainly because neither guy is good enough to play every down. And I want a more explosive player in that spot than either of those guys could ever possibly be. But, even though I'm wearing my realist hat, I have to acknowledge this little theory of mine can not be PROVEN wrong. This means that, no matter how realistic or cynical I might be, I must admit that there is at least a small chance that this theory is on-point, and our pass rush stands to improve significantly over last year's embarrassment. In other words...there is a little bit of hope here. God forbid, huh?
  18. Its fckin ridiculous. We should've signed Coles. I don't care if he got overpayed...you can overpay for ONE player when you have $30M in cap room. Coles is exactly what we need, that intermediate threat. Its okay to have no recievers when you have Tom Brady...when you have an inexperienced wildcard at QB, you need to make things easy on him. There is nobody else on the market who can bring what Coles brings. That was our last hope to really help this offense. Completely botched. How in the world will the offense improve if you come back next season with the same exact players? Thanks Alpha, I'm feeling a bit better already...
  19. Speaking of course about Denney, Kelsay and Schobel. I'm not saying this means everything will be okay as long as they're healthy. Two out of these three guys are seemingly awful, and Schobel is an unknown these days. But if the three of them all finally stay healthy this year, perhaps there is just a small scrap of hope for the pass rush.
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