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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. Interesting. Cover 4 would mean the two safeties and two corners all drop back deep, and the LBs alone cover underneath? I've always wondered why, if we're playing the Tampa 2 where the corners don't have deep ball responsibilities, they're 10 yards back rather than pressing the WRs. This would explain that?
  2. Losman had a decent season in 2006. Many major statistics put him just outside the top 10 in the league. Nineteen touchdowns to 14 interceptions. He was not spectacular, but he got better as the season went along, and gave a reasonable fan plenty to be hopeful about. The fact that he crashed and burned shouldn't lead a reasonable fan to deny Edwards the chance to take time to improve, and evolve into the quarterback we need. He has certainly improved, as Dibs' numbers point out. His play during the 5-1 run to start the season was remarkable. Unfortunately, it did not last, and his play after returning from injury was about as pathetic as it gets for an NFL quarterback. But the glimpse he gave us is certainly reason for hope. We'll just have to see if his struggles were a sign of things to come, or just a speed bump. But the fact that Losman took some steps and then fell on his face should not stop us from thinking Edwards may be able to get there.
  3. So Losman improved, and then crashed and burned. So...now we should hope that young quarterbacks DON'T improve? Is that your point here?
  4. I like Fine, but you just can't pass up an oppurtunity for a proven weapon when it comes along, especially when the price is right.
  5. OOOOOOOOOH YEAH! Sweeeeet. That'll basically sum up my thoughts on this matter.
  6. My favorite is when people say we should cut him because he isn't worth a roster spot. As if keeping an 8th linebacker or a 4th tight end will help us more than the NFL's best punt returner.
  7. Cutler did not do very much more with each passing attempt than Edwards. When you look at stats that keep the subjects on level ground despite discrepancies in passing attempts, you see they didn't wind up too far apart. My favorite stats for QBs are yards per attempt, completion percentage and TD/INT ratio. Now I planned on coming in here and ranting on why Cutler is far and away better than Edwards, using those stats as the basis for my argument...but IMO, there just isn't much of a case to be made there. If you take a look at those stats, I think you'll be surprised. I know I was. If I'm starting a brand new franchise, Cutler is my guy. But, because they don't seem to be very far apart at this point, Edwards already having been here for a couple of years means that giving up resources to make the swap happen just doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense.
  8. All he's saying is that he's amongst the all-time leaders in total passing yards. Nobody's saying Jon Kitna is one of the best quarterbacks ever. He's right in my opinion...think of all the thousands of players who have recorded passing yardage in the NFL...you don't think being top 50 in that statistic puts him "amongst" the all-time leaders, in that particular category? Its got nothing to do with the level of his play, its just stats.
  9. Its just providing another weapon for Trent Edwards, and making things that much easier on him. Scheffler is well worth a 3rd round pick, IMO. Yet another dangerous player that defenses need to account for.
  10. $530,000 in 2009, which is the last year of the contract. He'll definitely only be traded if a new contract is agreed upon. Thanks Tim!
  11. Could be, Kelly, good stuff. I'd love to get Scheffler. If Trent can't get it done with Marshawn, Freddy, Evans, TO and Scheffler, he can't get it done at all!
  12. If this was the case, I'd wonder why Cook would keep it all so hush hush. Why not tell Chris Mortenson that he (Cook) spent the day in Buffalo, and get it on the ESPN Bottom Line, for example? The idea is to get as much interest in Cutler as you can...making it public and putting more attention on the issue can only help his cause.
  13. Its being reported by Brad Riter on WECK. I'm listening online right now. He just said (paraphrasing): "Again, if you've just tuned in, here's the story. Rueben Brown was on the show earlier, and he told us Bus Cook, the agent for Jay Cutler and Tony Scheffler, was in Buffalo." They've been fielding calls on it as well.
  14. Seriously though, this is FAR more likely to be about Scheffler than Cutler.
  15. Bit of a loaded question there. I guess you can do that when you drive shiny cars.
  16. I thought part of the schedule depended on what place you finish in your division the previous year. Am I out of date?
  17. Please use more descriptive subject lines. Thank you.
  18. If I'm GM, it would take both their 1st rounders this year, as well as their 1st round picks in 2010, 2011, and 2012. Basically, Peters is not on the market.
  19. Why is the writer wrong? Why shouldn't Owens have to buy the jersey off Hardy, like every other superstar who changes teams? I get that he's being overly dramatic, but he still has a point.
  20. If this place goes back to the way it was before the TO signing, I'm leaving.
  21. We better not get actual drama out of this. Guess thats all in Hardy's hands.
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