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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. I wouldn't stop watching the NFL, but I'd become a casual observer, so thats my vote.
  2. To argue against the Terrell Owens signing, you must argue at least one of the following: 1. Terrell Owens, on a 1-year deal, will do more harm than good. 2. Laveraneus Coles has more to offer this team than Terrell Owens. 3. Terrell Owens' signing somehow prevents the Bills from improving other areas of the team. In my opinion, none of these cases can be made sensibly. The Bills have plenty of cap room to add whomever they want, of players who are still out there. And we are definitely a better team with T.O. than we are without him. Therefore, Terrell Owens is a good signing, even if we can complain that he hasn't been accompanied by other good signings.
  3. He said this Tuesday, in the midst of the Cook/Cutler rumors: link
  4. Its also easy to criticize things that are stupid, on the other hand.
  5. Pat Moran has been reporting for weeks on end that, according to sources, the Bills are DEFINITELY interested in Scheffler. For whatever its worth.
  6. Nice. Too bad we can't all live in New Zealand.
  7. Most of the cases against T.O. here are ridiculous. How does the fact that we have holes at LG and LB make T.O. a bad signing? I really don't see that logic. You should be criticizing them for not adding more signings in addition to Owens, not for the Owens signing itself.
  8. I completely agree on this point. It almost seems like a no-brainer, actually.
  9. Great topic, NYC. I think part of Mr. Graham's point though, is that a 1st round tackle comes far, far cheaper than Jason Peters does. People are talking about Philly as a potential trade partner, so I'll use them as an example. Lets say Buffalo calls Philadelphia up and offers Peters for their 1st pick, 21st overall. Well, last year, the 21st overall pick was also an offensive tackle, Sam Baker to the Atlanta Falcons. Baker signed for 5 years, $13 million. What about teams higher up in the 1st round? Well, Chicago took Chris Williams 14th overall last year, and signed him for 5 years, $12.73 million. After Jake Long, the second OT off the board was Ryan Clady at 12 to Denver; he signed for 6 years at $14.75 million, not even an average of $2.5 million annually. When you consider that Peters will likely command something in the neighborhood of $10-$11 million annually and about $30 million in guarantees, you can see why teams would rather pick from 4-5 first round talents at the position, and take their chances. While it is true that some picks in the draft are getting ridiculous salaries, to the point where its a major problem and its throwing things out of whack, its mainly restricted to the top few picks. Even our Leodis McKelvin at #8 signed for 5 years, $19 million, hardly a bank-breaker, and nothing close to what Peters will get. Personally, I agree with you that Peters is worth a 1st rounder. He's only 27, he's only played the position for a couple of years, and he's already showed he can play at a Pro Bowl level (while the incoming rooks haven't shown a thing). But I can understand the other side of the argument, and why finances might lead teams to take their chances with a premier draftee. And Tim has his ear to the ground, so if he says thats how teams are thinking, its probably the case. It kinda sucks for us. We have a guy who, by all rights, we definitely ought to be able to get at least a 1st rounder for. As Tim said, it only takes one team to really want a player. Lets hope that, if we do decide to deal Peters, somebody out there decides to go for the proven commodity.
  10. I love the way that is written from our perspective; it shows people what WE as Bills fans see when we look at this thing. Thank you, Tim.
  11. Yeah, but I have the advantage of playing three different sports.
  12. lame episode. I thought a TDK take-off would be much better.
  13. Thats been the name of all my fantasy teams for the last 6 years.
  14. I thought Michael Johnson decided to stay in school awhile back? Maybe I'm thinking of another DE?
  15. When Galloway visited the Bills, he was an old, broken down reciever who could only catch deep balls. When a division rival signs him, we freak out and give it three punctuation marks. This board could put you in the looney bin.
  16. I'm intrigued by Barwin, but I wouldn't read too much into the 40 time for a DE. Why should we care how quickly our defensive ends can line up and sprint 40 yards down the field? Cone drills, 10 yard dashes, etc. are more relevant in my opinion, whatever shows you what kind of burst he has.
  17. Insightful post. Thank you for dropping some knowledge.
  18. Also, a guy like June, Simmons, Goff or Kieaho isn't going to cost very much anyway, maybe 2-3 million at the most. You can't tell me they can't find a way to fit one of them in there.
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