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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. Washington selects Tyrone McKenzie, OLB, South Florida
  2. Sidbury. The athleticism and upside is what we need on the D-line!
  3. I wonder if they'll vote for Buffalo to take another O-lineman.
  4. Who do you think is gonna get that roster spot? Tim Massaquoi as a 4th tight end? Some UDFA as an 8th linebacker? A backup fullback? Oh, and He's no more of a "luxury item" than Justin Jenkins, or Drew McIntyre, both of which were on the roster last year...except Parrish actually contributes. We have the best punt returner in football. The special teams are our saving grace. Parrish is one of the few players on this team the opposition GAME PLANS FOR. This is just ridiculous.
  5. How do you know we haven't just signed a starter, ready to add a 5th-6th rounder as a backup? Thats more in line with how the Bills have addressed the offensive line in the past, IMO.
  6. Ugh. F-ck this team, man. Parrish is probably the best player on the entire roster at what he does...he's the only player who allows us to say, "we have the best in the league." This is beyond stupid.
  7. Its easy to say this is a nice depth move, but right now, it seems to me like he's the starter. I'd like to think they're planning on drafting a Guard, but the reality is they have other holes to fill equally as desperately as OG, so we don't know what the front office is actually thinking.
  8. If I had to choose between Jackson and Lynch, it'd be Jackson. Both are great players.
  9. Offensive lines only need to be adequate if everyone around them is good. The Superbowl winner and loser both prove that. The skill positions are set; its all up to Edwards.
  10. Washington selects Robert Ayers, DE, Tennessee.
  11. I say Oher, I don't wanna see Chambers start. If Peters is here, Oher can play guard, if we lose him, he can play tackle.
  12. I just posted this in the other forum, but I'll be the Redskins if they're still open, Rich.
  13. Hey Rich, I'll take the Redskins if it will help out.
  14. Don't worry about being that guy. I agree with all your points here, and it definitely aint what it used to be, but I can still enjoy the programming from the Rumble to Mania. They kick it up a notch that time of year. Their catering more and more to the kids isn't helping them keep my generation, nor those older than me. Everyone who remembers the Monday Night Wars wants wrestling to be like it was then, cause it was a better product, plain and simple. I've always wondered if the next Austin or Rock came along, if they would do the same business now that they did then. I don't know if the problem is the fact that they don't have a guy who can perform the way those guys could, or if they have that talent but they just don't use it right. One thing I'm sure about is Cena is not the next Rock, no matter how much he may like to be. With Triple H losing some of his luster, Jericho has become my favorite wrestler, he's been on fire since coming back. This is the best heel work he's done in his entire career in my opinion, its much more subtle than what he's done before. He's got to be in line for a title run soon.
  15. Since you're watching on a computer anyway, this may interest you. I can't accept paying the $40-$50 they charge these days, but I found a site that streams all wrestling, UFC and boxing PPVs (among other things). You can sign up for a one-day membership the day of WWE events for $2.50 (this is not at all frowned upon, I'd say a majority of their business comes this way). They're High Quality streams, and though they aren't perfect and they hit a snag every now and then, overall the experience is a good one and I definitely recommend them. Customer service is fantastic, they have a shoutbox on the main page, so any problems or questions you have are addressed immediately (there are always a few of the head honchos online during WWE events). Thanks to a couple of fellow TSWers, I've got my laptop hooked up to my TV, so its almost like I dropped the $50 anyway. I'm fairly certain its perfectly legal as well, because they advertise exactly what they're doing right out in the open, and they've been online for a good while. http://xtreams.tv/forums/ Enjoy the show when you get around to it, you're in for a real treat with Michaels/Undertaker. A lot of fans are calling it the greatest WM match of all-time. Haha, absolutely. Ya knew Undertaker and Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania would be good, but this is an instant classic. One of those rare matches where you could just immerse yourself and forget that its a show. One of the finest moments of each man's long career.
  16. Undertaker/HBK...all I can say is WOW! I find it just amazing that these guys can still bring it like that as the years rack up. The match had to be around 30 mins. Undoubtedly the match of the night, it almost made the main event seem like a letdown. Exactly how good was this bout? How does it stack up with past WrestleMania matches? I felt like I'd just run a marathon by the time it was over. Excellent, excellent work, fellas. The match ended when Michaels went to the top turnbuckle and attempted a backflip, but was caught by 'Taker in midair, before being hit by the second Tombstone Piledriver of the match, and Undertaker's fifth finishing maneuver overall. Taker is now 17-0 at WrestleMania. They kept talking about this as Stone Cold's "farewell." I guess that means he won't make the odd appearance every now and then anymore? Its too bad his health wouldn't allow him to work one more match, it would have been memorable. Funny how he still gets the biggest crowd pop of the night just for coming down to the ring and cracking open a cold one. Is Austin the greatest performer of all-time? There certainly are people out there who would say so. Thanks for the memories, Steve, this one's in your honor! For all the hate Hardy vs. Hardy has been getting from the 'net geeks, the payoff was entertaining tonight. I thought Jeff would've won as he has the potential to be a legitimate main event draw...maybe they wanna drag the storyline out a bit further? A fun match, regardless. I mentioned before that HHH/Orton seemed like a bit of a letdown. I feel like Triple H works better as the bad guy, because his offense isn't very exciting...its better when he can control most of the match, and his opponent can be the one to come back, and get the crowd going. Just seems like it works better in my opinion. Here's to hoping he decides to turn heel again soon, his resume in that role is second to none...he and Hollywood Hogan are probably the greatest villains I've ever seen. But anyway, with Orton losing his title match, does he get "fired" by the McMahons now? Can't believe its not coming till the 5th paragraph, but...Ricky freakin Steamboat! The guy's gotta be in his 50s or 60s, and he looked like he was fighting Randy Savage for the Intercontinental Title all those years ago! Just incredible. It almost makes me wish they would've dropped Piper and Snuka and made Steamboat/Jericho a 1-on-1 affair, but I'm sure it was more marketable with Rowdy's name attached. For those that didn't watch, Jericho beat the three aforementioned old-timers, then ran Ric Flair out of the ring, before looking into the audience and calling out Mickey Rourke. Rourke went into the ring as the announcers mentioned he'd done some boxing years ago, and he knocked Jericho out with a couple of left hooks. Word is that he was originally gonna fight Jericho in a real match, but his publicist advised him not to. Wasn't there supposed to be a tag title match also? Wonder what happened. The other matches were Cena beating Edge and Big Show in a triple threat for the World Title, Rey Mysterio beating JBL in about 10-15 seconds for the IC Title, a Divas Battle Royal, and an 8-way 'Money in the Bank' Ladder Match for a title shot, which was good fun, as it always is. Kid Rock also gave a little concert, and some hot chick from the Pussycat Dolls sang "America the Beautiful" to kick it off. I know I'm not the only one who still watches this stuff. Whats on your mind after the wrestling industry's single biggest night of the year?
  17. "I turn on channel 6, the president comes on the news. He says, 'I get no satisfaction, thats why I sing the blues.'"
  18. Lemme show you how we do things at the Bada Bing...
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