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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. Yes, it does. Proven commodities have far more value than kids who could bust out of the league in 4 years. And Owens will be gone after the season. Boldin would be better than Pettigrew and frankly, it isn't even close.
  2. I'll tell you this, I'd much rather get a top-5 NFL reciever for the 11th pick than a tight end we can only guess about. It makes far more sense than taking Pettigrew, IMO.
  3. Good question. I'm not saying this is what they should do, but there seems a decent chance its what they will do. The Ravens have had some success without much of a quarterback, so I guess maybe Ryan retains that mentality.
  4. The local papers here seem to think the Jets are taking Pettigrew at 17. They envision Keller as an H-back/recieving specialist, and Pettigrew as the all-around in-line TE.
  5. Because everyone with internet access is all-knowing.
  6. No. Keep them both. Roscoe isn't even really a reciever, so I don't even see what Reed has to do with him.
  7. Thanks for posting that SJ, but that link doesn't seem to be working for me.
  8. Thanks for sharing that Malta, and I apologize for the way I acted the last time you shared information...it was the team I was angry with, not you.
  9. It also stunk until Brad Butler came back. It also stunk until they benched Fowler. Tough to chalk it up to just one of those things.
  10. What do you mean by karma? Did Philly do something ethically wrong by trading for Peters?
  11. It makes a bit of sense to me...its an effort to try to keep his yapper shut if he isn't putting up Pro Bowl numbers. Whether or not a million would be sufficient in accomplishing that, I'm not so sure, but thats gotta be the thinking.
  12. Really? So you expect Mike Gandy to hold out on the Cardinals this year?
  13. Thank you for that. Most illuminating.
  14. He's probably a better fit in a 4-3 as an End than as a 'backer. If he can hold up against the run, he's intriguing. McShay gushes over the guy.
  15. Stephen A. Smith was ESPN's most knowledgable NBA personality. I know his demeanor and delivery bugs people, but when it comes to basketball the guy flat-out knows his stuff. He's the only person I've ever seen shut Skip Bayless' big yapper.
  16. My guess is that you were equally as pessimistic about Peters when we brought him along.
  17. He would've been cut, and therefore wouldn't have been awarded the money the team promised him when they signed the contract. Much like when a player holds out, refusing to award the team with the work he promised them when he signed the contract.
  18. This is not the first I've heard that Jacksonville is trying to move down. I saw Todd McShay report the same, about a week ago.
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