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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. I've seen some people on this board calling Terrell Owens "T.O." Thats a pretty good one.
  2. Absolutely! Gaines would be worth more to us than Schouman IMO, because Nelson will fill Schouman's potential role better than he could have. Gaines would be a welcome pickup, he's supposed to be a good blocker, but wasn't a bad receiver by any means...he was pretty shifty after the catch for a guy his size.
  3. We didn't get many turnovers, though. Thats what brings the average up the most. And our defense has a habit of giving up yards even when they don't allow points, which explains why I remember the O being pinned back often. Just an eyeball test thing though, of course.
  4. They're not going to move Poz on Pat Thomas's account, he isn't highly regarded. But Thomas will be in the mix competing for that OLB spot. My buddy whose a Chiefs fan told me he's a better fit on the outside anyway.
  5. So we can see all the trashy women you dream about?
  6. While I agree with your point, I'd be willing to bet money our average field position was bottom half of the league.
  7. Thing is, I can't see them using Bowen or Harris over Ellison in that spot. When you consider Poz in essentially his 2nd year, McKelvin, and (maybe I'm going out on a limb) Byrd starting at FS, thats a lot of inexperience dropping back into the zone. Ellison has a bit of experience at this point and zone coverage is probably what he does best, so he's gotta be considered the front runner on that basis. I don't know what that means for our run D.
  8. lol, thats ridiculous, man. Every coach in the history of the league has things he's good at, and things he's not good at (this includes the Rich Kotites of the world). Over the course of any given week, a Head Coach will push a whole lot of different buttons...some of these moves will be wise, some will be foolish. When the team wins, its in part because the ringleader pulled (at least some of) the right strings. If you're going to point out every mistake a coach makes that leads to a loss-- and we both know thats precisely what will happen here the moment the team adjusts its loss column-- you need to also acknowledge the absence of coaching mistakes and the wise moves that help the team win. If you're to be objective and level-headed, anyhow.
  9. Great show, it better get picked up. P.S. Unleash the Casey!
  10. The worst thing is that if the Bills do win games, the coaching staff will receive NO credit, but if they lose, they'll get most of the blame.
  11. Oh, thats just terrible news. My thoughts are with Mr. Wilson and his family, of course. People have been asking why we haven't been hearing from Ralph lately. I wonder if he had an inkling that this might have been coming.
  12. Doesn't Lori have a stat that Rob Johnson's career QB rating is higher than Jim Kelly's? 'Nuff said. QBR is of no use on its own.
  13. I think Tony's still a good guy as well. This show is way too good for me to figure out why he's doing what he's doing, but I'm not buying the heel turn.
  14. If thats really what you mean by this thread, then take the 300 yards junk out of the title.
  15. Florence is a cornerback. He's probably the frontrunner for nickelback duties.
  16. I imagine that kind of thing is more likely to happen when the front office and coaching staff have been completely turned over.
  17. I'm guessing you mean we wouldn't trade up with Dallas, and would go Oher at 11, Wood at 28, Brown at 42, Levitre at 75, Byrd at 110 and Nelson at 121? This assumes we could've taken Byrd two whole rounds later than we did? And Levitre would've lasted an extra 24 picks?
  18. I don't like total yards. ANY quarterback could throw for 300 yards a game if they threw the ball on every play. You need to deduce what a quarterback is doing with each passing attempt. You can't do that with total yards. The best stats for QB play are yards per attempt, completion percentage, and TD/INT ratio.
  19. I agree that if Bell comes into camp and wows everyone, there will be a change of plans to make him room for him as a starter. But I imagine that he would play LT and Walker would play RT. Bell has the quickness and footwork to stay with speed rushers on the blind side, while Walker is the oversized road-grader best suited for RT.
  20. I love this draft, but Byrd might be my favorite pick of all at the moment. The more I read, the more I think of the pick...multiple scouting reports talk about how he has great instincts, can read plays and read the opposing quarterbacks. He had 17 interceptions in 3 years...sounds like a true ball hawk, the likes of which we haven't lined up at safety for years. The position move is really gonna unlock that potential at the next level, imo. Just sounds like the perfect Cover 2 free safety. This staff knows how to bring along young DBs. Byrd could be the standout FS a lot of people on here thought we were getting in Ko. Can't tell ya how excited I am, after this weekend.
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